Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Duodenal Cancer More Condition_symptoms New Year's Resolutions [02/08]

or between Christmas and New Year.

2 .- The change of plans for the second Christmas.

Against all popular belief, while Gustav was the most regularly got up early in the band, it was that was standing at five in the morning, ready for battle and fresh like lettuce in the summer , much less. Quite the contrary. Your internal clock if activated, but once the sun rose, and instead of rejuvenated drummer with everybody filled his imagination, his site was a monosyllabic gruñóny to Gustav taking at least your first cup of coffee and wash the face.
Thus, suchas ocurríaa daily, Gustav opened his eyes to reality and yawned a few times before the events the night before made a dent in the post-dream haze in which he was still involved and numb. Really Georg
had knocked on his door, wounded, bleeding and drunk at three in the morning and then collapsing on the floor of your living room? -words sound like a bad soap opera, very bad Gustav muttered to himself, outlining a grimace of distaste for the mushy feeling in the mouth. Eager brushing teeth, face and take a leak in the bathroom, Gustav alz securcute; of the bed and slow, calculated steps, moved towards the toilet to emerge five minutes later feeling at least a little better than before. next thing was to take a cup of black coffee with a dollop of cream and two sugars, and then make sure that George would not have died in the course of the night by severe alcoholic congestion, perhaps ;, not in that order. Waiting meet his bassist friend still asleep, Gustav was surprised and quite when he entered the small room of his apartment and saw the carefully folded blankets and pillow that had given night Georgabove, stacked in the middle of the chair. Besides that no trace of the presence of the bass at home, almost as if he had evaporated from the overnight. "With so much alcohol in his veins, is not so difficult," he thought bitterly drummer, carefully sniffing the air and catching the unmistakable scent of vodka and ... Was that the aroma of eggs with bacon and pancakes?
- Georg? "He called Gustav unsure of what would be the answer that I would get. The night before the bear was not the most communicative person and judging by what hadest; What happened to you? -Gustav regained his poise. Determined to at least play the role of a good host, took the dish Georg comíaa that despite his weak protests and left it out of reach. Forget it, you can not eat that. I want no more vomit to clean my house.
- Vomiting? I asked the bass player, only to be ignored.
Thinking about how to start the conversation without sounding like nagging mother, Gustav put some bread in the toaster, refrigerator and pulled out the jar of jam that only ten í ay a stick of butter. "Well ..." She took a breath. What exactly happened last night?
"I ..." The truth and nothing but the truth, Georg-Gustav turned to face his friend, certain that if I held the gaze, it would not the value of lying just like that. Well? "He demanded to know after a few seconds. Or do I assume the worst?
-Veronika and me ... Georg's face contracted and the green color increased at an alarming rate, the degree to which Gamp; aacute; foward to the brim with water and a packet of tea. Put it in the microwave and scored two minutes. A little of this and restore the color.
"I must look awful," snarled Georg, smelling the dish before it and smiling at the corner of his mouth.
"That is an understatement. I've seen better looking zombies, "said the drummer, taking the former course of Georg and sitting at table in the other seat. Just
he settled in front of his food, the microwave stopped working and started beeping. "I'm going," said Georg Gustav trying to see that put back in place.over my coat and wallet with a hundred euros.
"I guess you no longer have with Gustav muttered under his breath.
"No, I have not," agreed George. "Maybe
Gustav pretended that he had a maturity, on the inside, the stomach was turning, could fix it if it is spoken. After the storm comes the calm, or so they say.
"Not in this case. At least not for me, "George raised the hearing for the first time since their conversation had begun. And something was wrong before, this ... These are only the points soite pampering.
-La have very spoiled Georg sneered, trying to do the same and getting a completely different response. Rather than bask, Claudia was locked inside his shell and not come out again.
-is shy with strangers, that's all, Gustav left in its box forever, taking note of changing the water in the afternoon.
"I'm not a stranger, Gus. I'm your soulmate.
"You are my crush, fool," thought Gustav, but his face spoke otherwise. "Let me think.
-Ouch-bassist took his hand to his chest"If it is something Georg-spread slowly, to the disappointment of Gustav. Veronika I shouted from the window and bother me for my things back, she would take care of them on fire.
"That's horrible drummer furrowed brow.
-is what it is-Georg completely separated and crossed his arms. So if this offer is available ... I promise to go the first or second week of January. There will be a long time, yes, Gusti?
drummer no doubt moving the head up and down, enthralled by the 'Gusti' thatGeorg lips, it sounded like heavenly music. Because

Georg and Gustav what it smelled needed for confirmation, bassist decided that the best advice was to take a shower and being able to take off the smell that had permeated spree in each pores.
-towel, a new toothbrush and shoes to the bathroom, "he extended his friend Gustav stated objects while taking him to small bathroom. Not anything fancy, and sometimes leaves cold water when you least expect it, ah! And watch the way out, the floor is slippery ...
-Gus, well & mVando get the pillow.
pressed against his chest and chin pressing against it, drummer paid attention to the flow of water falling just a couple of feet away. In the bathroom, a few yards from where he was, George was naked, using the synthetic fiber sponge for scrubbing the arms, legs, chest ... "I'm a pervert
growled , or, but not change the course of their ideas or a pinch.
What was wrong with fantasizing a little if in the end were just that, fantasies?
course, the main drawback: That even in the world dependientes of others. At least that had been in recent years. Once Bill and Tom were under eighteen years of age, had dispersed each in its own direction. Now everyone had their own apartment ... Less Georg, who was evicted. Who teníaa no where to go if Gustav made him just as Veronika ...
-would be a bad friend if I did, was Gustav tried to convince himself with that argument. Gus
-Georg shouted from the bathroom, "you think you could lend me clothes? CHTMLI'll be so lonely.
"Still, not a sufficient excuse. I propose something. "Before this, if animal, Gustav ears would have been sharpened. Instead of spending the second day of Christmas, doing nothing, how low to the corner store and buy food, drink and ...? What do I know, "a candy cane to acclimate a little Christmas here? "He gestured with his arm around the department, where you could not see any Christmas ornament or anything in shades of red and bright green. Not that I'm complaining, Gus, but should be welcomed. And if the family comes to you ytú not going to it, then fix-ended Georg as bassist with a smile so sincere that Gustav's heart quickened. How does that sound?
"I doubt you find much in that store," stammered the drummer when he saw his friend borrow his long coat from the peg and put it over his pajamas. You do not have to do anything, Georg. It's just a commercial holiday. Georg
refrained from rolling his eyes. "Even so, I want to celebrate it. We Schäfer, my girlfriend and I just finished. Have mercy on me and agree that buy some junk food andeat before a movie. Not even have to change clothes or to carols on the radio. You and me avoiding a double suicide at Christmas. Gustav was released
laughing. "Well, but then I will ask some pizzas. If we are to celebrate it my way. "Done
Georg took his wallet off the table and winked at Gustav. I'll be back in a few minutes, honey.
"Ah ..." He was Gustav with open mouth and cheeks stained crimson red. Georg
Once the door closed, the drummer took a couple of blows to the faceuo;, followed by the option "View", "Ignore" and "Delete." Tempted to press the last option, Gustav was discussed just a split second with your inner self before you press "Open" and begin to read the message.
"We need to talk. Go home. I miss you. Still I love you. We can solve everything, only returns. VPD I'm sorry "
-sense does not solve anything," murmured Gustav with poison, regretted having yielded to the temptation. What right have looked at another person's private messages, Georg above everything? The batteryista felt like a cockroach crawling for breaking an agreement privacy. Shit, back to the basic functions of your screen and forcefully grabbed the phone.
could lie, to pretend he had not read anything and let Georg act at their own trial if he wanted to show the message or not, or could also simply to confess everything and ... " , and a horn! ", he said Gustav. The third option was to delete the message and act as if nothing had happened but the drummer did not even consider that option as real, because it would ruin their part hacerln instead of working, informed him that although he can buy a couple of pizzas, had no home delivery because of lack of employees. Gustav
weighed the chances of eating something else, but the cupboard was pretty vacíay let alone the refrigerator. - How many minutes do you think they are ready?
"An hour later than" said the voice on the headset. The drummer did not hesitate more, at last, after all, were only a couple of blocks away. If George did not want to leave, he might very well go and get a hot meal for the sake ofsnow, at least the other will tell the press.
"Nothing is going to die, Georg. And even if it does happen, the family comes first, not the press, by God, Gustav spurned the idea, settling the scarf around his neck and moving toward the door. And I will not complain if you're cold, you wanted to come.
"I go, tsk," the bassist, closing the door behind him and following Gustav, which at a rapid pace, down the stairs almost stumbled.
Once in the street, drummer Georg well understood why it had been complaining about the cold. It was snowing so copiedoacute; no weight to his side and the gesture, although child, you hotter than the other glove.
"Maybe that's why I love him so much," thought that love. He wondered if George would do the same with Veronika, but swept the thought as the wind makes the clouds and for the rest of the way, the two walked closely with her hands secured.

ate pizza and various snacks, drank root beer and some wine, watched three movies and at about three o'clock, when they were well, began to nod off during the final Saw VI.
-Gusss shookLXC "Well, you forced me ...
Gustav did not take seriously the words until he was up in arms and unable to move, because George had wrapped in his blanket like a cigar and wearing over his shoulder toward his room.
"Idiot, do not ever let me down, tried to move his arms, but he stuck to his side. Georg, care, care!
"Shhh, you'll wake the neighbors Georg carefully placed it in his hand, a little tipsy from the wine and falling with no impact on him, but with weight.
-Georg-Gu ...po in a protective gesture. Gustav wanted to believe it was his way of saying "It's mine, no one touch", but that would be too much to ask.
Closing his eyes, fell asleep without ever knowing that without being as specific words, it was just that in what George thought.



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