Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Is A Cyst More Condition_symptoms Ear New Year's Resolutions [01/08]

Gustav's sister, his hand between his firm and drag outside the entrance and away from the sharp comments of Aunt Edwina. The bitterness and not let it be happy and wants all suffer with it.
He notes acidly, "said Gustav, dodging relatives piled everywhere and trying to unbutton his jacket he was wearing. The cold outside contrasted nicely with the delicious warmth of the heater. Do I smell turkey?
"That and more, Gusti Franziska smiled. Wait until you see the pile of gifts. Mom was crazy choosing what I was going to take thisnot because he was willing to spend the holidays somewhere else, loved his family, but not all ...
-Oh Gustav, lights tired, Monin-stopped him passing a woman in her forties, did not recognize the drummer -. Come with me when you have a spare second and I'll see that you're better, "he winked, before entering BATHING close the door.
- And who is that? "Gustav asked his sister. No matter how promising the invitation, was wrong.
-uncle is the wife of Harold, Franziska threw the hand of Gustav and the two enteredra reach the house of his parents, that's not a fair bet. Schäfer grandmother always cause unrest.
"Oh, right-clicked Franziska tongue. Well, one can only go down. "Mmm," murmured
Gustav, willing to stay a little longer there, in hiding with her sister habitacióny. The rest of his family, except his parents, were totally unknown. Each and every one of them would ask in the course of the evening the same questions, get autographs and his other band members. The more daring will even require clarify a couple of rumores, and Gustav was in no mood for any of it.
-Gus, come on ... "Knocking her sister's bed, next to hers. Come here and tell your favorite sister loved and adored what happens. Is it because the aunt Edwina? Do not listen. Each year is worse. A while ago I suggested to mom and dad left to learn how difficult it is to be in place. As if happiness were something to give him allergy or something, "snorted Franziska. At that, the drummer could not help but giggle. "Nah, not that he lied, when inside the old woman's words itgift, each and every one of them, asking for something or asking for something. "It's incredibly Franziska reviewed one of the cards in disbelief of what I read. Dear Gustav, I hope you enjoy these socks. Are woven by hand and cost a lot. With love, Bianca. PS Could you give me an autograph of yours? PDD And also one of Bill, Tom and Georg? ". Incredible! He repeated the sister of Gustav. Our family is crazy. "Nah- Gustav spurned the idea, sitting next to her sister to the two frontFranziska or the stack of boxes and pulled out a couple of them. Mom, dad and mine-handed three small packages. "Thank you Gustav in surprise. I have something for you ... It's not much, but ... you know, ended with a more rosy face.
"Your father went to look for" Gustav's mother kissed the head of his son. Now open yours and let us know how it goes. I do not know exactly what to give to a young adult, so I took a chance.
"Mom, it's cool &Franziska IJO, holding his gift Gustav and waiting for it to open it.
To the surprise of the drummer, what he found under the layers of wrapping paper was ... - A photo album? He raised an eyebrow. Do you even comes with a camera? "Idiot, is not just a photo album, Franziska Gustav pushed the man, is our photo album-emphasized the 'we' in prayer. Mom cleaned the attic and the pile of boxesacute, as), but it retained had been printed in a photo shop for a reasonable price and was packaged and years ago.
- Where did you find? "He wanted to know the drummer, crisp amazed at what they were and how well preserved colors. They were not long ago, but was in a stage of life where the distance between the months changed their world, not to mention at least seven or eight years. All we look like idiots.
"Sure, blame the beginning of the century and the fashion of those crazy years," joked Franziska. Were in the same box. To stoploves? -Spell three-letter drummer slowly, hoping that her sister and the idea that hard it gets into his skull. It's not like I can compete against that, "added the latter more to himself than to her sister.
had to be honest with himself, he pressed her temples hard, Georg and Veronika were a couple and it seemed that his was serious, so do not torture yourself thinking about different scenarios in which he corríaa leaving her arms and Gustav, because as the drummer was recalled, that was not going to happen and it was best to remove all thoughtslde, I sighed Gustav. Some more than others ...
impossible "You're a pessimist, Franziska supported her cheek against his brother's shoulder, gently pushing away the photo album you just give away and leaving it to both feet. Well, I'll leave the issue for peace, but I want you to promise me that if for some reason, random luck, fate of the cosmos, the planets are aligned or as they call these days, Georg ends with Bride and still feel the same for him, tell him.
-Argh, Franny, I'm serious, "growled the drummer.
& mdash, I, "lay it on the lap of her brother, although lower, did not act as such. I just want to see you happy.
"I'm happy, Franny. See? Gustav smiled, but even he knew something was wrong with that smile. Ok, I'm not exactly the happiest person in the world, but I am ... Well-ended declined.
"No matter how hard I try, I know I lie, Franziska watched his brother from his seat in the lap, from its position, appreciating the fine lines of tension that is drefrained from releasing a long sigh, and in return, agreed. "I promise.
"That's my Franziska Gusti-closed eyes and began to snore.
"That's my Franny Gustav muttered, closing his eyes and also falling asleep.

"Call when you get bent, Gustav's mother against the window of his taxi. And do not forget to wrap up well. At the airport do not buy anything to eat, who knows what hands they prepared and ...
"Oh, Mom, do not exaggerate, Franziska also bent. Gusti, I'm going to visita for New Year, right? Some friends invited me and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to see us.
- Will you meet me? Drummer smiled, imagining in advance how much they were going to reveal spending a few days together, unlike many brothers in the world, Ely Franziska is along very well and enjoyed his company mutual.
"Only if you let me it said, smiling in turn.
"It's done. Arrive on
-thirty, maybe sooner ... Oh Gus, as we have fun, almost got & aI would listen to my older sister. They are always right on everything.
"Maybe ..." He admitted Gustav half, considering the promise that Franny had torn from her lips and scared at the same time that the day had to enforce it.
Without knowing it, the time was not as far as could be desired.

Gustav arrived that same diaa his small bachelor apartment. With two bedrooms, one of them as his personal studio, a tiny kitchen, a bathroom avióny a kind of living room-something-more-inclusive, and located on the fifth floor of a building without elevator not erto what could be said estate, but the paparazzi chased away without doubt, and for two years of his stay, Gustav had fixed the flaws, painted walls and fitted at your leisure. What more could you ask for?
"Someone get me at the entrance," she murmured to herself, imagining a girl with long hair and red at the entrance to his apartment, using a red apron and nothing else ... It became instantly Georg, with a spatula in his hand and receiving with empty arms. Dream, Schäfer-G is scoldedUstav yourself, pulling with all his forces was carrying luggage and reached the landing of his apartment, "is all that is left ...
Once inside her apartment, took off his shoes and hurry and a bit of concern, took a box next to the oven to Claudia, the little turtle that had gotten as a gift from his neighbor's door months ago. The resident in question had moved, making life more gray gray in that building where I knew almost nobody, except the neighboring home on the ninth floor, who took care of Claudia when he went to tour.
"Hello, small &But a gift from the troubled grandmother Schäfer) and headed straight to his room.
I received the cool of night and solitude of the other side of the matrimonial bed, but determined not to be depressed by the comments of his great aunt Edwina still had in mind, he saw a television shortly before closing your eyes and fall asleep.

Knock knock! Gustav
snapped awake and scared, wiping an imaginary thread of drool on his cheek and trembling from the cold. All in one.
noise was repeated, this time louder. The drummer is the man awaySBP over and cursing the vendor to address it veníaa annoy those hours ... Moment. Gustav was stopped with one foot out of bed and feeling the ground by his sandals when he saw his alarm clock marked the three to eighteen in the morning. No vendor, it was foolish, would dare touch a door before sunrise.
Who was the inconsiderate bastard who atrevíaa come to your door at that hour? Gustav was sure a thief was not warned those arriving with such shocks, but who else?
-Gustav, please ... Abhandcuffed in the back of his patrol.
- What do you mean? "He wanted to know Gustav, pulling his friend and putting it firmly within the department. To his disappointment, Georg closed his eyes and lost consciousness. Shit drummer Hagen growled, pulling her lifeless body until it can be placed above the nearest chair and leave it sure was not going to fall if rolled on its side in the middle of night. Thanked
ever that one of their Christmas had been a first aid kit, took disinfectant, gauze and a bandage to heal


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