Monday, August 2, 2010

Lease Expiration Letter [M1 ~ ~ 03 ~ Aug 10] +1

Mmm ...

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: Slap rage. [05/08?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi . Author
Notes: After two weeks of unemployment by a personal crisis (or not much, not much at least) I am finally back. Does the chapter? Ah yes, lovely. Not so angst as I envisioned in my head. What ifent, is that I do not go well. Somehow or another, it lightens the tone or leave it in teen drama. However, and I cried a little bit to write, but blame my eyes hose without valve and not the quality of the product for it.

B & B ~! Pd

writing this I know I am getting better and is darker and easier, then I hate not being able to do so.


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