Monday, January 31, 2011

Best Metal Core Scooter Wheels 80$

HTMLXC author notes: We are already half the story and I'm afraid to say the pace of Claudia marbling. The saints protect me in a couple of weeks, when in full fatigues of the tests and do not have time to eat. For the rest of the chapter, haha, have to say I love the day of the innocent and the pretext that they pose to fulfill fantasies. Notes

apart: Working on three projects at the same time, to devote all March and April to Femslash mentioned last week. Duro. Duro. B & B ~!

pd This letter to 22.34 hrs. Sunday and a fatal hiccups.
pd2. I'm a fucking bitch, seriously. Answereda silly comment with a flame and the girl deleted it. Believe it or control my temper or I will come to find the Neurotics Anonymous.

Monday, January 24, 2011

To Begin A Wedding Card Message? [M1 ~ 25 ~ One ~ 11] +1

adventure. | |
THFicción . Notes author: Aw, a chapter full of angst. I do not get as good as I want sex, but nevertheless, the result is satisfactory to my standards, I think I did well without making a knot with no solution. Moreover, he finally explains the twelve wishes, I think I made a huge mistake to mention in the summary and show them to the chap. 3, but lamenting is good.

extra Notes: Mmm, nonprofit and / or time to working on other fics. I've been almost a week without opening my wallet for 'In process' because of school and just this week that start with a full schedule. I fear to say, que of time but did not stop activities, I am in a rut. Fortunately, I do not lack desire and to be seen.

B & B ~!

pd This was written early in the morning xD I must be the only crazy bete at five in the morning, in short. pd2. The pretty Archange femmslash asked me for his birthday and I'm afraid that the challenge is great. Fortunately, May is just around the corner and I can work hard. A LOT.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Autoimmune Condition_symptoms [Fic] Oto

Title: 音 (sound)
Fandom: Sarai-ya Goyou
Pairing: Yaichi / Mass
Rating: M
Notes: This is what came out during my needed rest to study Greek pottery. Now, I return to my duties with great sadness of spirit. In a comment I add the glossary of Japanese words, if anyone is not well known or not it is understood from the context of history.

Akitsu Masanosuke acute ear, unintentionally, is the cadencente criminal entertains the suspicion that this attitude emanated so deeply rooted in the first instance of self protective instinct of the role of mass as the big brother in a family devoid of too early under some parents. Well, Yaichi not have any objections in this regard. I think not tolerate any of the ways is the silence of the ronin in bed. Gently insistent ordering him to release their feelings, it ensures that there is nothing dishonorable about it. It shows how, panting lustfully in her ear, feeling you tremble from head to toe. In a more gentle hissing whisper, he says he wants to hear. Waiting to hear how much you really want, cu & aacute; nt yearns to possess. That, after all, if you continue going to him every night, that would please him more than his dumb and embarrassed gestures gave to understand, is not it? The insistent ringing continues to reverberate in the dark, like drops of rain sizzling sleepers against the corners of the roof. The shock of the needle on the strained strings of the harp is accelerating sound storm rages and Akitsu think inharmonious relations in dissonant chords and notes lost, until the music is diluted as a hallucinogenic drug in your brain and any association of ideasremotely coherent and fair is futile. Yaichi da, Yaichi requires Yaichi granted Yaichi drag and mass, despite being heavily settled between the legs of that Yaichi starving, he is swamped at the edge of the abyss. And finally, a long, desperate wail mercilessly ripping the still night, silenced only by a triumphant laugh of glee that the kidnapper business is unable to suppress. End

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Duodenal Cancer More Condition_symptoms New Year's Resolutions [02/08]

or between Christmas and New Year.

2 .- The change of plans for the second Christmas.

Against all popular belief, while Gustav was the most regularly got up early in the band, it was that was standing at five in the morning, ready for battle and fresh like lettuce in the summer , much less. Quite the contrary. Your internal clock if activated, but once the sun rose, and instead of rejuvenated drummer with everybody filled his imagination, his site was a monosyllabic gruñóny to Gustav taking at least your first cup of coffee and wash the face.
Thus, suchas ocurríaa daily, Gustav opened his eyes to reality and yawned a few times before the events the night before made a dent in the post-dream haze in which he was still involved and numb. Really Georg
had knocked on his door, wounded, bleeding and drunk at three in the morning and then collapsing on the floor of your living room? -words sound like a bad soap opera, very bad Gustav muttered to himself, outlining a grimace of distaste for the mushy feeling in the mouth. Eager brushing teeth, face and take a leak in the bathroom, Gustav alz securcute; of the bed and slow, calculated steps, moved towards the toilet to emerge five minutes later feeling at least a little better than before. next thing was to take a cup of black coffee with a dollop of cream and two sugars, and then make sure that George would not have died in the course of the night by severe alcoholic congestion, perhaps ;, not in that order. Waiting meet his bassist friend still asleep, Gustav was surprised and quite when he entered the small room of his apartment and saw the carefully folded blankets and pillow that had given night Georgabove, stacked in the middle of the chair. Besides that no trace of the presence of the bass at home, almost as if he had evaporated from the overnight. "With so much alcohol in his veins, is not so difficult," he thought bitterly drummer, carefully sniffing the air and catching the unmistakable scent of vodka and ... Was that the aroma of eggs with bacon and pancakes?
- Georg? "He called Gustav unsure of what would be the answer that I would get. The night before the bear was not the most communicative person and judging by what hadest; What happened to you? -Gustav regained his poise. Determined to at least play the role of a good host, took the dish Georg comíaa that despite his weak protests and left it out of reach. Forget it, you can not eat that. I want no more vomit to clean my house.
- Vomiting? I asked the bass player, only to be ignored.
Thinking about how to start the conversation without sounding like nagging mother, Gustav put some bread in the toaster, refrigerator and pulled out the jar of jam that only ten í ay a stick of butter. "Well ..." She took a breath. What exactly happened last night?
"I ..." The truth and nothing but the truth, Georg-Gustav turned to face his friend, certain that if I held the gaze, it would not the value of lying just like that. Well? "He demanded to know after a few seconds. Or do I assume the worst?
-Veronika and me ... Georg's face contracted and the green color increased at an alarming rate, the degree to which Gamp; aacute; foward to the brim with water and a packet of tea. Put it in the microwave and scored two minutes. A little of this and restore the color.
"I must look awful," snarled Georg, smelling the dish before it and smiling at the corner of his mouth.
"That is an understatement. I've seen better looking zombies, "said the drummer, taking the former course of Georg and sitting at table in the other seat. Just
he settled in front of his food, the microwave stopped working and started beeping. "I'm going," said Georg Gustav trying to see that put back in place.over my coat and wallet with a hundred euros.
"I guess you no longer have with Gustav muttered under his breath.
"No, I have not," agreed George. "Maybe
Gustav pretended that he had a maturity, on the inside, the stomach was turning, could fix it if it is spoken. After the storm comes the calm, or so they say.
"Not in this case. At least not for me, "George raised the hearing for the first time since their conversation had begun. And something was wrong before, this ... These are only the points soite pampering.
-La have very spoiled Georg sneered, trying to do the same and getting a completely different response. Rather than bask, Claudia was locked inside his shell and not come out again.
-is shy with strangers, that's all, Gustav left in its box forever, taking note of changing the water in the afternoon.
"I'm not a stranger, Gus. I'm your soulmate.
"You are my crush, fool," thought Gustav, but his face spoke otherwise. "Let me think.
-Ouch-bassist took his hand to his chest"If it is something Georg-spread slowly, to the disappointment of Gustav. Veronika I shouted from the window and bother me for my things back, she would take care of them on fire.
"That's horrible drummer furrowed brow.
-is what it is-Georg completely separated and crossed his arms. So if this offer is available ... I promise to go the first or second week of January. There will be a long time, yes, Gusti?
drummer no doubt moving the head up and down, enthralled by the 'Gusti' thatGeorg lips, it sounded like heavenly music. Because

Georg and Gustav what it smelled needed for confirmation, bassist decided that the best advice was to take a shower and being able to take off the smell that had permeated spree in each pores.
-towel, a new toothbrush and shoes to the bathroom, "he extended his friend Gustav stated objects while taking him to small bathroom. Not anything fancy, and sometimes leaves cold water when you least expect it, ah! And watch the way out, the floor is slippery ...
-Gus, well & mVando get the pillow.
pressed against his chest and chin pressing against it, drummer paid attention to the flow of water falling just a couple of feet away. In the bathroom, a few yards from where he was, George was naked, using the synthetic fiber sponge for scrubbing the arms, legs, chest ... "I'm a pervert
growled , or, but not change the course of their ideas or a pinch.
What was wrong with fantasizing a little if in the end were just that, fantasies?
course, the main drawback: That even in the world dependientes of others. At least that had been in recent years. Once Bill and Tom were under eighteen years of age, had dispersed each in its own direction. Now everyone had their own apartment ... Less Georg, who was evicted. Who teníaa no where to go if Gustav made him just as Veronika ...
-would be a bad friend if I did, was Gustav tried to convince himself with that argument. Gus
-Georg shouted from the bathroom, "you think you could lend me clothes? CHTMLI'll be so lonely.
"Still, not a sufficient excuse. I propose something. "Before this, if animal, Gustav ears would have been sharpened. Instead of spending the second day of Christmas, doing nothing, how low to the corner store and buy food, drink and ...? What do I know, "a candy cane to acclimate a little Christmas here? "He gestured with his arm around the department, where you could not see any Christmas ornament or anything in shades of red and bright green. Not that I'm complaining, Gus, but should be welcomed. And if the family comes to you ytú not going to it, then fix-ended Georg as bassist with a smile so sincere that Gustav's heart quickened. How does that sound?
"I doubt you find much in that store," stammered the drummer when he saw his friend borrow his long coat from the peg and put it over his pajamas. You do not have to do anything, Georg. It's just a commercial holiday. Georg
refrained from rolling his eyes. "Even so, I want to celebrate it. We Schäfer, my girlfriend and I just finished. Have mercy on me and agree that buy some junk food andeat before a movie. Not even have to change clothes or to carols on the radio. You and me avoiding a double suicide at Christmas. Gustav was released
laughing. "Well, but then I will ask some pizzas. If we are to celebrate it my way. "Done
Georg took his wallet off the table and winked at Gustav. I'll be back in a few minutes, honey.
"Ah ..." He was Gustav with open mouth and cheeks stained crimson red. Georg
Once the door closed, the drummer took a couple of blows to the faceuo;, followed by the option "View", "Ignore" and "Delete." Tempted to press the last option, Gustav was discussed just a split second with your inner self before you press "Open" and begin to read the message.
"We need to talk. Go home. I miss you. Still I love you. We can solve everything, only returns. VPD I'm sorry "
-sense does not solve anything," murmured Gustav with poison, regretted having yielded to the temptation. What right have looked at another person's private messages, Georg above everything? The batteryista felt like a cockroach crawling for breaking an agreement privacy. Shit, back to the basic functions of your screen and forcefully grabbed the phone.
could lie, to pretend he had not read anything and let Georg act at their own trial if he wanted to show the message or not, or could also simply to confess everything and ... " , and a horn! ", he said Gustav. The third option was to delete the message and act as if nothing had happened but the drummer did not even consider that option as real, because it would ruin their part hacerln instead of working, informed him that although he can buy a couple of pizzas, had no home delivery because of lack of employees. Gustav
weighed the chances of eating something else, but the cupboard was pretty vacíay let alone the refrigerator. - How many minutes do you think they are ready?
"An hour later than" said the voice on the headset. The drummer did not hesitate more, at last, after all, were only a couple of blocks away. If George did not want to leave, he might very well go and get a hot meal for the sake ofsnow, at least the other will tell the press.
"Nothing is going to die, Georg. And even if it does happen, the family comes first, not the press, by God, Gustav spurned the idea, settling the scarf around his neck and moving toward the door. And I will not complain if you're cold, you wanted to come.
"I go, tsk," the bassist, closing the door behind him and following Gustav, which at a rapid pace, down the stairs almost stumbled.
Once in the street, drummer Georg well understood why it had been complaining about the cold. It was snowing so copiedoacute; no weight to his side and the gesture, although child, you hotter than the other glove.
"Maybe that's why I love him so much," thought that love. He wondered if George would do the same with Veronika, but swept the thought as the wind makes the clouds and for the rest of the way, the two walked closely with her hands secured.

ate pizza and various snacks, drank root beer and some wine, watched three movies and at about three o'clock, when they were well, began to nod off during the final Saw VI.
-Gusss shookLXC "Well, you forced me ...
Gustav did not take seriously the words until he was up in arms and unable to move, because George had wrapped in his blanket like a cigar and wearing over his shoulder toward his room.
"Idiot, do not ever let me down, tried to move his arms, but he stuck to his side. Georg, care, care!
"Shhh, you'll wake the neighbors Georg carefully placed it in his hand, a little tipsy from the wine and falling with no impact on him, but with weight.
-Georg-Gu ...po in a protective gesture. Gustav wanted to believe it was his way of saying "It's mine, no one touch", but that would be too much to ask.
Closing his eyes, fell asleep without ever knowing that without being as specific words, it was just that in what George thought.


What Is A Cyst More Condition_symptoms Ear New Year's Resolutions [01/08]

Gustav's sister, his hand between his firm and drag outside the entrance and away from the sharp comments of Aunt Edwina. The bitterness and not let it be happy and wants all suffer with it.
He notes acidly, "said Gustav, dodging relatives piled everywhere and trying to unbutton his jacket he was wearing. The cold outside contrasted nicely with the delicious warmth of the heater. Do I smell turkey?
"That and more, Gusti Franziska smiled. Wait until you see the pile of gifts. Mom was crazy choosing what I was going to take thisnot because he was willing to spend the holidays somewhere else, loved his family, but not all ...
-Oh Gustav, lights tired, Monin-stopped him passing a woman in her forties, did not recognize the drummer -. Come with me when you have a spare second and I'll see that you're better, "he winked, before entering BATHING close the door.
- And who is that? "Gustav asked his sister. No matter how promising the invitation, was wrong.
-uncle is the wife of Harold, Franziska threw the hand of Gustav and the two enteredra reach the house of his parents, that's not a fair bet. Schäfer grandmother always cause unrest.
"Oh, right-clicked Franziska tongue. Well, one can only go down. "Mmm," murmured
Gustav, willing to stay a little longer there, in hiding with her sister habitacióny. The rest of his family, except his parents, were totally unknown. Each and every one of them would ask in the course of the evening the same questions, get autographs and his other band members. The more daring will even require clarify a couple of rumores, and Gustav was in no mood for any of it.
-Gus, come on ... "Knocking her sister's bed, next to hers. Come here and tell your favorite sister loved and adored what happens. Is it because the aunt Edwina? Do not listen. Each year is worse. A while ago I suggested to mom and dad left to learn how difficult it is to be in place. As if happiness were something to give him allergy or something, "snorted Franziska. At that, the drummer could not help but giggle. "Nah, not that he lied, when inside the old woman's words itgift, each and every one of them, asking for something or asking for something. "It's incredibly Franziska reviewed one of the cards in disbelief of what I read. Dear Gustav, I hope you enjoy these socks. Are woven by hand and cost a lot. With love, Bianca. PS Could you give me an autograph of yours? PDD And also one of Bill, Tom and Georg? ". Incredible! He repeated the sister of Gustav. Our family is crazy. "Nah- Gustav spurned the idea, sitting next to her sister to the two frontFranziska or the stack of boxes and pulled out a couple of them. Mom, dad and mine-handed three small packages. "Thank you Gustav in surprise. I have something for you ... It's not much, but ... you know, ended with a more rosy face.
"Your father went to look for" Gustav's mother kissed the head of his son. Now open yours and let us know how it goes. I do not know exactly what to give to a young adult, so I took a chance.
"Mom, it's cool &Franziska IJO, holding his gift Gustav and waiting for it to open it.
To the surprise of the drummer, what he found under the layers of wrapping paper was ... - A photo album? He raised an eyebrow. Do you even comes with a camera? "Idiot, is not just a photo album, Franziska Gustav pushed the man, is our photo album-emphasized the 'we' in prayer. Mom cleaned the attic and the pile of boxesacute, as), but it retained had been printed in a photo shop for a reasonable price and was packaged and years ago.
- Where did you find? "He wanted to know the drummer, crisp amazed at what they were and how well preserved colors. They were not long ago, but was in a stage of life where the distance between the months changed their world, not to mention at least seven or eight years. All we look like idiots.
"Sure, blame the beginning of the century and the fashion of those crazy years," joked Franziska. Were in the same box. To stoploves? -Spell three-letter drummer slowly, hoping that her sister and the idea that hard it gets into his skull. It's not like I can compete against that, "added the latter more to himself than to her sister.
had to be honest with himself, he pressed her temples hard, Georg and Veronika were a couple and it seemed that his was serious, so do not torture yourself thinking about different scenarios in which he corríaa leaving her arms and Gustav, because as the drummer was recalled, that was not going to happen and it was best to remove all thoughtslde, I sighed Gustav. Some more than others ...
impossible "You're a pessimist, Franziska supported her cheek against his brother's shoulder, gently pushing away the photo album you just give away and leaving it to both feet. Well, I'll leave the issue for peace, but I want you to promise me that if for some reason, random luck, fate of the cosmos, the planets are aligned or as they call these days, Georg ends with Bride and still feel the same for him, tell him.
-Argh, Franny, I'm serious, "growled the drummer.
& mdash, I, "lay it on the lap of her brother, although lower, did not act as such. I just want to see you happy.
"I'm happy, Franny. See? Gustav smiled, but even he knew something was wrong with that smile. Ok, I'm not exactly the happiest person in the world, but I am ... Well-ended declined.
"No matter how hard I try, I know I lie, Franziska watched his brother from his seat in the lap, from its position, appreciating the fine lines of tension that is drefrained from releasing a long sigh, and in return, agreed. "I promise.
"That's my Franziska Gusti-closed eyes and began to snore.
"That's my Franny Gustav muttered, closing his eyes and also falling asleep.

"Call when you get bent, Gustav's mother against the window of his taxi. And do not forget to wrap up well. At the airport do not buy anything to eat, who knows what hands they prepared and ...
"Oh, Mom, do not exaggerate, Franziska also bent. Gusti, I'm going to visita for New Year, right? Some friends invited me and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to see us.
- Will you meet me? Drummer smiled, imagining in advance how much they were going to reveal spending a few days together, unlike many brothers in the world, Ely Franziska is along very well and enjoyed his company mutual.
"Only if you let me it said, smiling in turn.
"It's done. Arrive on
-thirty, maybe sooner ... Oh Gus, as we have fun, almost got & aI would listen to my older sister. They are always right on everything.
"Maybe ..." He admitted Gustav half, considering the promise that Franny had torn from her lips and scared at the same time that the day had to enforce it.
Without knowing it, the time was not as far as could be desired.

Gustav arrived that same diaa his small bachelor apartment. With two bedrooms, one of them as his personal studio, a tiny kitchen, a bathroom avióny a kind of living room-something-more-inclusive, and located on the fifth floor of a building without elevator not erto what could be said estate, but the paparazzi chased away without doubt, and for two years of his stay, Gustav had fixed the flaws, painted walls and fitted at your leisure. What more could you ask for?
"Someone get me at the entrance," she murmured to herself, imagining a girl with long hair and red at the entrance to his apartment, using a red apron and nothing else ... It became instantly Georg, with a spatula in his hand and receiving with empty arms. Dream, Schäfer-G is scoldedUstav yourself, pulling with all his forces was carrying luggage and reached the landing of his apartment, "is all that is left ...
Once inside her apartment, took off his shoes and hurry and a bit of concern, took a box next to the oven to Claudia, the little turtle that had gotten as a gift from his neighbor's door months ago. The resident in question had moved, making life more gray gray in that building where I knew almost nobody, except the neighboring home on the ninth floor, who took care of Claudia when he went to tour.
"Hello, small &But a gift from the troubled grandmother Schäfer) and headed straight to his room.
I received the cool of night and solitude of the other side of the matrimonial bed, but determined not to be depressed by the comments of his great aunt Edwina still had in mind, he saw a television shortly before closing your eyes and fall asleep.

Knock knock! Gustav
snapped awake and scared, wiping an imaginary thread of drool on his cheek and trembling from the cold. All in one.
noise was repeated, this time louder. The drummer is the man awaySBP over and cursing the vendor to address it veníaa annoy those hours ... Moment. Gustav was stopped with one foot out of bed and feeling the ground by his sandals when he saw his alarm clock marked the three to eighteen in the morning. No vendor, it was foolish, would dare touch a door before sunrise.
Who was the inconsiderate bastard who atrevíaa come to your door at that hour? Gustav was sure a thief was not warned those arriving with such shocks, but who else?
-Gustav, please ... Abhandcuffed in the back of his patrol.
- What do you mean? "He wanted to know Gustav, pulling his friend and putting it firmly within the department. To his disappointment, Georg closed his eyes and lost consciousness. Shit drummer Hagen growled, pulling her lifeless body until it can be placed above the nearest chair and leave it sure was not going to fall if rolled on its side in the middle of night. Thanked
ever that one of their Christmas had been a first aid kit, took disinfectant, gauze and a bandage to heal

Monday, January 17, 2011

Generalized Anxiety Disorder And Remuneration [M1 ~ ~ 18 ~ Jan 11] +1

loved ones with new chapter, not promising anything more.
pd2. In addition to this, yeah, it's back to school. Right now I fall sleep, understand.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Baby Congratulation Messages Funny

tion in certain ways and current forms, but this lady is a psychoanalyst "old-fashioned" tons, you can imagine ... in order that we will give the child development and as we will see different authors and I hope that the following sessions are not as boring as today-_-(yeah, I was sleeping u_u)
The father was that the thought miss class ended at 2 o'clock and nobody said otherwise so we left early

^ O ^ I hope that next week all that much better ... I love learning and I will do my best ... XOXO


"I'm going to carry on a plane and show you where the Asia, Africa, Europe, America and Oceania and you're the one who will takedecision to take your own plane and get to know further, "

Monday, January 10, 2011

Infection Signs From Pedicure

- One-shot Harry Potter.

Fanfic: Exquisite Corpse. Chap
: One-shot. [01/01]
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Horror. PWP / Lemon. Alternate universe.
Warnings: Abuse. Adult content. Blood. Cannibalism. Death of a character. Necrophilia. Non-con/Rape/Violación. OOC.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, the story is just a figment of my mind morbid.
Summary: San Potter is now part of all ...
Link to: Slasheaven . Author
Notes: An old fic, perhaps in 2005 or less, I wanted to share to be in first person and a fandom which no longerwrite.

1 .- One-shot .

Car Trailers In N. Ireland

Fanfic: Exquisite Corpse. Chap
: One-shot. [01/01]
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Horror. PWP / Lemon. Alternate universe.
Warnings: Abuse. Adult content. Blood. Cannibalism. Death of a character. Necrophilia. Non-con/Rape/Violación. OOC.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, the story is just a figment of my mind morbid.
Summary: San Potter is now part of all ...
Link to: Slasheaven . Author
Notes: An old fic, perhaps in 2005 or less, I wanted to share to be in first person and a fandom which no longer write. Each

have the impediment of being dead, has not changed much. Green
in these circumstances clear to me the slightest idea of repentance and that is how I start my work.
you naked slowly and deliberately, savoring every inch of your skin exposed Teal. Still hold the remains of the final battle scars here and there to cut through the inmost recesses of your anatomy.
Al despojarte of your clothes, look at the huge scar across your chest, you open from the chest to just below the navel, muggles are coarse stitching, not precision ... Marking your body left blank. The months
e; one and stuck it in your belly. Your
huge scar was opened from the inside of my hand and the knife in it. The mere fact of having you in that situation made me start to masturbate in stunts, the previous run had me weak and unable to wait another second, my sperm flew freely until they become your member. Your
member ...
Taking my hand out of thy bowels like mad I went to Ely in a single stroke cut it.
expected to hear a scream tearing sound and the quiet night, but just fell into my hand: small, dry and withered. I just perteneceríaa me.

Great room, breakfast. Miles

spoon up and down, all being watched by me ... Exclamations of surprise came into my ears: "Exquisite" said Denis Creevey with a small mouth dripping with food.
The mere fact that San Potter out all the time and nobody's made me be happy again, more than ever.
"At least then you'll always be in all" I thought sadly as he led the last spoonful of soup to my lips and hurried.


List Of Strongest Wood In The World Christmas is ... [01/01]

Fanfic: Christmas is ...
Chap: One-shot [01/01]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Established relationship. Fluff. Hurt / Comfort. Romance. Twincest.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine, the rest belongs to me.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] ... Even without friends or family gifts, spend one day a year in the company of the person you love most and be happy about it.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | .
author notes: First place in the 2010 Christmas Contest of :) Yay! Ciqueando a bit. "I miss home
, Hana," he whispered to his pet, which only managed to wag his tail.
The truth is that Bill did not miss Germany. Five years of uninterrupted fame had left his twin Elya a sour taste in the mouth and did not regret at all the change of residence, at least for now. Media harassment and violent incidents with the fans in the last two years especially, had destroyed any desire to stay at home longer. At the moment, where they lived were well and was what counted. Then, only time will tell &ute; Cula ate sweet. I thought we could give them something great this year, you know? Mom endured a lot these past two months as 'their baby', "he emphasized with air quotes" are not going to spend Christmas with her, I thought it would be best. She always wanted to go somewhere exotic, so why not? We have the money, including the time and it seemed a good idea as a gift. Oh, and do not worry, I said it was part of the two. Bill suddenly frowned. - Quie; S annoying?
-I-air inhaled Bill-I do not think so, Tom.
The elder of the twins opened his mouth, but she did not leave any noise. I do not understand, "murmured the end.
-Pass is a family Christmas tradition, Bill pressed the septum between two fingers, pass here by ourselves and the dogs is, ugh, pathetic.
"I do not think it's pathetic in turn Tom pursed his brow. Rather, I think we've had a year tired and we deserve to spend some time to ourselves ...lungs running down her cheeks at an alarming rate and scared the two. Shit ... "He wiped the smaller of the twins face with his arm. Tom
instantly abandoned his stand to stand up and hug her twin, all grudges forgotten and cut off the beginning of his fight for peace.
"Shhh," he wiped his back, receiving a runny nose against his neck. Naked from the waist up, they were soon more than snot who wet her shoulder. Do not cry, Bill.
"No ... I can ... avoid ..." sobbed the youngest of the twins, holding hands from behind &think if you spend hours in the sun like a lizard-disputed Bill without bitterness, just sadness. Whatever. Mom seems very excited. Always complains of cold, this year will be happy without flu, hands frozen and ... Yeah.
"Yes," Tom, looking for any comments to deflect the subject. At least we'll see you soon, you know, Gordon's birthday in February ...
"Mmm," replied the younger of the twins, entwining his fingers on his lap and out sparingly. I guess ... That still remind us that time.
-NoTom dramatic-extended his hand and leaned on her sister's cheek. Remember why we choose to live here?

-guess ... I know that not everything is as nice as we thought at first, but it's a start. Just two months we lived here. Not yet acclimatized Give us a try and see which you prefer. In one year we will laugh at this Diaye say, "Wow, Tom, the great, was right."
The angle of the mouth of the youngest twins curled upwards. "Idiot. "I'm the idiot
quand love, Tom leaned over her face and kissed him on the lips, right? -Yep-
rejoined their mouths Bill, I love an idiot.
"Ouch, that hurts," muttered Tom with his lips attached to his twin in a slow kiss, but at all upset, the moment was quiet between them and after their small dispute, it we wanted was to speak.
Enjoying the last rays of the sun and outdoor sex (another advantage of not living in Germany where all the paparazzi were posted on the wall to take pictures without respect for privacy, no roomENGOs anything. Let our home become the Grinch's lair, Bill kicked the ground, turning around and leaving the room as quickly as possible to avoid showing how much it affected everything.
- The who ...? "Tom heard the cry in the distance.
"Idiot," muttered Bill on the second floor, taking off their shoes and getting under the covers of his bed impulsively shared. Double idiot "he repeated, before closing your eyes and try to sleep the blues that consumed him from within.

Five days before Christmas and everything seemed to have returned to normal.
Bill and Tom had spent an afternoon in the garden, planting a few bulbs in the hope that the spring bloom, but at the same time just wanting to kill the afternoon. All dogs had joined them to dig holes in the soft, wet earth, so that by the end-like hands and knees dirty, it was obvious they would need a visit to the canine beauty ma s close.
-Alto, DO NOT jump-treated Bill to control their pets, with their hands up and looking down as he went straight back to the casl price of extra-installation reminded him that before the move, they had a well furnished bathroom. A little extra money and then magically the tub had turned from one to two occupants.
"Then we will have to take our money, uh? Bill muttered, his face hidden in the collar of his twin. And inhaled the aroma seemed exciting, a swirl of emotions in his stomach.
Not ten minutes later the two were submerged in water up to his neck in the tub and dedicated in body and soul to another. Lying back on opposite sides, so Bill had theees who may or ...? "She took a couple of bills in his hand.
-Nah, I will. I need a breath of fresh air this morning, "said Bill monotone voice, wanting to occupy their time in any trivial task if that was what I needed to get out of the mind the idea that for the first time in his life alone they would not celebrate Christmas. If this was the beginning of his first traditions as adults, resigned, admitting his defeat next year would be back home and living in her old room.
Without saying a second more involved, the smaller of the twins took the keys to your Auto & oacl wall in search of the electrical connector. The house was shrouded in perpetual darkness and saw nothing beyond his nose. Tom? Why on earth there is no light, Tom? Hope you have not forgotten to pay the bill. "Nothing, no response.
Determined that nothing would stop entering your home, or even a sudden attack of fear of the dark, closed the door behind him and after you take leave on the table at the entrance, guided by the walls , began moving in the direction of the room, because there was seen with some clarity.
In the distance, the presence of lights that appeared and disappearedIan, the room lit up in sections.
"Wait," came the voice of Tom from that direction, after a few seconds, gave the go-ahead ", now, with care, come ...
Bill walked the few meters that separated and barely crossed the wall separating the rooms, put her hand to her mouth and stifled a scream of excitement.
In her room, as I had imagined but at the same time and a thousand times more beautiful, stood proudly a fully decorated Christmas tree.
"Do not cry, it took Tom's hand, who got alongto head a silly Christmas hat with bell on the tip included, wiping tears from her cheeks suddenly did not seem to stop falling. Shhh, Bill, do not cry. I thought this was what you wanted ...
"Oh, Tomi-Bill drowned in his own voice, hugging her sister tightly and unable to look away from the beautiful spectacle.
"It's not natural," continued Tom apologetically, "because I thought it would be hypocritical not to eat meat but they cut down trees. The Lord of the store told me it would look like a real one. Andlights are low power white light as you like and ...
-Tomi-Bill grabbed her sister's face between his two hands, thanks ... It's beautiful.
"It's the best I could do in a short time, I apologize for not having realized earlier. I'm a fool, Tom dropped the light, ashamed of the suffering that had brought him to Bill for his selflessness.
"You're the idiot that I love," I have not said before? He kissed his twin Bill, shuddering from head to toe when his lips tasted the unmistakable flavor of mint candy canes just gave.
Ah &an arm and a leg and half of another and still did not know whether to call the catalog or not. Now that I had a few, certainly not. But if they cost a fortune and ... "she bit her lower lip with a look guilty," I have not bought anything.
"Of course I did," Tom drew from under the tree a considerable box Sizeand winked. Just what I wanted-feigned surprise when he pulled a video game console market was exclusively only. Bill, I read your mind.
The smaller of the twins laughed at thatamp; aacute; tree from below and marvel at how beautiful it was. In a way, reminded the twinkling starlit sky.
"I know Tom leaned his hand, both with his head under the plastic pine leaves and intertwining their hands. While I fucked up the first twenty days of December ... Merry Christmas, Bill.
The smaller of the twins inhaled the fragrance that he related to the holidays, shuddering from head to toe, enamored as ever of his twin and happy to spend the holidays with him for the first time forgetting the solitude of the past months.
Moving your feet to the rhythm of a small carol that stirs in your chest and finished humming, Bill kissed Tom on the lips. "Merry Christmas to you, Tomidiota-contracted the two words into one.
- Really? He raised eyebrows funny Tom, lifting the blanket that covered them above his head and rolling to get over his calf, covering every inch of her bare skin with it.
Bill nodded with a smile on his lips before the blanket inside her come down and their bodies covered in sweat to slide over each other.
From his corner in the room, each with a complimentary boneSt. Nikolaus, the four dogs were balls and fell asleep.


Mount And

And because he is back on 11 January this year falls on Tuesday:) Updated Quad!

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: The missing piece of the puzzle exist. [13/16?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . Notes
author: the pieces begin to fall into place, finally. Unbelievable that started this in 2009 andit is 2011. The remarkable part is that I worked on this fic for the holidays, so my goal is to finish before arriving back in November. I will not fail.

Fanfic: Exquisite Corpse. Chap
: One-shot. [01/01]
Fandom: Harry Potter.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Horror. PWP / Lemon. Alternate universe.
Warnings: Abuse. Adult content. Blood. Cannibalism. Death of a character. Necrophilia. Non-con/Rape/Violación. OOC.
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine, the story is just a figment of my mind morbid.
Summary: San Potter is now part of all ...
Link to: Slasheaven.
Author's Notes: An old fic, perhaps in 2005 or less, I wanted to share to be in first person and a fandom which no longer write.

Fanfic: Christmas is ...
Chap: One-shot [01/01]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Established relationship. Fluff. Hurt / Comfort. Romance. Twincest.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: Only the plot is mine, the rest belongs to me.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] ... Even without friends or family gifts, spend one day a year in the company of the person you love most and be happyit.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | . Author
Notes: First Place Competition 2010, Christmas:) Yay!

Fanfic: New Year's Resolutions. Chap
: Christmas Surprise [01/06]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Angst. Drama. First time. Fluff. Romance.
Warning: Adult content.
Disclaimer: If this were true, I wish I could check.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | GXG] are twelve wishes for the year: four easy and four four possible impossible. Finally, the impossible desire Gustav s & oacute, he wrote 'George'.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | .
author notes: The last thing I've been writing, I'm in chap. 6 and the end seems very close, so it will be a matter of time for everything to be online soon. Apart from what I usually write yet good. At least to my standards. Notes

apart: The next week I'm already back to school (Yupipuaj in one) and will not be sure to update as much as I wanted. In fact, I think to take a couple of hiatus and now I'm at it, is likely to see me so little to think that I go away &

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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Kates Playground Myspace Friday!

On Friday was super weird:

In the morning I planned to wash the little (very) ke clothes I have pending a lavadita, and at noon ke iria to stabilize a small per aki.

Well my plan was directito the trash because I woke up super late and it was very tired, all I'm up, dressed up a little and I went to this small house. The truth was a little nervous because I've never given anyone regularization, or my kids, and it was a good experience was a completely different thing to stand before the group and on the other hand it was sad to realize that this guy is very distracted, as apparently are all children of this generation ...

During the session I was message to A because there was a slight confusion with a reunion was being planned for today, Saturday. It turns out that over-communication, the meeting ended up being home on Friday A2, then I ate, bathed and went and at 6:30 aki, despite giving me a lot of things to walk alone at night fortunately I spend nothing and I arrived safely in IV there I met with A and went in the house of A2 was N and we started to talk and see Niwis ... this cat is crazy! jajajaja enoooorme than AN was about 9 or 9:30 and then sip, we began to provide ke for this and that ... talked of a thousand things, personal, group, public and private ... ate too much and listen music very interesting (yeah!! jrock, pop, KPOp, khipop, electro, etc ...) I really was very cold and sleep around 3 or 3:30 and I went to sleep in a corner

^ _ ^ I woke up about 10:30 but I went back to sleep and A as well xDD ke Staying within finished at 1:30 or so, reaching aki ke had turned out to celebrate Kasou food, ate cake, we had fun ... and can guess the rest, right?

A ke see me waiting for the day tomorrow ... 'll rest for now hehe XOXO

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ute, metaphors and philosophical concepts typical of Japanese folklore.


A smell, almizcleñoy lustful, carefully blended to give rise to the lowest passions, permeates the atmosphere with their presence so invisible as a perennial in the eternal night that is the akasen. The ronin, surrounded by the heavy scent expel all those cones of burning incense in each okiya, does his duty with stoic patience. And who would have predicted they would end up as a bodyguard in a brothel.; Oacute; na that any man could aspire to devote his existence. Twist lips in a pout sorry. In an attempt to circumvent those depressing thoughts, Masanosuke refocuses attention on the scent of incense range. That reminiscence distilled in his understanding, as hot water is filtered through the screen soaking tea leaves, feelings and emotions swirling, burning beyond his control. Then rediscovers his inner eye Yaichi body, warm and responsive, fused to his own by a patina of sweat takes the right hand to the face in a thoughtful gesture, unaware at first moment

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Wie Ist Die Seriennummer Von Mount & Blade

Javier Added by Blake on Twitter, I found this video on facebook, I do not really consider these people, hahaha it's fun to realize there are people ke ke ke I have not added and if I live with them in reality .. . aunke my boyfriend tells me to ke kieres ke comment if I can tell you over the phone, well, my anger aki ke or by phone would tell me ¬ ¬ ultrainteresante finally made me, I'll get rid of the fb but ke someone shout my behavior will revolve around this "social network", let me know, plisssssss!

XOXO Sandra

"... ready to go, ready for the spotlight, ready for the show!" - # 1, Big Bang

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pex noble and good, plus ke love it! ^ ^ And fortunately finally woke from their slumber the head ... to see if it gets more the batteries are not alone and well, there are responsibilities ke no one gave him, by himself I think is the ... pa'el vibe

Bedtime was suffering the first day jajajaja Ale strikes because they have no idea! lol and the second we woke up super sore porke were on the floor! hahaha very very funny ... Well that was the only thing weird ... ah! and ke ate a lot, I still do not digest everything we tried UltraBio S, all very relaxing.

Already yesterday, we wanted to return tempra, porke keria me to be with Diana and the ps had commitments at home, we can think peeeero ke go last minute shopping of kings, for peke... no man! made one huge mistake! lol but hey no bronkita, even so it took us a lot, and then the truck did not pass, finally finished ke up the truck at 4pm yesterday, I get very very cold aunke. I spent some time

aki, I help my aunt to make Aztec cake * yum *, ate, saw the family outing of Ji Hoo (the program rule!) And I got to sleep yap ^ ^

Good week, PT end very well! XOXO

Sandra "... but something makes me wake up at night to hear him breathe, and this is my place and everything happen ... ke I get from the north ... "New Year, DM

Sunday, January 2, 2011

South Park Stream English WOW!

I'ts Been Such long time! Ke

there? how are you? I still decembrinas holiday, I'm still very happy to have this lj account ... wow! really impressed me ke ke even there, well, maybe occasionally update this page ... maybe I read it, maybe not ... but if I have a place to vent ...

I spent New Year with my boyfriend's family, as always, is an experience quite innovative, and get used to traditional lectures, but it still does not feel 100% comfortable, and with my family ... everything is strange, and I'm certain ke to them it's the same ^ ^ Uu Even with everything, I remain very grateful to Sandra in 2010 and very committed to 2011. And until I have my first challenge! The course starts kethis month, right ^ ^. Wish me luck ke

I wish they were you, I hope we continue reading from here: D

Sandra Hikari "When There's none else, look inside yourself, like your frying Oldest The Voice Within just trust ..." -Voice Within, CA