Monday, January 10, 2011

List Of Strongest Wood In The World Christmas is ... [01/01]

Fanfic: Christmas is ...
Chap: One-shot [01/01]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Established relationship. Fluff. Hurt / Comfort. Romance. Twincest.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine, the rest belongs to me.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] ... Even without friends or family gifts, spend one day a year in the company of the person you love most and be happy about it.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | .
author notes: First place in the 2010 Christmas Contest of :) Yay! Ciqueando a bit. "I miss home
, Hana," he whispered to his pet, which only managed to wag his tail.
The truth is that Bill did not miss Germany. Five years of uninterrupted fame had left his twin Elya a sour taste in the mouth and did not regret at all the change of residence, at least for now. Media harassment and violent incidents with the fans in the last two years especially, had destroyed any desire to stay at home longer. At the moment, where they lived were well and was what counted. Then, only time will tell &ute; Cula ate sweet. I thought we could give them something great this year, you know? Mom endured a lot these past two months as 'their baby', "he emphasized with air quotes" are not going to spend Christmas with her, I thought it would be best. She always wanted to go somewhere exotic, so why not? We have the money, including the time and it seemed a good idea as a gift. Oh, and do not worry, I said it was part of the two. Bill suddenly frowned. - Quie; S annoying?
-I-air inhaled Bill-I do not think so, Tom.
The elder of the twins opened his mouth, but she did not leave any noise. I do not understand, "murmured the end.
-Pass is a family Christmas tradition, Bill pressed the septum between two fingers, pass here by ourselves and the dogs is, ugh, pathetic.
"I do not think it's pathetic in turn Tom pursed his brow. Rather, I think we've had a year tired and we deserve to spend some time to ourselves ...lungs running down her cheeks at an alarming rate and scared the two. Shit ... "He wiped the smaller of the twins face with his arm. Tom
instantly abandoned his stand to stand up and hug her twin, all grudges forgotten and cut off the beginning of his fight for peace.
"Shhh," he wiped his back, receiving a runny nose against his neck. Naked from the waist up, they were soon more than snot who wet her shoulder. Do not cry, Bill.
"No ... I can ... avoid ..." sobbed the youngest of the twins, holding hands from behind &think if you spend hours in the sun like a lizard-disputed Bill without bitterness, just sadness. Whatever. Mom seems very excited. Always complains of cold, this year will be happy without flu, hands frozen and ... Yeah.
"Yes," Tom, looking for any comments to deflect the subject. At least we'll see you soon, you know, Gordon's birthday in February ...
"Mmm," replied the younger of the twins, entwining his fingers on his lap and out sparingly. I guess ... That still remind us that time.
-NoTom dramatic-extended his hand and leaned on her sister's cheek. Remember why we choose to live here?

-guess ... I know that not everything is as nice as we thought at first, but it's a start. Just two months we lived here. Not yet acclimatized Give us a try and see which you prefer. In one year we will laugh at this Diaye say, "Wow, Tom, the great, was right."
The angle of the mouth of the youngest twins curled upwards. "Idiot. "I'm the idiot
quand love, Tom leaned over her face and kissed him on the lips, right? -Yep-
rejoined their mouths Bill, I love an idiot.
"Ouch, that hurts," muttered Tom with his lips attached to his twin in a slow kiss, but at all upset, the moment was quiet between them and after their small dispute, it we wanted was to speak.
Enjoying the last rays of the sun and outdoor sex (another advantage of not living in Germany where all the paparazzi were posted on the wall to take pictures without respect for privacy, no roomENGOs anything. Let our home become the Grinch's lair, Bill kicked the ground, turning around and leaving the room as quickly as possible to avoid showing how much it affected everything.
- The who ...? "Tom heard the cry in the distance.
"Idiot," muttered Bill on the second floor, taking off their shoes and getting under the covers of his bed impulsively shared. Double idiot "he repeated, before closing your eyes and try to sleep the blues that consumed him from within.

Five days before Christmas and everything seemed to have returned to normal.
Bill and Tom had spent an afternoon in the garden, planting a few bulbs in the hope that the spring bloom, but at the same time just wanting to kill the afternoon. All dogs had joined them to dig holes in the soft, wet earth, so that by the end-like hands and knees dirty, it was obvious they would need a visit to the canine beauty ma s close.
-Alto, DO NOT jump-treated Bill to control their pets, with their hands up and looking down as he went straight back to the casl price of extra-installation reminded him that before the move, they had a well furnished bathroom. A little extra money and then magically the tub had turned from one to two occupants.
"Then we will have to take our money, uh? Bill muttered, his face hidden in the collar of his twin. And inhaled the aroma seemed exciting, a swirl of emotions in his stomach.
Not ten minutes later the two were submerged in water up to his neck in the tub and dedicated in body and soul to another. Lying back on opposite sides, so Bill had theees who may or ...? "She took a couple of bills in his hand.
-Nah, I will. I need a breath of fresh air this morning, "said Bill monotone voice, wanting to occupy their time in any trivial task if that was what I needed to get out of the mind the idea that for the first time in his life alone they would not celebrate Christmas. If this was the beginning of his first traditions as adults, resigned, admitting his defeat next year would be back home and living in her old room.
Without saying a second more involved, the smaller of the twins took the keys to your Auto & oacl wall in search of the electrical connector. The house was shrouded in perpetual darkness and saw nothing beyond his nose. Tom? Why on earth there is no light, Tom? Hope you have not forgotten to pay the bill. "Nothing, no response.
Determined that nothing would stop entering your home, or even a sudden attack of fear of the dark, closed the door behind him and after you take leave on the table at the entrance, guided by the walls , began moving in the direction of the room, because there was seen with some clarity.
In the distance, the presence of lights that appeared and disappearedIan, the room lit up in sections.
"Wait," came the voice of Tom from that direction, after a few seconds, gave the go-ahead ", now, with care, come ...
Bill walked the few meters that separated and barely crossed the wall separating the rooms, put her hand to her mouth and stifled a scream of excitement.
In her room, as I had imagined but at the same time and a thousand times more beautiful, stood proudly a fully decorated Christmas tree.
"Do not cry, it took Tom's hand, who got alongto head a silly Christmas hat with bell on the tip included, wiping tears from her cheeks suddenly did not seem to stop falling. Shhh, Bill, do not cry. I thought this was what you wanted ...
"Oh, Tomi-Bill drowned in his own voice, hugging her sister tightly and unable to look away from the beautiful spectacle.
"It's not natural," continued Tom apologetically, "because I thought it would be hypocritical not to eat meat but they cut down trees. The Lord of the store told me it would look like a real one. Andlights are low power white light as you like and ...
-Tomi-Bill grabbed her sister's face between his two hands, thanks ... It's beautiful.
"It's the best I could do in a short time, I apologize for not having realized earlier. I'm a fool, Tom dropped the light, ashamed of the suffering that had brought him to Bill for his selflessness.
"You're the idiot that I love," I have not said before? He kissed his twin Bill, shuddering from head to toe when his lips tasted the unmistakable flavor of mint candy canes just gave.
Ah &an arm and a leg and half of another and still did not know whether to call the catalog or not. Now that I had a few, certainly not. But if they cost a fortune and ... "she bit her lower lip with a look guilty," I have not bought anything.
"Of course I did," Tom drew from under the tree a considerable box Sizeand winked. Just what I wanted-feigned surprise when he pulled a video game console market was exclusively only. Bill, I read your mind.
The smaller of the twins laughed at thatamp; aacute; tree from below and marvel at how beautiful it was. In a way, reminded the twinkling starlit sky.
"I know Tom leaned his hand, both with his head under the plastic pine leaves and intertwining their hands. While I fucked up the first twenty days of December ... Merry Christmas, Bill.
The smaller of the twins inhaled the fragrance that he related to the holidays, shuddering from head to toe, enamored as ever of his twin and happy to spend the holidays with him for the first time forgetting the solitude of the past months.
Moving your feet to the rhythm of a small carol that stirs in your chest and finished humming, Bill kissed Tom on the lips. "Merry Christmas to you, Tomidiota-contracted the two words into one.
- Really? He raised eyebrows funny Tom, lifting the blanket that covered them above his head and rolling to get over his calf, covering every inch of her bare skin with it.
Bill nodded with a smile on his lips before the blanket inside her come down and their bodies covered in sweat to slide over each other.
From his corner in the room, each with a complimentary boneSt. Nikolaus, the four dogs were balls and fell asleep.



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