Friday, September 10, 2010

Vegeta Bulma Doujinshi

Fanfic: Overture plastic
Chap: One-shot. [01/01]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. First time. Humor. Romance.
Warnings: Humiliation. OOC.
Disclaimer: I owned the fic, not the persons contained therein.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | GXG] Sometimes the best gift is a 'puppet' of flesh and bone.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi . Notes
Author: Gusti Gift Fic-Pooh on her birthday x3

Plastic Overture

-Mmm-gru & nticlash within the box and like the best gift of all (something that obviously was not even in a twisted world) was nicely accommodated an inflatable doll. Gustav
dropped heavily on the chair I was previously.
Someone was going to die. Preferably, painfully, for having played a tasteless joke.
And not because it was an inflatable doll and a hint so I would throw obscene, but because the prisoner doll in question, bore more than a resemblance to a certain bassist bandmate.
A second look at the case, it confirmed to Gustav.
green eyes, fair skin and a wig of long hair and caste &; About girls, or was attached to the head.
Gustav did not know whether to be offended or alarmed, the first thing about being the victim of that prank just for his birthday and the second because, despite being an open secret her attraction to Georg, he preferred that the bear would not know as far as possible, ie never. Never. Before death.
"Damn ..." He pressed the septum between two fingers. I will kill life-sentenced the pair of twins that he was sure his soul swearing on a Bible, had wanted to ruin your day. You'll see ...
CHTMindiscreet intruder, making a shield for the better collection, the bag with dirty clothes before. If that could not scare away the curious, nothing would.
Next on his list was made as usual. For the sake of their mental health and that of all around him, tried to act as normal as possible, so when they finally reached their destination, got off the bus with leisurely gait and expression n the face as smooth as possible. On his way
received several expressions of affection for her birthday, ranging from the simple greeting, even holding hands and hugs sincere and not so sincere. However, little was caughtattention, while waiting for the right time to make Bill and Tom in the neck and shake them until some common sense come into their heads of granite.
Above all, what most offended by this gift and what could be catastrophic for the whole band when George realized albeit obliquely by the crush that had Gustav upon him was the fact that a month before the drummer had given willingly to modify the itinerary of the small tour they would do in September for a couple of cities in Germany and initially would be the last week of August and early September, to move toto second and third of September, just so the twins could be home by that time and celebrate his birthday. In exchange Gustav was not going to spend yours with his family but on the road and working, but agreed because he thought the gesture that it would be good.
Big mistake. That pair of ungrateful
The betrayal hurt more than the offense. "There
buffet before starting the interviews, the Georg nudged to the side, making for a moment forget Gustav it his temper and his brow on his forehead to relax a little. Tense light-add ó with a smile from ear to ear that made him the drummer jelly legs which schoolgirl living his first love from high school.
"I slept a little wrong-half lied Gustav, remembering how bad your mattress. My bed ... He left the sentence unfinished.
- Really? "He led by Georg almost deserted corridors of the private area of the restaurant where they were going to eat before going to business. It's a shame, Gus. Jost need to talk to that. "Mmm
Gustav nodded, aware of how Georg's hand closed around his elbow and guided him directive to a lonely table, away from others in the elegant hall.
The good fortune of the buffets, was how little the other guests were paying attention. Were more focused on binge eating in order to enforce their money than paying atencióny tell if habíao around someone not worth taking into account.
after serving dishes filled with breakfast and have drinks ready in hand, Gustav and Georg sat facing each other, leaving the table a couple of other free sites. The twins would arrive slightly late because their bus had not arrived. "Peace and quiet
& mdash; Georg said after passing a piece of fried egg. Not remember what it was eating without getting a kick under the table or take care of the whispers of that pair. - 'That pair' in reference to Tom and Bill, who never missed the opportunity to turn the sacred lunch on a battlefield where two of them produced the disaster. I think the reverse aging, each year they are worse.
"You bet, Gustav sipped his orange juice with carrots.
drummer was not sure how I would approach the matter with the twins. As much as the idea of shaking up and down on her inLXC-Ah-Georg drummed his fingers on the table. Right.
Before either could add something else, the sound of footsteps was heard in the corridor and after a few seconds, Bill and Tom made an appearance, causing scandal and push NDOS rudely but not aggressive.
-Pfff, claaaro, Tom. Whatever you say, Bill was saying, one step ahead of his twin and rolling his eyes. You have toooda reason in the world, Mr. I-el-all-powerful.
"Because if you say so ..." snorted Tom behind her sister, la cap on his head a little out of place. Come on, Bill, "he hissed at the end.
The two went to the deli to grab a plate and choose what to eat.
"It seems there's trouble in paradise," Georg laughed softly, with Gustav exchanging a knowing look. They both knew that when the twins were arguing among themselves, the best thing was to get away and not playing the role of mediators for the world, the price was not worth it at all. I bet that Bill put his foot on something and will not admit it. "I believe you
Gustav pecked his food, suddenly without much APETs given me something so similar to my crush! "said the drummer, twisting his mouth to one side.
No, never say something like that. Preferred before going out dressed in negligee and singing 'It's raining men' as Bill years ago.
"I played a joke in bad taste," he muttered in his place. Georg
was patient waiting for the drummer to continue, but seeing her silent volvíaa I could not stand the curiosity.
- What?
"Ugh, do not want to know.
"If I want.
"Yes, really. Cbrir mouth to apologize for being so blunt, but at that moment the door opened and in came the twins, a little less happy than before and cautious.
-Los scolded by you, just in case Gustav Georg whispered.
-Gusti, we want to apologize, Bill approached with caution drummer's seat and carefully sat down beside him. Neither Tom nor I wanted to make you angry.
"It was not our intention," Tom sat on the other side of Gustav.
"Just wanted to give you your gift and ...
-thank you for accepting change fcute, have confirmed their suspicions: The twins had not been the joke of the morning. He or the joker, was still free.
"No issues between George and me, the drummer crossed arms, a little more comfortable knowing for certain that the twins were not the perpetrators of the joke, but at the same time mortified who themselves had been and why. Someone else sabíay
the idea was nauseous.
not only because knowledge was power and power corrupt, but because hell, than anyone knew Tom and Bill, meant that her feelings were open bookfor the other to the extent that they felt good to play with something that was not only very personal, but also of vital importance.
"I want to die, anyone know of my crush on Gustav Georg leaned on his legs and rested his elbows on his knees. If you come to find out Georg my life will end. I'm going to die on the spot. I can not look into his eyes and going to hate me, ugh.
"Come on, Gus, not dramatic-Tom tried to console his friend. Maybe someone thought it would be funny to make a doll like Georg and nothing else. Does not mean that perperson know how you sigh for him.
-O the chimneys you for it, eh, Bill tried to lighten the load, but Gustav was not for stupid jokes and told him to shut up without delay.
"My life ended on my birthday number twenty-Gustav slumped back against the back of the chair was. I would have preferred that you were and still annoying. Go
-grace-and-mouth Bill turned to me I would have liked that.
"Not to me, Tom seconded.
"That does not matter now -I began to collect their luggage and Gustav had no other more than with them.

The last hours of the day passed with astonishing calm.
suggestion of the band and with the approval of Khost, were out to dinner in a private pequeñoy restaurant offered good food and a varied selection of drinks.
They laughed, joked and had a good time.
All but Gustav, who could not stop shaking like a leaf in the wind every time George spoke or looked at him. A light touch (inevitable because they were sitting side by side) will not be dislodged and if concentrated lI walk the two were within his autobúsy closed the door. It's silly, but ...
"Never mind, said the drummer with his lips slightly contracted at the top, relieved that the friendliness of the bass was always the same, it was hoped that nothing would change in between them, either for good or ill. Although the pain of being nothing more than friends so would end up eating one day and log on the fire, he preferred it to be despised. "Wait here
Georg Gustav led to the space of the berths and made him sit on the floor on a cushion & amp; mdash; .. I'm not slow.
Gustav nodded. He saw Georg
disappeared towards the kitchen and waited a couple of minutes before getting nervous. Georg why it was taking? Just when I was about to get up to go find him, the lights were extinguished and the bus became alarmed Gustav.
If it was a power failure, something serious must be happening. Fortunately, George's voice reassured him.
"It's nothing, Gus, I turned off the lights.
- Why? -Gustav ran his sweaty hands on his trousers, shuffling possibilities and scenarios why bassistdrummer licked his fingers and fed it refrained from releasing a groan. Because if I were you ... ask a girlfriend. Gustav
stiffened. "I need a girlfriend. Georg
not take this as personal. "Then a boyfriend.
"I ..." Gustav Georg was silent when put the thumb on his lips and silenced him.
Bassist knew Gustav was not rigid about their sexuality, but with his heart open to the idea of falling in love more than the person's gender, but always leaving that for later.
"There's something I have to confess," said Georg,shifting their gaze from Gustav and it just felt a weight on the stomach. I gave you a gift today and I do not know if you liked it or not.
"I have not opened any gifts Gustav stammered, wondering what the Georg.
"Security is a pair of socks," she thought with a little sadness, expecting nothing more from him because they were friends and nothing more.
"Not if you saw it. It was on the kitchen table and ... "Georg licked his lips before continuing. I know you saw it because I was not ah & amp; iacute; when I awoke in the morning, but I'm not sure if you looked inside the box. Did you? Gustav
opened eyes wide with surprise. -Georg ...
bassist Gustav took hands with hers. "I think I was an idiot trying to be direct, but ... I like you, Gustav Schäfer and I want to give me a chance and try.
Gustav took a breath. "I thought they were twins ... I bother much with them. "The drummer felt like Georg shook hands and tried to let go, but he laced his fingers and gave resistancer of lovebirds who looked adoringly obvious and did not realize they were observed. I understand.
Tom clasped his hand with his twin and the two smiling happy ending Gustav and Georg, sought another single table where they could share their own love.



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