Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kates Playground Myspace Friday!

On Friday was super weird:

In the morning I planned to wash the little (very) ke clothes I have pending a lavadita, and at noon ke iria to stabilize a small per aki.

Well my plan was directito the trash because I woke up super late and it was very tired, all I'm up, dressed up a little and I went to this small house. The truth was a little nervous because I've never given anyone regularization, or my kids, and it was a good experience was a completely different thing to stand before the group and on the other hand it was sad to realize that this guy is very distracted, as apparently are all children of this generation ...

During the session I was message to A because there was a slight confusion with a reunion was being planned for today, Saturday. It turns out that over-communication, the meeting ended up being home on Friday A2, then I ate, bathed and went and at 6:30 aki, despite giving me a lot of things to walk alone at night fortunately I spend nothing and I arrived safely in IV there I met with A and went in the house of A2 was N and we started to talk and see Niwis ... this cat is crazy! jajajaja enoooorme than AN was about 9 or 9:30 and then sip, we began to provide ke for this and that ... talked of a thousand things, personal, group, public and private ... ate too much and listen music very interesting (yeah!! jrock, pop, KPOp, khipop, electro, etc ...) I really was very cold and sleep around 3 or 3:30 and I went to sleep in a corner

^ _ ^ I woke up about 10:30 but I went back to sleep and A as well xDD ke Staying within finished at 1:30 or so, reaching aki ke had turned out to celebrate Kasou food, ate cake, we had fun ... and can guess the rest, right?

A ke see me waiting for the day tomorrow ... 'll rest for now hehe XOXO

"too big, too tall, size does matter, after all ..." Pussy - Rammstein


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