Sunday, October 24, 2010

Wedding Programs In Spanish [Fic] challenge

And here comes the second request, this time for [info] scapizm . Mello also appears, I hope that you do not mind that you still like what I wrote;, had long worked at BB and not, as always, has been the most fun, although I the character of so much grief. Now I'll get to the last drabble that I hope to have ready for this afternoon. Enjoy it:)

Challenge Fandom: Death Note (Another Note)
Pairing: BB / L
Rating:T +


Childhood is a strange and ambivalent phenomenon. The kids expect everything in their fantasy devoid of the shackles that the development objective of the years given to experience, surprise is more difficult than one might think. But this imagination is limited by his condition as an infant, for the inevitable ignorance of the many, raw, nuanced, sublime and horrifying realities that shape the world of morality raped the perfect, blameless adults. Ah, but the child, sometimes with overwhelming, nor less frightening ease, is capable of becoming a participant in this monstrous truth with the cold impersonality of a psychopath alienated. The child soon learns that the engañoy lies, abuse of the weak, brings benefits not insignificant. The child soon learns to be cruel. And even earlier, learn to enjoy it.

Mello why play is so fun. Early and tanning in human baseness from so small, children's games with it are lined with a dizzying ambiguity taboo. Beyond taking advantage of this by far, pursues him, raging, shelves full of doubt with a sly impudence whatBB clucks, leaning even more the knife, but Mello shoved him from.
're crazy, Beyond. Fuck you. You who do not dare to do so. BB
And smiles, triumphant, from ear to ear. Do not you ...? Chac. next thing is enough to recall the bright pool of blood soaking the carpet giggling and hanging to the index. The pain is severe and constant as a deafening whistle. But such a trifle irrelevant. Amid the chaos and bloody hilarious, L is the only one that gets reduced, the only on the left reduced. Alwhile trying to stop his seizures, he heard giving orders: a Watari to immediately prepare a sedative, to Mello to go away from there ipso facto. L is fríoy labored methodical like a doctor with a patient which already knows your sintomatologíay treatment, placed behind his back, his arms holding him tightly, freezes its members heard murmurs in its do, with his distinctive voice tinged automaton a slight hint of parental request, please calm down and trust him now. Beyond lies the chest look cramped detective, not wanting to see the needle stuck in his forearm pain reliever. Prete Lawlietnde remain neutral and impassive as is their custom, but that adrenaline rush is too immediate, too tangible to withhold a minimum of disturbance in an organization such as L, used to take the problem third-person human. Beyond warns why the hesitation of the almighty and omniscient L to their actions outside of logic and common sense, read his dismay, his incomprehension at such an absurd waste of irrationality. That
, that's their major constraint to B.
And so, curled like a wounded animal against a living legend, as did the sedative effect,


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