Sunday, August 22, 2010

Religious Sympathy Quotes The untitled project Jared Padalecki (8 / 10)

iacute; Title: The untitled project Jared Padalecki
Original title:

The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project
sometimesophie [info] Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Jensen and Jared belong to each other. The magnificent story belongs to

sometimesophie [info]. I just translate it and I squee with his talent. Summary: Following the cancellation of Supernatural, Jensen and Jared do not talkUDIA the bottle in his hand, absently fiddling with the label. "Yes. We're supposed to see tomorrow, but you know Steve. He is silent for a moment, frowning, before looking up. Have you thought about telling Jared?
- What? Jensen asks, something lost. Did Steve? "No," says Chris, his lips curling slightly. I look closely, her eyes slightly closed, evaluators. The contractor that asshole. Explain a bit. Could help.

Jensen laughs and drinks some more, trying to remove the bitter taste in the mouth. "I mean, boy," says Chris, with something that looks frustration in his voice, and still has not touchedbeer. Jared is we're talking about. If you say you are forced to pretend to be his friend's soul ...
- What will you do? Jensen interrupts. "Hate me forever? She smiles, stubborn. Possibly. And then can you mount a show and offered me money because it is the pure principles Jared Padalecki and he fucking is. Chris
not blink. "You're being irrational," he says, calmly.
"Fuck you, you loose Jensen, and fight with the chair to get up. I'll get the damn whiskey.
Later, with the warmth of too much alcohol going around comfortably in your stomach, a cold bottle of Jack Daniel with less than a third of the remaining liquid, and ms of a few empty beer on the carpet, Jensen is thrown back in his chair. "The problem, Chris, the problem is that when I get ..." Chris raises a lazy eyebrow, like a question mark. When I played,
emphasizes friendly -Jensen, and pause to remember where he was going. The problem is that I do not know ... I do not know if it's him or me.
- Will you play? "If I ..." says Jensen, frowning amidst the haze of drunkenness, his throat burning, and I do not like thinking
. Even drunk, he knows that some things are best kept to oneself.
There is a long silence. Chris turns back, eyes slightly Glasssos.

"Next time," he says finally getting off the couch trying and failing, we stand. You fucking depressing, man. Jensen shrugs his shoulders in a gesture of apology and rubs her legs, covering her knees and trembling, too drunk to care about the thought of Jared as much as it is doing.
is so early that the sky is a hazy gray-blue-black as when it comes to the set on Monday. Still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, trembling with the cold morning air. Yawns brutally by blocking the car and move into trailers. Once inside, pulled aside his jacket and mp3 player, clinging to the edges of the tiny bathroomor broke down on the hinges and
on the handlebar in the second week of shooting, "and Jensen fighting it on the steps outside, trying to close it. When he finally gets it, takes a step back without thinking and you strike someone with a umpf

of exhaled breath. A person who is apparently Jared, combined with the sound of surprise and joy that comes to your neck and arm covered with a leather jacket lifts.

- Want to see where you go next time, Ackles? Jared says with a mischievous smile. Then it stops and stares, a little wrinkling his forehead as his eyes roam over Jensen's face. Hey, "she says softly, and raises a hand to play with warm fingersand Jared is a dark brown earth, and it looks soft enough to pet. Emphasizes the broad shoulders, dark skin and dark eyes, and Jensen nervously rubbed his neck, wishing strongly that Jared had somewhere else to be in it: a half meter from him, almost as close for away is a necessity rather than rude, but not enough.

"Today is an important day," says Jared, happily ignorant of what goes on in the minds of Jensen. Pretty intense. Are you ready?

think Jensen,

'm ready, and shrugs.

-Andrew has spent much time planning it, so I'd better. I'll return your ass in a bandeja, Padalecki. I notice you. "Not exactly a joke. Jensen knows he will not hold anything.

This is the only scene they have not practiced together, and it is crucial. Andrew said from the beginning I did not want to do so together until they had the cameras around, and was practicing with trainers separate actions during the weeks of filming. The idea was that they were able to fit when the time came, and still have an element of surprise, danger,

difference, and that this would mark the film quality. Jensen still has her doubts, but it is a professional and by now the words and deeds are recorded in it, so if something goes wrong, is determined to not be on their part.
Cand exactly how long the voice that Dave wants to hit a punch, because the feeling simmering inside. You've never actually been in danger, do you not? And it was the only way we discovered what the fuck was going on. Tell me that there was another way, a better way, and fuck,

that let you shoot me. -Extend the arms and smiles in a way that should be comforting, but is rather a

fuck you.

Jensen knows that his own expression is not pleasant.

"If I shoot you, do not think you have much to say about it," he says softly, completely serious.

not believe that the numerous cameras positioned around them have been able to stopspend the Jared slight grin on his words: the time when Tom finally realizes that Dave is serious. Knows that there is solely focused on Jared's face, recording each reaction, as you know that there is another that follows it. Da

a hesitant step, then another, the gun still extended in front of him. It is the management expert who taught him to Dean Winchester, who said
this is my weapon and I know how to use it, asshole
. No, this is different, more uncomfortable, because it is the first time that Dave Benson grabs a gun and points to someone with it, and it takes more than a fit of righteous anger to become a professional artillery. Jared has nowhere to go because the room is simply not mu Tomand large, and for the first time Jensen feels he is in control of the situation. He likes it.

- You know how you feel when someone hits the stomach, Tom? She asks, ruthless. I mean, when you really step on

. Because let me tell you it's not as fun as you might think.

"No," says Jared, almost ignoring him and shook his head stubbornly, as if refusing to believe what he says Jensen. They did not have to hurt you.
your uncle ... "Yes, Tom. My uncle spat angrily. The man whom I have never seen ... damn, in years. I used to hit me when I was a kid. Broke my nose once, you know that?
Jared gets completely tense, eyes fixedJensen and its expression in strange contrast.

"No," he continues. No, you did not know that, right? Because not once ... not fuck up

planted you compare the details of your wonderful plan to me. Check if maybe I wanted to use me like a fucking

bait, Tom. Da

another step and stopped, breathing hard in the middle of tense silence. Then he smiles grimly, and makes a gesture with the gun.

"On your knees.

"You can not talk seriously," he says, for the first time since Dave has come home with a gun, Tom sounds insecure.

"On your knees or I'll blow your fucking brains out right now," he repeats, without hesitation, and watch Jaredover your nose and lose concentration for a moment. You left me there.

- Dave

... Jared says, softly, with a strange emphasis on the word, and Jensen shakes his head from side to side, noticing that the gun under his fingers began to be felt hot and sticky with sweat .

"You have a say in this," he says. Jared Jensen looks up and looks down, and if this is different to rehearse with someone other than Jared, the idea is in a hidden corner in your head. Betrayed me and you have no right to speak. Jared

up a little chin, neck muscles moving when swallows and nods almost imperceptibly.

"I liked. Maybe it was the dumbest ds white still on the trigger. Andrew
When the final mark, Jensen looks at a completely different way and shakes his head firmly.
"We'll have to repeat that bit at the end, may be about twenty seconds, because I wanted the image of the two together, rather than close, and there is no way you could grab the shirt of Tom and fingers broken. But we keep it. Take a well deserved rest. "No sound at all sorry about it.

Half the staff seems to want to slap on the back for the show, muttering things like "Holy shit, Ackles, that deserves an Oscar," Jensen nods absently and everybody as she removes the bandage on the fingers and flexes and relationshipsis Jensen's sternum, emphasizing his words with short pushes back. That scene. Just because no one else has noticed, do not try to make me believe you did not mean every-fucking-push-push-push-word.
Jensen's back suddenly connects with the wall of the trailer, and looks up with anger when Jared looks back and not reverse, putting your arms around your body to keep you trapped, waiting for a response. Jensen's brain is screaming about how their bodies are aligned, your contract, the smell of Jared to make soap and sweat and ... -
- What about Jensen asks, poisonous, if that is true? Jared

is awfully quieto. Then back down, and passed a hand across his neck. It is in the middle of the trailer, and almost seems too big to fit in it.

"Perhaps," she says softly, after a moment, expressing conviction, "the only thing that would have required is that you told me I should stay. Ever thought about that, Jen? Jensen

notice how his face lights up with rage, makeup still stretching her skin.

"Not going to leave it all on my shoulders, Jared. No way. "I do not believe you have been so angry in his life and Jared is looking as if he were the one that has gone wrong. Do you know how many bids had to leave

Supernatural? Huh? And I accepted any of them? No. "His breathingis trapped in his throat loudly and bitch
-. Because I loved that damn show, I loved working on it ... And before the first offer you receive, salts fuck out there like you have no fucking idea what loyalty means.

Jared stared at him and formed deep furrows on his brow, while searching for words.

"I do not know," he begins, sounding sincere. His hands closed around the fabric of his own shirt as if he knew what to do with them. I did not realize. You should say something ...

"So I must beg you to stay, right? Jensen-charged, aggressive. Forget it, asshole.

Jared shakes his head and snorts of frustration. Your expRuel. Do not turn around to see the damage it causes. Not so good.

So is Jared's hand on his shoulder, forcing him to roll over, and Jared fist sinks into his face, destroying the cardinals of sticks and beat making your cheekbone with a pain that I had forgotten could be so intense.

Jensen does not hesitate. He returned the blow like I've been wanting it for the past five years. He returns every successful commercial movie and every magazine cover and the crash that has a little sister for the man in front, even before admitting she would kill. He hit back because they believe it can never exceed implying Jared Padalecki and believes that this could be killing him inside. CHTM
Jared LXC him off balance with a kick in the shins and thrusts his fist in the stomach and chest and shoulders and face, his face contracted and furious. Seem to be pulling his own heart. Jensen

suffer too much for that amount. ~

~ ~ Chapter 9


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