Monday, October 25, 2010

Homebuilt Boat Trailer

* Cof-cof * cough distraction cough illness.

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: The first step on the long way home. [11/14?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi .
author notes: Ah! Back to write fics ... If only for two weeks. But Buee ... That's nothing, I'll take two Upgrade /ones.
today's chapter was built in two parts, but barely noticeable. If anything make bets on what the breaking point, fail. The plot unfolds as now it pleases me and what I see, also goes for long. And I speak not only for my vacation starting next week, but it probably will be three parties, it being the end of the first. Notes

aside: I've mentioned before, but going back. The first day of November, I'm going on 'holiday' until 11 January. Write, but sure will not publish anything. It is my rest period each AnoyI make no exceptions.
To celebrate, insurance and publishing are two chapters.

B & B ~!

Sick pd. It's pretty hard to write when I can barely stop coughing on the poor monitor.
pd2. My birthday is coming up, being on Monday:)


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