Monday, December 27, 2010

Kidney Cancer More Condition_treatment

Christian Kane
Spain: your place in English on CK. CK about your place in English!

Web Page:

Forum (Forum)

/ ckspain


Facebook: # / profile.php? id = 100001242418028 & sk = info

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Are Flavor Metal Cores Good

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Next Car Auction In Canton Ohio Demand Christian Kane en Madrid

Well I happened to inform you that we perform a concert of Christian Kane in Madrid, regardless of the Rising or any convention, something more unique to your art ^ ^
found on his myspace site where fans could sue sites where they would like to touch him. Then create one for MADRID (since it is central and has good places to live and play music that may be available to all.)
do not know if I like them all, but hey I inform you that you may know, paseis voteis and who believe that they would be cool the idea.
A friend contacted the agent and he told her that until they got at least 90 votes would not move to más.Que once there, be room

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Travestis En San Antonio Texas The untitled project Jared Padalecki (9 / 10)

to assist you.

Jensen nods and carefully lifted the chair, too low, feeling the bruises which he had happily forgotten again be noted. He makes a face when the girl comes to the door. "We see the other side, I hope, he says, putting his hand on the knob. She smiles, compassionate, and his eyes are caught in the Cardinals starting to bruise on his right cheek before Jensen from the office. Mark
looks at him, impassive, and covers the damage to the eyes for a moment before making a serious gesture towards the chair opposite his desk. "Sit down," he says, and his tone is clear the order. Obeys Jensen, tense, carefully, and try notchándose forward to support his strong arms on the desk and Jensen study with intense eyes, "is not why you're here. That would have told you over the phone without problems.
Jensen look-a tense pallor of his broad face and the blush that threatened to go for his neck, her shoulders stiff and decides he really does not want to know. "Jared says he goes. Jensen presses her lips tight and not say anything at first. The traffic was still off the wide glass, the sun still shining faintly, and Mark's eyes are burning with anger. Jensen takes a deep breath. [info] - Oh? "Yes, oh repeats Mark, violence contained in voz, and leans more on the table as if to stretch across the desk and grab the throat Jensen. And do not think it's a very risky assumption to assume that you are directly responsible for that decision.
"Actually," Jensen says, and smiles, tense and serious. Revenge is insignificant, but it does feel good, "I would blame your damn contract. Mark it is looking up to correspond to your smile, yours is only slightly larger, with more teeth to the eye.
"At this point, he says, the distinction matters very little. You'll still be in charge of bringing back into the fold, no matter what.
Jensen snorts and shakeshead. "No, I think not. Mark is silent a moment, just looking at him, then shrugs carelessly, a gesture that is out of place with his starched shirt and his suit pressed. [info] "That is bad news," says Jensen, with a hint unpleasant voice, because unfortunately means you will not see any of your money for a long time. is a blatant threat, and Jensen is still for several beats as is hanging in the air between them. "It was I who backed out," he says, carefully, feeling the cold consumes your stomach because there is no way I can afford not to be paid for the months alreadyinvested in this film.
is my money and I have fulfilled all the requirements that I put damn. Not my fault if Jared scares ... "I think that my legal team can make this a pretty good case," says Mark, cutting it with indifference. Surely you would get in the end, but is so wrapped up in legal proceedings that could take years. And also should take into account the legal fees. You get the idea, I'm sure. "Son of a bitch," says Jensen, and rises, just feeling the pull of muscles hurt from how angry he is.

need that money. "I know, and this is nothing personal, Jensen, believe me," says Mark coldlyi go to bed with him.
Jensen's jaw snaps with anger, and even find the words.
"Fuck you," he says finally. You can find you another fucking servant. "Do not expect an answer when he turns around and leaves the office without even looking at the nice secretary when she walks past. ~
When I called Chris later that day to see how it went the meeting, Jensen let it be he who speaks most of the time.
So that bastard took away the pay, eh?
Putos corporate bastards. I guess the fact that it was Jared ... nah. The next time you see it, you can bet your ass to quemotion and drink Dave ... Dave you doing ... What you said, that I will quit. That's a lie, Jen. Lie, okay, 'cause you ... you first left me, Jen. You first. And I never ... I would not have done. He stays silent for a moment Jensen eternal and can not breathe. I hate
, Jared says sadly, and it sounds as if you really want to say just that. Damn, I hate you so much, Jen. And sometimes ...
Exhale loudly into the microphone, sometimes wish I've known . Sounds small and insecure and there is an awkward pause before the line cut.

Jensen sits motionless, and listen to the prerecorded mechanical voice telling you that no newnephew and keeps growing belly with her sister in mind, out of sight but not out of reach. Search blindly until your fingers come into contact with the still new and lower bound the book, holding it without much force against his stomach while carefully place the Scots on the carpet and wall collapses at his side, just feeling the complaints his stripes through immunizing warmth of alcohol.
The cover Jared's face is free. Her smile is as wide as ever, shining white with brown skin and moles that had not yet tried the airbrush. It's a good picture, natural, happy, and Jared Jensen had not seen for more than a year when it was taken. That looks good toera. Jared is staring at him, and Jensen looks away, feeling the heat that rises through the neck. I'll change. " Top
, it takes too long to put on some jeans and a shirt. Jared heard rummaging through the drawers under the floor, hear his footsteps on the linoleum and every sound your stomach taut nerves. Look in the bathroom mirror, water is poured over his face and passed a hand through his hair wet, hoping to wash it. Then dry hands in the back of his jeans, close your eyes and ordered not to collapse, before turning the doorknob and slowly down the stairs. Jared is sitting at the kitchen table, both hands wrapped around one of the cups and making it seem d Jenseniminuta. Looking thoughtfully at the left corner of the room, where humidity wallpaper is not entirely hidden by a tribute to Michelangelo, as did Chris sculpture made out of cans. Jensen stands in the doorway and painfully reminded of exactly why Jared did not want to see your home.
tiles creak under her bare feet, and Jared turns his head.

"Hey," he says softly. I've prepared more coffee. -Nod to the steaming cup that faces it, and Jensen realizes he has left his top. As you like.

Jensen nods and goes, tense. Take the chair back and sits, uncomfortable and unsure of what to do with your hands. After a moment, imita Jared and placed around the hot ceramic. Remain silent.

"Well, Jared speaks, at last. Today I went to see Finnburg.

His voice is calm and serene, and if you did not know Jared as well as he knows, he might have thought that nothing was wrong. Jensen purses his lips and nods, not looking into his eyes.

- How do you ...?

-Chris has called me. Jared pauses, to allow process information. Has told me everything.

Jensen stares at his own hands, absently, and then rises from the table, with a grin on his face pretending to be a smile.

- Want a little more milk with that? She asks, getting up too fastgives very screwed up and if you think you want that ... I wanted to hide ...
I swear I did not know.

Jensen holds on to the top with white-knuckled hands, even with sink scratches on the face of Jared.

"I know, says softly. I know. I never thought you could be aware.

Jared sighs heavily and left hand on the counter when it yields a bit, as if the relief was too. Your thumb is warm in the place where it rests on a wound Jensen, and it does not deviate.

After a moment, Jared returns to talk in a hoarse voice

"I've recovered your money. Everything.

"I have not asked you to.
tia ", as I expected you to say. That would have been enough ... Even together, you know? Just as friends. Could have endured it. But it just seemed that you wanted to vomit every time I looked. Jensen Jared feels as if it were falling apart, piece by piece, with the string of confessions against his neck. Look straight ahead and try desperately not to feel, his hands gripping the counter so hard that it hurts. "Well," Jared said softly, his voice sounds as if she had been dragged over gravel. This is up to you, Jensen. I want everything you're willing to give me, but I will not try to force you to make this work. Because, well, damn it has worked well with our current situation,right? He says wearily, and his hands release it.

"The filming starts again on Monday, and Andrew said you better plant your ass there. "There's a brief silence, a hesitation, and Jensen Jared wants to hand over his shoulder, a consolation, whatever. But Jared does not touch him. I know where the door.

Jensen Jared has the steps to the front door, hear the door lock open and close smoothly. Slowly, her fingers off the edge of the counter, turns, and slides to the floor dirty. Raise your legs, arms resting on his knees and try to reassemble the pieces of himself.


was a Thursday morning, sunny and bright, and Jared camehis trailer without knocking, with a happy smile on his face. Slipped two fingers into the waistband of Jensen and pushed him towards you, making your thighs and hips come into contact. He spoke of the episode they were filming, that her mother wanted to see Jensen, and what he thought of going on holiday to Europe during the hiatus ("Southern France, perhaps?).

Jensen looked up at Jared's face.

"I can not keep doing this," said Jay. Jared

stopped talking and frowned. Then he shook his head, put a warm hand on Jensen's back and smiled sideways.

"You bastard, Jen. I do not know why I love you so much.

"I mean," growled Jensen, fondegunto if

want to leave ... As if you wanted all that crap from the press and the mountains of insults and that the series pay everything. He turned then and looked at Jared, whose face was paler than he had ever seen and whose mouth was closed in a line and angled downward. This is not a fucking fairy tale, Jared said, trying to be scathing. You and I will never get married and adopt a kid and have five fucking dogs on a ranch in the middle of Texas. At some point the way, things will change, and would prefer that my career did not look ruined by this thing we ... Not when you could end up in a couple of months. did not want to be so angry, so closed, but I thought that if there isbath to calm down long enough to know better would begin to mourn for all that. And then Jared would begin to beg for forgiveness ... I met him again to accept.

"Could Jared said softly, as if that word were the fucking holy grail.
Jensen. It could also take years. Jensen

inhaled sharply. Then he turned and left the trailer without another word.

The next two weeks were the worst of his life. This morning seemed to have shrunk to Jared, somehow, and wandered blindly around the set as if there might care. Dean and Sam try to work together on the screen had been fucking impossible, and whenever he saw Jensen-alwayspre catching the eye of Jared in his direction, the tight ball of pain in his gut tightened a bit more and had to look away. I could not be lying in bed thinking about Jared, could not sleep without dreaming of it, and after telling him he was the son of a whore asshole I knew, Chris sat him on a chair and, in what must have been the most embarrassing conversation history, "he said, basically, to follow his heart.

arrived on Saturday morning, and Jensen woke up feeling more clear than it had felt in days. He hummed as he pulled on jeans, ate three toasts, and was leaving home to go see Jared when the phone rang. Kripke was

amto saying nosequé a contract you signed. I wanted to report it too, I hear. And they had to call security at the end to avoid being departed teeth.

-Ah, "says Jensen, unable to find the words. Exactly

says Andrew. ~

[To be continued in the tenth and final chapter]

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Red Palms More For_patients [Fic] Yuuwaku

and refresh your skin glowing with sweat, but without the least bother to cover her naked slender silhouette with the now messy and wrinkled fabrics in your yukata. He leaned back in the sliding door, and proceeded to fill with snuff and light his pipe, starting to smoke abandoned languor, it seemed, that he helped channel for each fiber and artery in your body and sparkling meandering traces orgasmic pleasure finally sated. Absconded while on the drug and the contemplation of the first light of dawn, pale as watercolor strokes dawning among the houses, Seinoshin scratched his scalp dark Masanosuke with, An in the eyes of this posed a small advantage for Yaichi too tempting to not make a profit from time when, even though the innate docility of their bodyguards, an accomplice and lover , and more often lately, curiously, not fail to soften and make you fix your sarcasm barely uttered. With a touch dry vacuum inside the pipe in the ashtray nearby, before proceeding. Softened again, the expression of his crystal blue eyes, smiled Yaichi flattering and intimate, aware that disponíaa declare what this strange warrior interpreted as insurancethe mission more difficult than any he had entrusted daimyo ever.
- Because tonight ... I who is waiting.
Infallible, the aforementioned swallowed. And the enigmatic criminal laughed, sincere, with genuine cheerfulness he believed forgotten. End

Clarification: What's innocent pubescent over six shaku
has been a small frikadas to Japan (6 shaku = 1.8 m) which is to say that often appears to be a buck mass trapped in a body of two meters. CHT

Friday, November 26, 2010

Acidosis Causes More Condition_symptoms

My first fanart Goyou Sarai-ya! And it's Yaichi / Mass, of course ♥ Chibi-style and work-safe, albeit I Have Done Some realistic sketches and ecchi: P

Textures Are Not mine;;

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Homemade Toy Boats To Race

Sarai-ya Goyou MLXC Pairing: [info] Yaichi / Mass Rating: M Notes: respect to the pairing, as we shall see I have a pretty versatile design of their relationship. So while inertia put Yaichi / Mass, understood that their roles are quite reversible also in the sexual. Moreover, use several Japanese buzzwords but I think the context is well understood what I mean. If you have any questions, however, ask:) [info] 魚 の よう に

Like a fish Masanas
Akitsuta image of himself on that thug, more than satisfied with the new frame of mind according to its wayward smile lit his hands whipping hard on your back, ordering him to bid more deep within him. Mass is hidden, with flushed cheeks to the limit, curling under his futon. Oh, God, has never happened. Have returned to exchange papers. What, you do not have very clear, but what has become definitely happen. The young ronin
always wakes alone. At some point in the morning Yaichi returns to her room, but Masa, despite his warrior instinct, never notice the drain & ecold water next to the pillow but instead of drinking it, empty the bucket on his neck, trying to ginger up your senses and bloated. Rushes into your hair up, put your hakama and belt match the katana and wakizashi, hoping to slip away unnoticed. But unfortunately when you leave your room collides with two prostitutes, immersed in the relaxed chatter. Both girls exchanged a chuckle too significantly before continuing their journey. Not knowing what to face, unable to look away from the floor, barely out gracefully with a clumsy babble like a succinct formula of apology, flees Masanosuke stumbled toward the exit as an exhalationn. A shelter in the back of the okiya Mass dropped on a hard floor, sighing dramatically while hiding his troubled expression between the palms of their hands. For the umpteenth time, she wondered what to do, what to deduce from this cast of recurring events every night chained by a common bond that surprisingly elusive as it seems the samurai. Passively distracted by the rhythmic beat of a hollow bamboo fountain next, then comes to mind, without really knowing why, the recollection of his pitiful performance during the celebration of First tanabata in Edo, when he tried &newfound popularity "male that none of us can give you in bed. Yaichi-san has seen something in you. Something very special that only you can give. So it is always you that I go, because you need. Masanosuke
lowers his head, flushed against his will. But the blush, oddly, keeps a semblance of this entirely new to him on the inside vibrates with pleasure. He looks nervously over his hands gathered hakama, without knowing even what to say. And once again, the shrewd woman is coming forward.
- Do not worry, ronin-san. We will continue to keep your little secret - the girl winks, incorporating

Monday, November 8, 2010

Blush Bridal Lisburn Road Belfast Notice

Monday, November 1, 2010

Auto Immune Hepatitis More Condition_symptoms STARSHIP

IS THIS? This deserves an entry and ten thousand. Oh, my Roddenberry!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Carabean Cruise Time Share Or "Elf" [01/01]



"Einstein: His * dum-dum-dum * within"

Gustav is the drummer.
Dum-dum-dum sound in his head and in that of others when it is close. Especially Georg, who swears by the most sacred of their world to anyone who wants to pay attention, you hear the sound of running not only in their ears, but also in their veins and shell n. Gustav So when you away from everyone and the situation permits, remove your headphones and listen to music. Which always leads to more dum-dum-dum. CHT Sometimes chaos is too much. On the same day a thousand and one things can go wrong: late for the scheduled interview, without breakfast and dressed in dirty clothes, bear the same old questions and receive final stabbing a final that is intent to annoy and create controversy. More unexpected delays and lunch become two minutes of "eat what they can because we are on the air in three, two one ..." that satisfy no one when they appear before the camera smiling. Apparel photo shoot not only the horrible and distasteful, but it stings, bites like the devil had used jabPowder ng cheaper! Back at the hotel of fans clog the entrance to the point where it is necessary to call security and are removed from the vehicle in the middle of hitting, pushing, pulling, and deafening screams. Georg be considered successful if at the end of each day a fan will not finish booting a lock of hair in his delirium.
To make matters worse, the twins tend to be themselves and disaster rises to epic proportions. The minimum is to hear them shouting insults, the worst is having to duck to avoid flying objects with which they are released.
And above them, Gustav watching the scene with indifference, more concentratedon a higher plane than on the ground and suffering. Georg
not know if the drummer is real or a reincarnation of Buddha, but admires him for it. "Vier: It is very sad * sniff *"

Gustav is not to blame for his stoic exterior.
Where all are serious and a stony heart fríoy calculator, there are a sensitive soul.
Not in the traditional style, Gustav is not an artist of any kind, no writing, no dancing, no singing. For him, the battery is your world and thinks it is his fault if others do not understand the sensitivity it offers to those around him. That is a practical person, also helps create an imageper box of tissues and it is comforting to the drummer's head warm on his shoulder.

"Fünf: Shades of gray" Georg

sometimes has its bad moments.
And when the days seem to be no good at all and those who are not, become worse. This is when the bass needs more than ever before Gustav.
is simple: Wherever you see white or black Georg, Gustav describes a gray world where millions converge. For him there is no "always" or "never" just as there is no absolute lack of color (black) and the everlasting presence of light (bcl, No!
"Ask whatever, please, but ...
" No, George, no.
Gustav turns around in the small of his bunk (his bunk, his and nobody else!) And try to sleep again, but it is impossible.
Gusti ... And something clicked. Georg know, like a 'Gusti' well spent, drummer yield to any request no matter how ridiculous or uncomfortable that it be for you.
"Well, but ..." stresses threatening when Georg lifts the blankets and looks set to get under, "you do everything you said antHis righteousness.
When the twins fight to the last slice of strawberry shortcake, is Gustav which solves the problem, not choosing one of them or handing the piece in half, but eating it himself and threatening voice sweet if they return to fight, lose your cake will be the lesser of evils.
Let him do with a breathtaking tranquility is what you like to Georg, he, instead, I would have cried for an unsolved problem.
A lot.

"Acht: The theory of 'nothing'"

is simple: Gustav believe that all that is nothing, nothing is the same, and at the same time, & eacute, sa is the exception.
The first time I heard that Georg, arching an eyebrow, then laugh until your stomach hurts. Gustav tells abandon hard drugs and spending time with the twins because her words are ringing in that they have been smoking pot in disrepair.
Undeterred, Gustav has become to explain: "Well," says
after a few minutes of thinking deeply about what is going to say, "to better understand an example. If someone asks how you feel, what do you say? "It depends
Georg whispers, a bit embarrassed by the intensity with which his friend looks & ama dark, damp place in your mind for some time before finally understand and put to good use.
Then you learn to put a face devoid of emotion, perhaps slightly sad and wait ...
At some point, Gustav will ask you what is and say 'nothing'. That alone is sufficient to relegate drummer and leave anything else to be to embrace his stoic and pure lavish love might exist in the world, their friendship.
Sometimes that really depresses Georg, but others are happy with what you can take and do what in normal circumstances you think of losers: Comply.
will notis another.

"Neun: The original poster perfeccióny"

"There has to be perfect for anyone except me," is the slogan that is heard over Gustav. What applies at all, his music, his relationships, his life, his ego.
And though sometimes to the opinions of others, not at all perfect, whatever it is, the drummer does not really give a damn. Georg
jealous, because despite seeing his own flaws (whether the corner of a wrinkled piece of clothing or an ego big enough to crush anyone), I wish I could have that Gustavisión
Só No I see the perfect world, but believe it is.

& amp; lacquered; Zehn: Es war einmal ... "

- ... and because I could not be otherwise, they lived happily ever after. End Gustav whispers with his last breath, his eyes already closed, lips sealed for the rest of the night. End is the end, the story has ended.
Everything always begins with a simple request: "Please, a story, Gusti" and is the 'Gusti' always the one that achieves all the end. Gustav
not know fairy tales, princes and princesses, brave in trouble, not pirates, goblins, witches, evil or mysterious elderly in unknown places, but it fulfills its mission.
Perhaps the lady of his histanger Georg blankets and sticks more in the back, eager for any contact, "good-Drag nochesss ... the last syllable, falling asleep instantly. Georg
think a little more in the Princess Anabilla, rescued by her brave prince Thomas always, the story of that night had a happy ending at all, as always, but the bass player focuses on the latest words, 'happily ever after', so it feels like to Gustav, and forever happy. As
Before falling asleep, kiss Gustav's shoulder lightly and try to sleep.

"Elf: Ten things to love Gustav and Georgthis life, there will be.


Itchy Palms More Condition_symptoms

^ ^ In two hours, but I anticipate ...

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: Return this. [12/15?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi .
author notes: Chapter of tension, I say. Simone is very wrong of what was actually lka thirteen and Bill lied about ego for the sake & iac
author notes: The idea came to me one evening he studied chemistry. Really, my poor brain was overstretched and zaz, suddenly, I hit the imagination. There seems to be a fic with many pretensions, but in my one-shots, this is the moment which I like. No lemon, not a complete list, but little vignettes that made me chest pain. Notes

aside: As I said earlier, my birthday (today, in case anyone is wondering = D) I'm going on vacation and return to 11 January.
I know nobody will miss me, but also announced that back.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homebuilt Boat Trailer

* Cof-cof * cough distraction cough illness.

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: The first step on the long way home. [11/14?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi .
author notes: Ah! Back to write fics ... If only for two weeks. But Buee ... That's nothing, I'll take two Upgrade /ones.
today's chapter was built in two parts, but barely noticeable. If anything make bets on what the breaking point, fail. The plot unfolds as now it pleases me and what I see, also goes for long. And I speak not only for my vacation starting next week, but it probably will be three parties, it being the end of the first. Notes

aside: I've mentioned before, but going back. The first day of November, I'm going on 'holiday' until 11 January. Write, but sure will not publish anything. It is my rest period each AnoyI make no exceptions.
To celebrate, insurance and publishing are two chapters.

B & B ~!

Sick pd. It's pretty hard to write when I can barely stop coughing on the poor monitor.
pd2. My birthday is coming up, being on Monday:)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

English Version Of Fire Emblem: Sword Of Seals. [Fic] tables

airing: Light / L [info] Rating: T

Depositing with your fingers clamp the last lump of sugar in your tea , black, the detective made the opening. It begins with a bold and aggressive move, his opponent already knows this tactic. Be returned in due time. This chess game is, in a display of memorization and retention visual, mental again, without a board. They are above that, of course. Under this dynamic, the action can turn, one will continue to document their ar

Wedding Programs In Spanish [Fic] challenge

And here comes the second request, this time for [info] scapizm . Mello also appears, I hope that you do not mind that you still like what I wrote;, had long worked at BB and not, as always, has been the most fun, although I the character of so much grief. Now I'll get to the last drabble that I hope to have ready for this afternoon. Enjoy it:)

Challenge Fandom: Death Note (Another Note)
Pairing: BB / L
Rating:T +


Childhood is a strange and ambivalent phenomenon. The kids expect everything in their fantasy devoid of the shackles that the development objective of the years given to experience, surprise is more difficult than one might think. But this imagination is limited by his condition as an infant, for the inevitable ignorance of the many, raw, nuanced, sublime and horrifying realities that shape the world of morality raped the perfect, blameless adults. Ah, but the child, sometimes with overwhelming, nor less frightening ease, is capable of becoming a participant in this monstrous truth with the cold impersonality of a psychopath alienated. The child soon learns that the engañoy lies, abuse of the weak, brings benefits not insignificant. The child soon learns to be cruel. And even earlier, learn to enjoy it.

Mello why play is so fun. Early and tanning in human baseness from so small, children's games with it are lined with a dizzying ambiguity taboo. Beyond taking advantage of this by far, pursues him, raging, shelves full of doubt with a sly impudence whatBB clucks, leaning even more the knife, but Mello shoved him from.
're crazy, Beyond. Fuck you. You who do not dare to do so. BB
And smiles, triumphant, from ear to ear. Do not you ...? Chac. next thing is enough to recall the bright pool of blood soaking the carpet giggling and hanging to the index. The pain is severe and constant as a deafening whistle. But such a trifle irrelevant. Amid the chaos and bloody hilarious, L is the only one that gets reduced, the only on the left reduced. Alwhile trying to stop his seizures, he heard giving orders: a Watari to immediately prepare a sedative, to Mello to go away from there ipso facto. L is fríoy labored methodical like a doctor with a patient which already knows your sintomatologíay treatment, placed behind his back, his arms holding him tightly, freezes its members heard murmurs in its do, with his distinctive voice tinged automaton a slight hint of parental request, please calm down and trust him now. Beyond lies the chest look cramped detective, not wanting to see the needle stuck in his forearm pain reliever. Prete Lawlietnde remain neutral and impassive as is their custom, but that adrenaline rush is too immediate, too tangible to withhold a minimum of disturbance in an organization such as L, used to take the problem third-person human. Beyond warns why the hesitation of the almighty and omniscient L to their actions outside of logic and common sense, read his dismay, his incomprehension at such an absurd waste of irrationality. That
, that's their major constraint to B.
And so, curled like a wounded animal against a living legend, as did the sedative effect,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Aluminium Boat Flooring Installation [Fic] close

Rimir obscuring their eyes toward the door, not wanting to even think about the possibility of being seen or heard by women from the brothel. When going through his mind the possibility that Matsu has decided to go to visit them that night and caught them in such a situation, it is believed to collapse as if he had drunk a bottle of sake in one gulp. Bite your nut. She emerges from her ponytail. Shouji cornering him against the paper. Feel under the palm of his hand the grunt of the entrails of mass, nervous and hungry, whispers peep easy bawdy joke in your ear without much effort to enjoy the new the bewildered expression, as is more ashamed allispuesto to admit his pride as a warrior, cross your legs behind your hips and under the heat of the attacks moan his name against his shoulder, just reached to pronounce the honorific by which adorns his pseudonym eternally. Protected by the warm crackle of the next lamp, almost extinct, Seinoshin embraces the lean, strong, trained for combat and slaughter, that lanky intuitive apocopated and unexpectedly picked up from the street, as years it was himself. Letting finally overcome by sleep when I feel shy and gentle stroking with the tips of his fingers, rough from rubbing continued t

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Norton Security Rogers

Sleepless Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: Light / L
Warnings: In fact, this more connecting with the history and servant Harazyn AU with canon plot. Though I suppose as it can be read. If it senses too the seeds of a romance ... hey, for once, true.
Notes: Although not stop writing, did I do not upload anything. In case anyone missed me, here's one of my OTP caramelito before Halloween.


The detective opened his eyes, inhaling a deep breath. The last throes of climax yet deliciously lazy reverberated through every fiber of your body. Slowly, the haze of sexual excitement dissipated and reality began to rebuild again around with ruthless objectivity. With the unloaded weight on his slender figure of a faun, answered her lover and indolent in their wet kisses, whispered softly into his mouth. The legend of the century prevented to leave his flooded inside, ordering him to remain united with him in that inextricable embrace. Inevitably, moreof their respective wishes, warm and comforting.

And for some reason, Light Yagami obeyed. It was the second time that day that gave no apparent pay the wishes of that shaggy and irreverent puppet. L

had stopped in the middle of a hit, slowing the impact of his opponent. Holding chained by the wrist with his fingers stiff and sore, leaned his forehead against the young Japan, veiling the expression in her long jet-black bangs.

- Ya ... to please. I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting with Light-kun. & Ndash, A barely audible gasp, stubborn. Prisoner of a dirty little thrill.

Before he could reach a decision on that particular mission statement, Yagami found himself unable to reject those pale lips and groaning hovering over his mouth ajar in a grin of surprise, drunk desperate vehemence diametrically opposed to that which had triggered the collision just before. Receive mutual, and bruised her arms full of bruises, the demand for L and was accomplished under the tacit stamp of an intimate kiss.

The handsome chestnut ret

Monday, October 4, 2010

Webbed Toes More Condition_symptoms

Monday, September 27, 2010

Calculator Annealing Temperature

Happy Birthday Bu-Pooh! :)

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: Step two. [10/14?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi .
author notes: Little to say. The chapter feels forced because well, it's forced. It was hard to write, especially because suddenly the plot takes quite a turnnsarlo when the semester ends. I love you and graxie
for reading this far.

Besucos ~! Pd In case you want to know something or contact me while I'm away, feel confident, I promise not to bite:)

pd (Exterior) Sueñooooooooooo = _ = I'm up to evil, dammit!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Vegeta Bulma Doujinshi

Fanfic: Overture plastic
Chap: One-shot. [01/01]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. First time. Humor. Romance.
Warnings: Humiliation. OOC.
Disclaimer: I owned the fic, not the persons contained therein.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | GXG] Sometimes the best gift is a 'puppet' of flesh and bone.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi . Notes
Author: Gusti Gift Fic-Pooh on her birthday x3

Plastic Overture

-Mmm-gru & nticlash within the box and like the best gift of all (something that obviously was not even in a twisted world) was nicely accommodated an inflatable doll. Gustav
dropped heavily on the chair I was previously.
Someone was going to die. Preferably, painfully, for having played a tasteless joke.
And not because it was an inflatable doll and a hint so I would throw obscene, but because the prisoner doll in question, bore more than a resemblance to a certain bassist bandmate.
A second look at the case, it confirmed to Gustav.
green eyes, fair skin and a wig of long hair and caste &; About girls, or was attached to the head.
Gustav did not know whether to be offended or alarmed, the first thing about being the victim of that prank just for his birthday and the second because, despite being an open secret her attraction to Georg, he preferred that the bear would not know as far as possible, ie never. Never. Before death.
"Damn ..." He pressed the septum between two fingers. I will kill life-sentenced the pair of twins that he was sure his soul swearing on a Bible, had wanted to ruin your day. You'll see ...
CHTMindiscreet intruder, making a shield for the better collection, the bag with dirty clothes before. If that could not scare away the curious, nothing would.
Next on his list was made as usual. For the sake of their mental health and that of all around him, tried to act as normal as possible, so when they finally reached their destination, got off the bus with leisurely gait and expression n the face as smooth as possible. On his way
received several expressions of affection for her birthday, ranging from the simple greeting, even holding hands and hugs sincere and not so sincere. However, little was caughtattention, while waiting for the right time to make Bill and Tom in the neck and shake them until some common sense come into their heads of granite.
Above all, what most offended by this gift and what could be catastrophic for the whole band when George realized albeit obliquely by the crush that had Gustav upon him was the fact that a month before the drummer had given willingly to modify the itinerary of the small tour they would do in September for a couple of cities in Germany and initially would be the last week of August and early September, to move toto second and third of September, just so the twins could be home by that time and celebrate his birthday. In exchange Gustav was not going to spend yours with his family but on the road and working, but agreed because he thought the gesture that it would be good.
Big mistake. That pair of ungrateful
The betrayal hurt more than the offense. "There
buffet before starting the interviews, the Georg nudged to the side, making for a moment forget Gustav it his temper and his brow on his forehead to relax a little. Tense light-add ó with a smile from ear to ear that made him the drummer jelly legs which schoolgirl living his first love from high school.
"I slept a little wrong-half lied Gustav, remembering how bad your mattress. My bed ... He left the sentence unfinished.
- Really? "He led by Georg almost deserted corridors of the private area of the restaurant where they were going to eat before going to business. It's a shame, Gus. Jost need to talk to that. "Mmm
Gustav nodded, aware of how Georg's hand closed around his elbow and guided him directive to a lonely table, away from others in the elegant hall.
The good fortune of the buffets, was how little the other guests were paying attention. Were more focused on binge eating in order to enforce their money than paying atencióny tell if habíao around someone not worth taking into account.
after serving dishes filled with breakfast and have drinks ready in hand, Gustav and Georg sat facing each other, leaving the table a couple of other free sites. The twins would arrive slightly late because their bus had not arrived. "Peace and quiet
& mdash; Georg said after passing a piece of fried egg. Not remember what it was eating without getting a kick under the table or take care of the whispers of that pair. - 'That pair' in reference to Tom and Bill, who never missed the opportunity to turn the sacred lunch on a battlefield where two of them produced the disaster. I think the reverse aging, each year they are worse.
"You bet, Gustav sipped his orange juice with carrots.
drummer was not sure how I would approach the matter with the twins. As much as the idea of shaking up and down on her inLXC-Ah-Georg drummed his fingers on the table. Right.
Before either could add something else, the sound of footsteps was heard in the corridor and after a few seconds, Bill and Tom made an appearance, causing scandal and push NDOS rudely but not aggressive.
-Pfff, claaaro, Tom. Whatever you say, Bill was saying, one step ahead of his twin and rolling his eyes. You have toooda reason in the world, Mr. I-el-all-powerful.
"Because if you say so ..." snorted Tom behind her sister, la cap on his head a little out of place. Come on, Bill, "he hissed at the end.
The two went to the deli to grab a plate and choose what to eat.
"It seems there's trouble in paradise," Georg laughed softly, with Gustav exchanging a knowing look. They both knew that when the twins were arguing among themselves, the best thing was to get away and not playing the role of mediators for the world, the price was not worth it at all. I bet that Bill put his foot on something and will not admit it. "I believe you
Gustav pecked his food, suddenly without much APETs given me something so similar to my crush! "said the drummer, twisting his mouth to one side.
No, never say something like that. Preferred before going out dressed in negligee and singing 'It's raining men' as Bill years ago.
"I played a joke in bad taste," he muttered in his place. Georg
was patient waiting for the drummer to continue, but seeing her silent volvíaa I could not stand the curiosity.
- What?
"Ugh, do not want to know.
"If I want.
"Yes, really. Cbrir mouth to apologize for being so blunt, but at that moment the door opened and in came the twins, a little less happy than before and cautious.
-Los scolded by you, just in case Gustav Georg whispered.
-Gusti, we want to apologize, Bill approached with caution drummer's seat and carefully sat down beside him. Neither Tom nor I wanted to make you angry.
"It was not our intention," Tom sat on the other side of Gustav.
"Just wanted to give you your gift and ...
-thank you for accepting change fcute, have confirmed their suspicions: The twins had not been the joke of the morning. He or the joker, was still free.
"No issues between George and me, the drummer crossed arms, a little more comfortable knowing for certain that the twins were not the perpetrators of the joke, but at the same time mortified who themselves had been and why. Someone else sabíay
the idea was nauseous.
not only because knowledge was power and power corrupt, but because hell, than anyone knew Tom and Bill, meant that her feelings were open bookfor the other to the extent that they felt good to play with something that was not only very personal, but also of vital importance.
"I want to die, anyone know of my crush on Gustav Georg leaned on his legs and rested his elbows on his knees. If you come to find out Georg my life will end. I'm going to die on the spot. I can not look into his eyes and going to hate me, ugh.
"Come on, Gus, not dramatic-Tom tried to console his friend. Maybe someone thought it would be funny to make a doll like Georg and nothing else. Does not mean that perperson know how you sigh for him.
-O the chimneys you for it, eh, Bill tried to lighten the load, but Gustav was not for stupid jokes and told him to shut up without delay.
"My life ended on my birthday number twenty-Gustav slumped back against the back of the chair was. I would have preferred that you were and still annoying. Go
-grace-and-mouth Bill turned to me I would have liked that.
"Not to me, Tom seconded.
"That does not matter now -I began to collect their luggage and Gustav had no other more than with them.

The last hours of the day passed with astonishing calm.
suggestion of the band and with the approval of Khost, were out to dinner in a private pequeñoy restaurant offered good food and a varied selection of drinks.
They laughed, joked and had a good time.
All but Gustav, who could not stop shaking like a leaf in the wind every time George spoke or looked at him. A light touch (inevitable because they were sitting side by side) will not be dislodged and if concentrated lI walk the two were within his autobúsy closed the door. It's silly, but ...
"Never mind, said the drummer with his lips slightly contracted at the top, relieved that the friendliness of the bass was always the same, it was hoped that nothing would change in between them, either for good or ill. Although the pain of being nothing more than friends so would end up eating one day and log on the fire, he preferred it to be despised. "Wait here
Georg Gustav led to the space of the berths and made him sit on the floor on a cushion & amp; mdash; .. I'm not slow.
Gustav nodded. He saw Georg
disappeared towards the kitchen and waited a couple of minutes before getting nervous. Georg why it was taking? Just when I was about to get up to go find him, the lights were extinguished and the bus became alarmed Gustav.
If it was a power failure, something serious must be happening. Fortunately, George's voice reassured him.
"It's nothing, Gus, I turned off the lights.
- Why? -Gustav ran his sweaty hands on his trousers, shuffling possibilities and scenarios why bassistdrummer licked his fingers and fed it refrained from releasing a groan. Because if I were you ... ask a girlfriend. Gustav
stiffened. "I need a girlfriend. Georg
not take this as personal. "Then a boyfriend.
"I ..." Gustav Georg was silent when put the thumb on his lips and silenced him.
Bassist knew Gustav was not rigid about their sexuality, but with his heart open to the idea of falling in love more than the person's gender, but always leaving that for later.
"There's something I have to confess," said Georg,shifting their gaze from Gustav and it just felt a weight on the stomach. I gave you a gift today and I do not know if you liked it or not.
"I have not opened any gifts Gustav stammered, wondering what the Georg.
"Security is a pair of socks," she thought with a little sadness, expecting nothing more from him because they were friends and nothing more.
"Not if you saw it. It was on the kitchen table and ... "Georg licked his lips before continuing. I know you saw it because I was not ah & amp; iacute; when I awoke in the morning, but I'm not sure if you looked inside the box. Did you? Gustav
opened eyes wide with surprise. -Georg ...
bassist Gustav took hands with hers. "I think I was an idiot trying to be direct, but ... I like you, Gustav Schäfer and I want to give me a chance and try.
Gustav took a breath. "I thought they were twins ... I bother much with them. "The drummer felt like Georg shook hands and tried to let go, but he laced his fingers and gave resistancer of lovebirds who looked adoringly obvious and did not realize they were observed. I understand.
Tom clasped his hand with his twin and the two smiling happy ending Gustav and Georg, sought another single table where they could share their own love.


Autonomic Nervous System More Condition_symptoms Yield as good [01/01]

Fanfic: Giving for Good. Chap
: One-shot. [01/01]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Established relationship. First time. Romance. Twincest.
Warning: Adult content. OOC. Under-Age Erotica / Shota / Chan.
Disclaimer: Not mine or yours, just a 'try' birthday gift to K-Twins.
Abstract: The idea of romance for the first time always varies, but is the result that counts at the end: Losing your virginity.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi . Notes
author: Birthday Fic for K-twins.

Yield as good

-Left ... Uh, yeah, right there, "moaned Bill.
Working between his legs and concentrate on making his twin feel my best, Tom played with the lip piercing before moving his fingers a little to the address and get Bill howl of pleasure.
- Are you missing a lot?
-N-No, Bill stammered with dilated pupils and unable to bear more of that torture. A little more and ...
Alone and in the room most of the twins, the two was a dull afternoon in early August coyears to clear. Not that I find you ... Sexy as you say. Is ... "Make love? That's ... It's very intimate and should be with someone - "who loves you" thought for a split second, but the truth is that no one loved or as much as he amaríaa Bill & mdash ;. We are still very young for that.
"In less than a month of fourteen," she recalled Bill. I promise you'll like it, "he added, as if not enough of what was already offering.
The crotch Tom said yes, just as his heart, butcute, as if his decision was not wrong and should have said 'yes' instead of 'no'. Theirs
Bill was anything but complicated.
were twins and as such their relationship extended beyond the moral line that could score. For these two, being together in an intimate way, was at first a simple physical examination. Bodies themselves have made things easier and curiosity soon gave way to necessity, when their level rose intimate activities and their relationship became less innocent.
Tom was not sure of cu — Hey, greeted his sister, who in recent days had been giving the cold shoulder. Bill called his name when his first attempt had failed to call attention. Answers, grabbed him by the elbow just when it disponíaa twin set foot on the first step.
"What," he answered gloomily, apparently far more wounded in his ego than he had wanted to show at first.
"I'm sorry Tom at once, forgetting his earlier words. &also wanted you you to feel well, so ... I figured it would be a good idea if we did. That. Love.
The elder of the twins was in the face with his hand. "Ugh, do not say that.
- What?
-Make Love-feigned disgust. It sounds so corny.
"It's romantic," said Bill. It's what I do with you.
"We're twins. The twins do not make love to each other, "muttered Tom, trying to find logic in his own prayer.
-Many twins do not do things that we HacemI, Tom, but Bill as-rolled his eyes. Make love, have sex, have sex, whatever ... I want to do with you. I've been thinking in recent months and I want it fixed, looked at his twin's eyes and found himself captivated by Tom sincerity within them. Yes or no?
The elder of the twins recalled his thoughts of days ago, wish it ran every time he thought of Bill and every one of the reasons that motivated him to say yes, ignoring step they said no.
However ... I can not, sorry. "I ta

Unto Bill ... Bill, who refused to talk when they were alone and allow entry to your habitaciónoa reconciled. All attempts to Tom had been ruined when Bill shut the door in his face or ignored the point of nonexistence and really thinking it was invisible.
At one point desperate, the elder of the twins she had no other but to seek privacy when he let off steam BATHING.
Once finished cleaning up the mess and threw the towel in laundry basket, proceeded to wash their hands. A quick look in the mirror made him realize the bright eyes and cheeks haveOur company transferred even before really thinking about them, as if destiny is bent on making all this happen, Tom sat on the toilet lid and began to make plans.
First things first: Make that special event. Bill wanted to be so, Tom is responsible for fulfilling their fantasies.
But after fifteen minutes with staring into space, came to nothing. I had what used to be called a romantic streak and all the ideas you came to mind, came from cheap porn sometimes seen early in the morning on cable. Of course, Tom was sure that Bill did not appreciate &; Iacute; to your intentions if you came with a surprise taken out of "Nurses horny IV: Introduction to fledgling lesbian." Almost
about to resign, his eyes fell on the title of a journal article Für Sie his mother had piled in a stack within the magazine. Intrigued by the red color of the cover, removed the publication and read:
- "101 ways to find romance in bed." He opened the magazine and looked at the article index page. Your man crazy in bed, we tell you how-movement & oacuteta. Using
, with much pain in his hand all the gift that his Oma had sent for his fourteenth birthday and that he had originally planned to use for a new skateboard to buy supplies , Tom thanked the fates of fate that the date was a weekday and was home alone for two of them.
Gordon had a concert in a city aledañay Simone had not pressured to go, knowing that they had school the next day, so Tom had it all planned in advance from days earlier. Just
had seen their parents go away with your carmobile end of the street, ran upstairs and began to prepare everything.
Bill had gone to spend the afternoon at the home of Andreas and went back to about six or seven, just in time for dinner, which gave Tom enough time to prepare everything and amaze your return.
Not long after, Tom looked at his watch just in time for what he considered an excellent job and on time. Now just have to wait.

Bill came home reluctantly. The last month was not the best of his life and much of it is debíaa Tom, the idiot.
taking off their shoes at the door, Bill lookedacute; to tell from the smell of stale Christmas were cinnamon-apple.
- What is this? I asked Bill, folding his arms a little alarmed.
"It's ..." He rubbed his nose Tom irritated more than a half hour wait between the vapors of the candles. I wanted to do something special to celebrate our birthday and I thought ...
- What would be a great idea drown in this plague? He raised the youngest of the twins an eyebrow. Bueeeno, each with their tastes.
- No, you idiot! Tom "I buzzed thehorra talk and act, so he stripped off his boxers and crawling to the center of the bed, where Bill and I waited with a hand around his own ereccióny the other playing around his navel.
"I do it on my back," she whispered against his lips barely Tom leaned over his body and left her skin inch by inch along the legs, hips and torso. Tom nodded
tongue tied.
course, what would Bill, For what else could he do?

"Happy birthday, Bill murmured Tomi with the rearair and a curious finger crossing the back of her twin.
In his post-coital romp, neither felt in the mood for anything but to be lying side by side, naked and contemplating an idiot worship.
Bill had been right, Tom arrived at the conclusion, when the mere sight of her sister filled his stomach a bubbling sense that he recognized as' butterflies in the gut. "
"Happy birthday, Bill replied in turn. Do not buy anything, but ...
"I gave the bestgift of all. That's all I wanted, "said Bill, leaning on his elbows and grimaced in pain. I'm fine, said when Tom frowned worriedly, I just feel ... angry. Going to happen. The next time will be better.
"I hope not," Tom said cheerfully, "because then never come out of the habitacióny that can not be good. "I think mom
empezaríaa suspect that there is something with his angels, eh? "I poked a rib and Tom Bill hugged himforce, by rolling both the mattress.
"We want too much to think about it," Tom spurned the idea. Now, speaking of Mom, how about a bath? I prepared the bath and, choked on his saliva, maybe we can do more than make simple uns shower. So if you're not too tired or ... Soreness?
Bill pushed his hips against Tom and he felt the erection of his twin said yes completely.
"Come, then," said glue dry throat.

; Hear just in the garage and less than a minute after the door was open and display before the two adults a bit tipsy and carrying a small cake.
- It's strawberries! Bill smiled, without leaving your chair. His back was a little sensitive and wanted to move as little as possible. But where they do it? "It's the supermarket
twenty-four hours so not much to excite the taste, right? He put Gordon on the cake table in the middle of the twins. Happy birthday, guys.
"Thank you, Gordon" chorused the twins with thes our birthday? He used his eyes Bill puppy beaten and Simone gave to the first.
"Well, but I still want to go to bed early, right?
"Yes, Mom," chorused the twins.
"Since it was clear, now to eat cake, Gordon withdrew his wife's chair and sat him.
The twins exchanged a quick glance, his hands clasped under the table.
- Anyone want to drill in their slice?


Monday, September 6, 2010

Stiff Man Syndrome More Condition_symptoms

Monday, August 30, 2010

Giovani Esibizioniste

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Escorts San Diego Tburster Fan Fic: Chapter 1: "Something's Gotta Give" O The first time you kiss me Dean Winchester.

mp, iQuest, "Sally ??... She's a good girl ... Dean is smart (well, until it was 5 minutes) and you'll break his heart. It's my best friend! For God's sake!. - Mina, she looks like .... I really liked ... - You're an idiot, Dean ... And I warn you: the hurt, and there will be no place on this damn planet where you can hide and save the beating I'm going to give you! Dean smiled. But I knew it was true: going to grind it with a stick if Sally was wounded in his attempt to see how far their "essence of Don Juan" ... GIT !!... My father enseñoa fight since I have 5 years. I learned to handle a gun at age 10. It would be reatobacco lost who knows where another closet ... bell rang and everyone returned to their respective class. Sometimes the other kids thought that Sam and I thought ... well ... "we were together" because we were almost inseparable ... despite being two years smaller than me ...
In fact Sam had never seen otherwise than as one of my best friends ... until ... Dean went to hell ... and spent two weeks hunting together in the Illinois ... was a great "revelation" to me, but tell it is irrelevant at this point ... We returned home
walking with Sam and Dean we followed the steps as vthat moment I began to panic. Is it ok?. I may go even further and sat on one side of his bed. And call again. 
- Dean? "Dean?
The very idiot got up suddenly and caught me! There, sitting on her bed! That scare that hit me!.
I was gripped by the arms and not let me go, I was hit but there was no way to get rid of it .... Until that fight both shot and we fell out of bed , to the floor.
The stay on top of me and looked at me. And that's when I knew ... would never going to forget ... to love Dean Winchester for the rest of my life ... and would hate p

Monday, August 23, 2010

Funny Congratulations On The Baby Saying

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Daniella Alonso Smelly

; Aacute; foward stump him clenching. It was a strange sensation that the phantom limb, which played the trick to make you believe that your left foot was still taking orders from his brain although, obviously and sadly, it no longer volveríaa nor was there would never be. Relapses were still frequent, even then was not fully rehabilitated and used to his new situation after the fateful accident. Forced to stay in bed, the chief's son killed spent hours filling out his trusty sketchbook with dozens of inventions born of his mind awake and wise, interspersed with visits of his friends, but most especially of Astrid, who always came, however, on the pretext of bringing salmon Toothless. Glimpsed through the window the deep blue cloudless cobalt sky and inhaling the fragrance of both fruit trees in the garden as the salty smell rising from the cliffs, the boy asked the legendary dredged ; n permanecíaa his side night and day how not to flutter away leaving a bit with others.

Toothless, who was dozing, turned instantly upon hearing the voice of Hiccup. A smile adorably dThor and cuddly ismísimo which Micho huge.

- No? And so good day makes. Of course, who would say that we are in Berk ...

The dragon turned to shake his great big head, this time more stubbornly, if possible, without removing his gaze attentive and intelligent green eyes Hiccup, as if waiting for a reaction unexpected by the boy. But by the time he did nothing but continue with their attentions to abandon his sketchbook and drawing tools on the shelf nearby, laughing under his boast.

- Well, then sorry you think that way, Toothless - The young warrior joined then getting off the couch with determination until a new and particularly sharp twinge in his leg broke his charac pathetically ; stico boastful tone aficionado - ... Because you know that Viking you see here are available to walk your gallant y. .. Ughn! ... v-manly demeanor through the village ... Toothless
issued a plaintive wail, coming to the aid of the boy immediately, halting the decline expected by others. Accepting their help as the pain persisted and the balance was reluctant tomp; iacute; the dichotomy of his thoughts through those inarticulate sounds and beastly. He asked with a look, and returned the gesture Hiccup the Dragon, discovering, once again, to himself in those huge amber eyes imbued with a vitality so indescribably human. As happened that first time, now deceptively far away, when he brandished the knife over his wounded body, determined to wrest corazóny death claim his trophy to his father and his people. Finally, one smiley face outlined in Toothless scaly face, offering his back for you to use asute, to be fated that singular pair by chance or divine whim. Holding each other along the road of life. In the tortuous and hazardous path of the mainland and in the infinite, unfathomable emptiness of heaven. End

Religious Sympathy Quotes The untitled project Jared Padalecki (8 / 10)

iacute; Title: The untitled project Jared Padalecki
Original title:

The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project
sometimesophie [info] Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Jensen and Jared belong to each other. The magnificent story belongs to

sometimesophie [info]. I just translate it and I squee with his talent. Summary: Following the cancellation of Supernatural, Jensen and Jared do not talkUDIA the bottle in his hand, absently fiddling with the label. "Yes. We're supposed to see tomorrow, but you know Steve. He is silent for a moment, frowning, before looking up. Have you thought about telling Jared?
- What? Jensen asks, something lost. Did Steve? "No," says Chris, his lips curling slightly. I look closely, her eyes slightly closed, evaluators. The contractor that asshole. Explain a bit. Could help.

Jensen laughs and drinks some more, trying to remove the bitter taste in the mouth. "I mean, boy," says Chris, with something that looks frustration in his voice, and still has not touchedbeer. Jared is we're talking about. If you say you are forced to pretend to be his friend's soul ...
- What will you do? Jensen interrupts. "Hate me forever? She smiles, stubborn. Possibly. And then can you mount a show and offered me money because it is the pure principles Jared Padalecki and he fucking is. Chris
not blink. "You're being irrational," he says, calmly.
"Fuck you, you loose Jensen, and fight with the chair to get up. I'll get the damn whiskey.
Later, with the warmth of too much alcohol going around comfortably in your stomach, a cold bottle of Jack Daniel with less than a third of the remaining liquid, and ms of a few empty beer on the carpet, Jensen is thrown back in his chair. "The problem, Chris, the problem is that when I get ..." Chris raises a lazy eyebrow, like a question mark. When I played,
emphasizes friendly -Jensen, and pause to remember where he was going. The problem is that I do not know ... I do not know if it's him or me.
- Will you play? "If I ..." says Jensen, frowning amidst the haze of drunkenness, his throat burning, and I do not like thinking
. Even drunk, he knows that some things are best kept to oneself.
There is a long silence. Chris turns back, eyes slightly Glasssos.

"Next time," he says finally getting off the couch trying and failing, we stand. You fucking depressing, man. Jensen shrugs his shoulders in a gesture of apology and rubs her legs, covering her knees and trembling, too drunk to care about the thought of Jared as much as it is doing.
is so early that the sky is a hazy gray-blue-black as when it comes to the set on Monday. Still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, trembling with the cold morning air. Yawns brutally by blocking the car and move into trailers. Once inside, pulled aside his jacket and mp3 player, clinging to the edges of the tiny bathroomor broke down on the hinges and
on the handlebar in the second week of shooting, "and Jensen fighting it on the steps outside, trying to close it. When he finally gets it, takes a step back without thinking and you strike someone with a umpf

of exhaled breath. A person who is apparently Jared, combined with the sound of surprise and joy that comes to your neck and arm covered with a leather jacket lifts.

- Want to see where you go next time, Ackles? Jared says with a mischievous smile. Then it stops and stares, a little wrinkling his forehead as his eyes roam over Jensen's face. Hey, "she says softly, and raises a hand to play with warm fingersand Jared is a dark brown earth, and it looks soft enough to pet. Emphasizes the broad shoulders, dark skin and dark eyes, and Jensen nervously rubbed his neck, wishing strongly that Jared had somewhere else to be in it: a half meter from him, almost as close for away is a necessity rather than rude, but not enough.

"Today is an important day," says Jared, happily ignorant of what goes on in the minds of Jensen. Pretty intense. Are you ready?

think Jensen,

'm ready, and shrugs.

-Andrew has spent much time planning it, so I'd better. I'll return your ass in a bandeja, Padalecki. I notice you. "Not exactly a joke. Jensen knows he will not hold anything.

This is the only scene they have not practiced together, and it is crucial. Andrew said from the beginning I did not want to do so together until they had the cameras around, and was practicing with trainers separate actions during the weeks of filming. The idea was that they were able to fit when the time came, and still have an element of surprise, danger,

difference, and that this would mark the film quality. Jensen still has her doubts, but it is a professional and by now the words and deeds are recorded in it, so if something goes wrong, is determined to not be on their part.
Cand exactly how long the voice that Dave wants to hit a punch, because the feeling simmering inside. You've never actually been in danger, do you not? And it was the only way we discovered what the fuck was going on. Tell me that there was another way, a better way, and fuck,

that let you shoot me. -Extend the arms and smiles in a way that should be comforting, but is rather a

fuck you.

Jensen knows that his own expression is not pleasant.

"If I shoot you, do not think you have much to say about it," he says softly, completely serious.

not believe that the numerous cameras positioned around them have been able to stopspend the Jared slight grin on his words: the time when Tom finally realizes that Dave is serious. Knows that there is solely focused on Jared's face, recording each reaction, as you know that there is another that follows it. Da

a hesitant step, then another, the gun still extended in front of him. It is the management expert who taught him to Dean Winchester, who said
this is my weapon and I know how to use it, asshole
. No, this is different, more uncomfortable, because it is the first time that Dave Benson grabs a gun and points to someone with it, and it takes more than a fit of righteous anger to become a professional artillery. Jared has nowhere to go because the room is simply not mu Tomand large, and for the first time Jensen feels he is in control of the situation. He likes it.

- You know how you feel when someone hits the stomach, Tom? She asks, ruthless. I mean, when you really step on

. Because let me tell you it's not as fun as you might think.

"No," says Jared, almost ignoring him and shook his head stubbornly, as if refusing to believe what he says Jensen. They did not have to hurt you.
your uncle ... "Yes, Tom. My uncle spat angrily. The man whom I have never seen ... damn, in years. I used to hit me when I was a kid. Broke my nose once, you know that?
Jared gets completely tense, eyes fixedJensen and its expression in strange contrast.

"No," he continues. No, you did not know that, right? Because not once ... not fuck up

planted you compare the details of your wonderful plan to me. Check if maybe I wanted to use me like a fucking

bait, Tom. Da

another step and stopped, breathing hard in the middle of tense silence. Then he smiles grimly, and makes a gesture with the gun.

"On your knees.

"You can not talk seriously," he says, for the first time since Dave has come home with a gun, Tom sounds insecure.

"On your knees or I'll blow your fucking brains out right now," he repeats, without hesitation, and watch Jaredover your nose and lose concentration for a moment. You left me there.

- Dave

... Jared says, softly, with a strange emphasis on the word, and Jensen shakes his head from side to side, noticing that the gun under his fingers began to be felt hot and sticky with sweat .

"You have a say in this," he says. Jared Jensen looks up and looks down, and if this is different to rehearse with someone other than Jared, the idea is in a hidden corner in your head. Betrayed me and you have no right to speak. Jared

up a little chin, neck muscles moving when swallows and nods almost imperceptibly.

"I liked. Maybe it was the dumbest ds white still on the trigger. Andrew
When the final mark, Jensen looks at a completely different way and shakes his head firmly.
"We'll have to repeat that bit at the end, may be about twenty seconds, because I wanted the image of the two together, rather than close, and there is no way you could grab the shirt of Tom and fingers broken. But we keep it. Take a well deserved rest. "No sound at all sorry about it.

Half the staff seems to want to slap on the back for the show, muttering things like "Holy shit, Ackles, that deserves an Oscar," Jensen nods absently and everybody as she removes the bandage on the fingers and flexes and relationshipsis Jensen's sternum, emphasizing his words with short pushes back. That scene. Just because no one else has noticed, do not try to make me believe you did not mean every-fucking-push-push-push-word.
Jensen's back suddenly connects with the wall of the trailer, and looks up with anger when Jared looks back and not reverse, putting your arms around your body to keep you trapped, waiting for a response. Jensen's brain is screaming about how their bodies are aligned, your contract, the smell of Jared to make soap and sweat and ... -
- What about Jensen asks, poisonous, if that is true? Jared

is awfully quieto. Then back down, and passed a hand across his neck. It is in the middle of the trailer, and almost seems too big to fit in it.

"Perhaps," she says softly, after a moment, expressing conviction, "the only thing that would have required is that you told me I should stay. Ever thought about that, Jen? Jensen

notice how his face lights up with rage, makeup still stretching her skin.

"Not going to leave it all on my shoulders, Jared. No way. "I do not believe you have been so angry in his life and Jared is looking as if he were the one that has gone wrong. Do you know how many bids had to leave

Supernatural? Huh? And I accepted any of them? No. "His breathingis trapped in his throat loudly and bitch
-. Because I loved that damn show, I loved working on it ... And before the first offer you receive, salts fuck out there like you have no fucking idea what loyalty means.

Jared stared at him and formed deep furrows on his brow, while searching for words.

"I do not know," he begins, sounding sincere. His hands closed around the fabric of his own shirt as if he knew what to do with them. I did not realize. You should say something ...

"So I must beg you to stay, right? Jensen-charged, aggressive. Forget it, asshole.

Jared shakes his head and snorts of frustration. Your expRuel. Do not turn around to see the damage it causes. Not so good.

So is Jared's hand on his shoulder, forcing him to roll over, and Jared fist sinks into his face, destroying the cardinals of sticks and beat making your cheekbone with a pain that I had forgotten could be so intense.

Jensen does not hesitate. He returned the blow like I've been wanting it for the past five years. He returns every successful commercial movie and every magazine cover and the crash that has a little sister for the man in front, even before admitting she would kill. He hit back because they believe it can never exceed implying Jared Padalecki and believes that this could be killing him inside. CHTM
Jared LXC him off balance with a kick in the shins and thrusts his fist in the stomach and chest and shoulders and face, his face contracted and furious. Seem to be pulling his own heart. Jensen

suffer too much for that amount. ~

~ ~ Chapter 9

Monday, August 16, 2010

Fotos Long Dong Silver [M1 ~ ~ 17 ~ Aug 10] +1

"I escaped"

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
(Jag smyger ut). [07/10?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi .
author notes: Clarify that the translation of the title is 'I escape' of a Byz song I could not stop listening to while writing, andthe blame.

To see the video ^ ^

B & B ~!

pd With a tremendous dream, do not even know what to write because of that. Mistakes are his fault.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Dragon Ball Doujin Ita [M1~10~Ago~10]+1

Monday, August 2, 2010

Lease Expiration Letter [M1 ~ ~ 03 ~ Aug 10] +1

Mmm ...

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: Slap rage. [05/08?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi . Author
Notes: After two weeks of unemployment by a personal crisis (or not much, not much at least) I am finally back. Does the chapter? Ah yes, lovely. Not so angst as I envisioned in my head. What ifent, is that I do not go well. Somehow or another, it lightens the tone or leave it in teen drama. However, and I cried a little bit to write, but blame my eyes hose without valve and not the quality of the product for it.

B & B ~! Pd

writing this I know I am getting better and is darker and easier, then I hate not being able to do so.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Pattycakeonline Last Pic BR: Oh yes because yes [02/03]

"Oh, really? "Tom opened his eyes to feign great interest that was lacking, while containing the urge to cover his mouth with his hand and yawned like a lion in the bush after having eaten half a ton of food . To assist in the work, took the small glass of tequila on the table and drank a sip their content. The strong taste and burning sensation in the throat, gave him the strength not to fall asleep from boredom.
-Yes! It sounds incredible, pero it's true, "he assured the man, with his most seductive smile.
"Or so he thinks it is & Raquelute, to whom he spoke. Ok, and then ... Tom
air breathed deep, quietly shifting the eyes of 'his friend' and scanning the crowd as unobtrusively as possible in search of a certain person ...
That he was at a party Ersguterjunge could not be a coincidence, certainly was not, even though the invitation had come in the name of Bill Kaulitz through formal and serious.
At first, convince Bill had been a nightmare. The smaller of the twins, still bitter about the incident last year where Bush had asked for oral sex on TVopen view and nationally, refused to confirm attendance.
- And say that you can put your invitation which suits you best! "I had broken out in the end, her eyes wide and voice scream.
Throughout the period of their tantrum, Tom remained silent and musing to herself the possibility that this invitation had with him implicitly. Even after a year, Tom wanted to see Bush. Perhaps because of the taste, perhaps because it did not consider finished hunting prey but until it reached the end. Whateverit was, one thing was certain: I wanted to go and go, either with or without Bill. The rest fall under its own weight in some way or another. After all, what he succeeded Tom proposed. You and I Could write a bad romance -Uhuh, so Yorre svit-dragged the man's words, based drinks drunk little loaded, but excessive in amount, just two hours after that Tom was with him. His English left much to be desired, but Tom was not one to judge him for it. Having moved to a far corner of the bar to a table escondida circulate in the back of the room, Tom regretted having accepted. From the beginning he had been sure he was not going to go to bed with Sven, who was named as his companion. Convinced that after a couple of free drinks are going to get rid of it at every opportunity, without any regard as so many others before him, Tom had delayed the moment of departure ( or rather disappearance) to the point it was impossible. Cornered
against the wall and holding him by both wrists Sven, he wondered if it really would not have made a mistake he would regret. D &
nte that nickname. He hated when they got to call him with affectionate nicknames when all I wanted, and they knew it was going to bed with someone. Stop Being a frigid bitch. Tom
contracted the right to make a fist, but before they can use against Sven, it's body away from yours and the compressive force on their wrists disappeared. "Look who's the damsel in distress," Bush said sarcastically, holding Sven's shoulder hard enough to make you wince outline. Tom snorted indignantly. "I'm no damsel, knight pacotilthe.
"So I looked from the other side of the room, shrugged his shoulders rapper, releasing and pushing away Sven. Get out of here or I will call him away to safety, like a sack of manure. Looking
staggered away from the edge of the dance steps, Tom let out a sigh that was intended to be of annoyance and relief proved.
"Thanks, I guess, Bush looked into his eyes, challenging him to be the first to look away. To his surprise, the rapper returned not only action, but took a seat at his side and pas & oacute; his arm around her shoulders.
Ah, the wonders of those seats without separations.
- What about your brother? "Asked the rapper even without flash. Tom
pouted. "I thought it was me who wanted to see. You know, false blinked coquettishly, "the invitation said explicitly" Bill Kaulitz. " Do not think it was my sister who wanted to hang out. Cut roll-
Bushido growled, approaching a little use whatever Tom. Your small mindwhite anger cost me more than you think.
- Really? "Tom shook in place, away from the embrace of Bushido and feigning disinterest. Well, I care nothing.
"You lie with all the teeth ... Back-Bushido grabbed the elder of the twins by the chin, using a little more force than initially intended. But I do not care. It is nonsense to patch invite you, or did I came here ...
-Claaaro "said Tom, to act out his tongue and continued to wet her lower lip. & Iquash;. Seriously, bravuconeó, "I challenge you to do it without breaking my fist in your face ...
Bushido waited less than a second to reduce the gap between their mouths and plant their lips against Tom in quick action without much forethought. Holding the teenager by the neck and one hand around his neck with possession, opened her lips and used her tongue to go with her inside the mouth of Tom.
He was surprised at first that his bravado would have been, closed his eyes and was instantly swept away by an accumulation of sensations ranging from mint flavor boca rapper until he began to feel pressure in your pants after a few moments. "Ah-h
gasped in the middle of the kiss, when the hand holding her neck, closed a little over what he considered safe. "Shit
Bushido away suddenly feeling the bite on his lower lip, sharper than they had expected to use his tongue to touch those teeth. Tom
eyes glared with dilated pupils. "Idiot," he muttered.
The rapper put his hand to his mouth carefully, using the fingertips to scroll through the edge of his lips and find h & a
-Tom Kaulitz, I want you to explain this, burst open the door of his room on the frame and holding a bouquet of red roses look pretty flashy and expensive, Bill and his temper.
-Nice gift, "murmured the elder of the twins, giving a half turn and trying to catch up on sleep. Bella
fantasy, because less than a second later, that class was hit hard against your body.
- Biiill! Tom yelled in surprise, trying to sit up in bed despite the repeated blows of the victim was helpless.
-Nothing 'Biii; To die, Bill confronted him.
-Joderrr-dragged Tom's last letter to pasty tongue. Stooping to pick up the keys to the floor that had fallen by the shock of finding his sister at his watch, consulted four o'clock, stumbled a bit against the door of his department. Ops, I think I'm a bit ... happy, that; felizzz ...
-Drunk, I would say Bill drummed his fingers against his arm and then sigh and take the remote control was on his lap. Tom, we need to talk ...
The elder of the twins Lloriinterlock. - Do you have to be today? Because I have a migraine ...
"Yes, today, Bill stood up, stretching his arms above his head and in the process raising the little shirt that kept since childhood above the belly pale. He left overlooked as Tom's eyes were focused right in the center of his belly button and it gave him courage to continue. Ven.
As a faithful dog, Tom followed his sister through the dark apartment until both were in the dark and quiet room Bill. Just shut the door, Tom was found with his back against the wall and his sister a few cents & iacutesitara.
"No, seriously Bill, what? "He said his jaw tense.
-I-hit Bill's chest against his twin-have sex with you. If you go out to find what home five nights per week, then ...
- NO! "Cried Tom, extremely frustrated. Pushing Bill to have turned him against the back wall and bound by the wrists to the height of the arms. No, I refuse. You're talking nonsense.
"The nonsense that says you," whispered Bill. You're drunk, do not know what quLXC The elder of the twins let out a hoarse "yes.
- You swear by the most sacred thing, for me, that before doing anything recapacitarásy volverása me?
"I swear," said Tom in all seriousness, incapable of taking a Bill lying so close, the hair is creating a halo around the two words and encapsulating both radiated heat.
- Even though it is Bushido?
As answer, Tom Bill rolled on his back and proceeded to use his newly acquired privilege, his oath yet, forgotten. CH


Denistry Cover Letter

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bloody Nose More Condition_symptoms

By little without updating due to a faulty transformer x_x

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: Degree of separation. [03/06?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi . Author
Notes: Continuation of the fic and now I will predict that week. I have to say that I thought I wouldcost a lot to write back (I ate stress the desire and the imagination to do it) but everything was easy as always. My best therapy is always the form sentences and storytelling.
And speaking of the chap ... the drama begins, once enriele all I have in mind, write to have episodes of excess and thus not leave anyone out of date until January next year. Notes

apart: Working in other fics, "BR: Oh yes because" between them. A one-shot in mind, too, GXG as long I do not write about it and miss.

B & am

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Community Service Template No Regrets (Sin Remordimientos) - Robbie Williams

NO REGRETS (Without Remorse) - Robbie Williams

Tell me a story where we all change

and live together and not separate us

reason I did not lose The
gave could not stay to mourn you only saw me you did not have time

so I quietly slipped

No remorse, no use
no regrets, they only hurt Sing me a
love song, drop me a line

guess it's just a point of view
but say that I'm doing well

to be that of
seemed out along fine
we felt that things were not going well
when you do not like my mother I do not hate

but that's all you left me a bitter aftertaste
fantasy of how life could have

No remorse, no use
they only hurt (we've been telling you to follow up)
I know they're still talking
( are too weak to carry pesos)
The demons in your head
(return the videos are already late)
If I could just stop hating
(goodbye) and EMPE
Tsar to feel for us

remember the pictures (crazy)
where we laughed (as bad)
we had all the time in our lives so thank
was a curse

No remorse, no use of
anything without remorse, they only hurt
sing me a love song, drop me a line
guess it's just a point of view
but say that I'm doing well

Everything you wanted to be, increasingly

me away every time you said to me was I just wanted to stay

whenever I mirabais
and sonreiais
whenever I felt empty, treat me c

ike a child I loved the way we laughed
I loved the way you smiled
Often I sit and think for a while you
then I miss and think of some other I suppose
love that we once had is officially dead

Thanks for the translation:

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Transient Ischemic Attack More Condition_symptoms "The intolerance of pesky (read: kitschy) and other creatures of the underworld"

Following the "Darth Vader Saga Confessions of a Princess" ( The Saga Confessions Darth Vader of a Princess), today we will touch on "The intolerance of pesky (read: kitschy) and other creatures of the underworld"

In the Underworld (the abode of the dead, heaven, hell, purgatory ) there are all kinds of people: God / Holy Trinity, Angels, Demons, Dead Souls, and of course as habitantand a disastrous final category: the pesky and / or kitschy.

First of all we will try to define or explain the meaning of boring-and / or firecrackers, namely

Latosa / o (tin) adj. Annoying, annoying, heavy.


1. m . and f. derogatory. coloq. Person or thing heavy, boring or tedious.

Example: I can not stand your friend. It is a petarda

2. m . and f. derogatory. coloq. Little person competent in their duties.

Example: As a photographer, is a firecracker

"Woman frivolous, frivolous, careless, conceited, vain of artificial poses.

A petarda is "tastefully tacky, arrogant but insecure, consumer, eminently "Hi. I have one doubt the event is real or an optical illusion cocktails accompanied by margaritas?. Thank you. "

intolerance of "pesky" is a condition suffered by the cranial vena because the body produces little or no amount of anti pesky enzyme / kitschy heavy, which resulting in an inability to metabolize and desdeñantes incoherent words of the above in question.

As there is no official cure and