Monday, January 10, 2011

Infection Signs From Pedicure

- One-shot Harry Potter.

Fanfic: Exquisite Corpse. Chap
: One-shot. [01/01]
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Horror. PWP / Lemon. Alternate universe.
Warnings: Abuse. Adult content. Blood. Cannibalism. Death of a character. Necrophilia. Non-con/Rape/ViolaciĆ³n. OOC.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, the story is just a figment of my mind morbid.
Summary: San Potter is now part of all ...
Link to: Slasheaven . Author
Notes: An old fic, perhaps in 2005 or less, I wanted to share to be in first person and a fandom which no longerwrite.

1 .- One-shot .


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