Thursday, December 31, 2009

Sympthy Quotes For Funeral It Was a very good year

Monday, December 28, 2009

Bowel Infection Treatment

Once you've requested over the past three weeks, daily

, I ...
"Considering your options, I know. "Building on the desktop, Kirk gives him a blinding smile. I've been thinking ...

For some reason (for all the reasons), that statement makes Spock tense up. Kirk examining eyes narrowed, studying the energy bright, newly arrived from abroad, which currently occupies office and wondered why someone, somewhere, did not consider the consequences of a summer in San Francisco with nothing to do apart from a few classes a day and a lack of variety in subjects and peers. The other members of the crew of the
are subject to a similar training in preparation for the launch of the ship and repaired, but that's a relatively small but Spock has noticed that Kirk has been busy engaging in social events on a weekly basis as many possible of them, especially the future components of the bridge.
A bar in the studied opinion of Spock, is not the most appropriate location to promote the unity of the crew, but Kirk methods are different from most captains in the area who knows Spock. His youth may have something to do with it, but begin to understand why Captain Pike had said that James T. Kirk would not be like any other officer to be remembered. C HTMLXC Spock admits to himself, but not before Kirk that Starfleet captains are worse with more years and more experience on their backs. As far as Spock knows, has been careful to avoid romantic or social implications of people who will have under his orders, which already constitutes a marked improvement over three captains (and Admiral) with which Spock has had dealings.
(Or, as Nyota said one night: "Keep trying to flirt with me, but in general there is serious. While it would be funny to see how you react if one day I will play.") Kirk wants this ship and for more reasons than the prestige of the position and interest-free profit. That is already extraordinary enough to that, pesar himself, Spock curious about what kind of captain will be within one year, five; how they change over time and experience.
- ... and it's not as if you'll enjoy ... oops, I mean, as if to find something intellectually stimulating in the drawing of borders, "says Kirk. Spock turns his attention toward him, watching the long fingers open and close tirelessly on the edge of the desk. And do not even like to teach. Spock
flashes and the observation is surprisingly successful.
"I do not ... " I like to study and experience, and
discover things you love for the first time but, seriously. I like them exactly dI Xenolingüística your students, and one of them are, "Kirk leaves a different sentence in the air, with a smile ... to develop an amicable relationship. This is not what you should do. Come. What's the worst that could happen?
Spock opens his mouth to respond, and then stops. -I assume you do not want a literal examination of the potential of ...
-Nah. Think positive . Come to Ambassador Spock thought was a good idea ... And by the way, please do not tell me that the world was going to end if you knew of its existence.
"As I recall, Spock answered, wondering when the ambassador has found time to inform Jim of his conversation, he was quiin implied the existence of such a possibility. "And you told me you'd know. Jim seems satisfied, which usually appear when you think such a thing just offered a compelling argument. "I have the habit of reporting all my daily interactions.

Across the room, Spock sits in place behind the desk, hoping thereby to encourage Kirk to move to a chair, but the other merely rotated from its position on the table, pushing papers (with a certain order, at least) to not interfere with knee falling over the edge, it seems perfectly happy to stay there all day. "You rejected three applications for the position of first officer Spock observed.Kirk nods. All applicants are officers with experience and training far more advanced than yours, than mine, actually. [info] "Yes, that's the problem. I do not want to do this as you would any other. I want to do this as we would. -Kirk sit back for what seems like a long conversation. I need someone with experience in the "great and dangerous adventure that is space," Spock observed Kirk's fingers to make the gesture of the quotes, and wondered who was the unfortunate who has tried to talk to him so seriously and you need someone to discuss with you without hiding under the table to hyperventilate. "I've never seen an attitude ... CHTMmakes the office seem smaller and darker after his departure, a comparative experience, Spock is well aware, is the result of a subjective perception, but no less true for it. After a few minutes, gave up trying to finish the evaluations and sends a message to the office of Admiral Pike, requesting a meeting. The answer is almost immediate suspect that Spock is not the only one who has been blessed with focused attention and unlimited youngest captain in Starfleet history.

-Spock-Pike smiles, pointing to a chair. Spock is found by examining the desk edge remarkably clean, despite the disorder that tends to accumulate in the espatisfactory about the candidates that the Admiralty might consider appropriate for the post of first mate of Captain Kirk.
I see.

"I know this is not the ideal situation would consider ...
" I want to accept the offer of Captain Kirk, sir.
Admiral raises its head, Spock does not remember any other time in their shared history in which Pike has had a look so surprised.

- Really?

-The Vulcans do not joke, Admiral.

-Ya. -Pike takes a paper and then discharged, without any indication of knowing what you are doing. Spock, I am aware that Fleet has you under a lot of pressure to accept the position, considering your history with him. He hesitated. For their own reasons.

"They made it clear they expect me to exercise an influence of restraint on the captain. "Some were less subtle in their expectations, a situation about which Spock feel qualified to say that if it had been human, would have found it so distasteful and offensive. It was the kind of problem, however, find it funny that you suspect Captain Kirk.

Typically, Admiral Pike is more direct.

-Fix, or find a reason why they kicked out of Starfleet, yes.

, motivations and opinions of the Fleet are not relevant to my decision.

Pikestudy it carefully.

-Kirk could convince anyone of practically anything, "he says, slowly. But that kind of strategy does not work with you. Does he know already?

"No, sir.

-Hmm. "Leaning back in his chair, grabs a pen Pike and repeatedly changes position between the fingers. Do you want to block applications coming?
-appreciate their efforts in the redirection of new candidates, sir.
Admiral nods thoughtfully.

"And you have your own reasons for not telling everyone and get us out of their misery. You will not share.
"His relationship with Captain Kirk is more hardshown a copy ...
Pike Admiral blinks once.

-Spock. Just say "I do not trust Starfleet captain did not ruin the only body that I can train based on my expectations, and enjoys running into danger blindfolded as I do." Spock


- Sir?

-Admiral Spock says, his voice softer. I was your counselor, choose your first mission, I know why you teach at the Academy, and I know why you insisted on the disciplinary hearing when he cheated on the Kobayashi Maru
. You see, do not really need to tell me why you do this, that part I understand. I just do not know what made you change dMLXC An hour later, the door opens and Jim looks at him hide his exhaustion.

-Fix replicator or shoot me, or I'll break and I can assure you crawl to me. Spock

unscrews from the ground.

"I can ... " Like I said ...

-To help you sleep.

Jim's mouth narrows his eyes with a blue hue in the dim electric light. After a few seconds of doubt enters the room, closing the door with a kick before sitting on the edge of the bed, still made.

"You do not have slept. -was aware of the consequences of ...

"I, of course they were. Pirates my informationMedical months. -Turn, Kirk lay back, flashing toward the ceiling. You ... Do you affect you?

Spock studied the question, planning the response carefully.

"The situation is unprecedented, but I think it might affect me against my will.

"Because if we're both

... Sitting on the edge of the bed, Spock Jim feels the tension.

"Close your eyes. "After a second Jim obeyed, although the strain on your body does not change, and shrink from the first touch on his face. My mind to your mind.

Sighing, Jim turns his head and opened his eyes, bewildered, when suddenly relaxes.

-Spock-exhale, and the fight Vulcanthe urge to come closer, that's not going to him. There was a girl ...

He does not know.
"My thoughts to your thoughts," she whispers Spock, controlling the assault of memories and emotions of first contact. Kirk's mind is easily opened, welcoming, hopeful, scared, with a rage that flows beneath the surface like a river on the verge of breaching the banks, a flash flood running through your body.

I'll do what I, T'Pau, but not with him.
"There is always a girl with us," Kirk whispered looking away. It was easier to admit what we both already knew.

Spock fighting tremor, but can not fight modo that Kirk is about him, open, eager, willing

, completely focused on this time and place. Sorting through the memories, Spock's going away
, relieving heat
and hatred
, the friction of the sand sunburned and bare rock and ruthless, and a friendship that defined them as they were understood in what would become the Federation.

His blood does not burn. He's my friend.

-fought against you on the sands of Gol, but I would have confronted her.

I will not neither.

-you would have fought against it and made my complaint there and then. Would have killed her. Instead of emprove, Spock knows, they do not know is how quickly worsen.

away from the bed, Spock note the delicate thread of consciousness that has built between the two gain strength, enough to tell when Jim wakes up and decides it is an acceptable time to adjust the replicator.


Thursday, December 24, 2009

Fendimetrazina On Line

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Phantom Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

Title: By any other name
Fandom: Star Trek TOS (Sip. TOS. No spoilers or special knowledge.)
Pairing: Kirk / Spock, Bones / Chapel, Bones and Spock.
Rating: for all audiences. Not one measly taco.
Notes: For [info] criandomalvas . It is the first of two parts, the second of which will be published in the near future but undetermined.

By any other name

Christine's hands moved in a skilled and professional crew on the bandage, enrofloxacin

- Doctor!, Can know what to do here yet?

comforted him as not sometimes have the impression that he lived with his mother.

- Apart from my work, you mean?

"Your job is to care for the health of this ship, and I can not do so being sick yourself.

- Do you intend to build me a plastic sphere that I will not touch the virus?

-intend to sleep at least six hours daily. Out of here, and let the papers. As if you want to go to get drunk, but here he stays.

-Nurse ...

-Out. Chapel

grabbed his arm with surprising strength and lifted it without much reluctanceby the physician. For a second they were very close, and McCoy could smell the aroma given off, anesthesia and hospital, and something more feminine and powerful.

The idea of going to get drunk for a while did not sound so bad after all.

"Okay, okay. I'm going. Good night.

"Good evening, doctor. You sleep well.

Christine left the office before him, and Bones cursed mentally ready that I had the idea to put such short skirts in Starfleet uniforms.

# # #

The doors of the lounge opened, and turned to walk McCoy settled into their usual table. He poured a glass of whiskey hnce store recently got secret Scotty "the engineer had made the mistake of relying too much on their cards," and looked under the dim artificial light.

"Good night, Doctor," said a voice suddenly startled, and a few drops of liquid escaped from her glass.

"Dammit, Spock, you know how much is that worth?
"I had not anticipated their reaction, doctor. I thought I should inform you of my presence, because you could have gone to this place looking for privacy, and had not noticed it.

- How the hell I'm gonna see if you're hiding in a corner?

Spock lowered his head, surveying itself.

"I think" esca great appreciation for the kindness, doctor, so there is no need to endeavor to employ me.

"Maybe you did not appreciate, but I do. We're supposed to, and not professional at the helm of the ship, but the best friends of Jim. "Spock raised an eyebrow, causing McCoy was immediately put on the defensive. What?

"I merely ask what led him to adopt a so logical to the situation.

Now I felt insulted.

"Perhaps to compensate you're here at the wee hours of the morning in an act clearly emotional.

-The Vulcans

no ... "Yeah, whatever. Yes, two minutes and thirty seconds is sufficient, pul bridge link, the reason I spent so much time together and the major source of problems for all three. You've been here with him, right? Before. That's why you're here, just go. New

nod. I'd like to read and figure out if Spock is tight, or uncomfortable, but usually his dictionary was Jim Standard Vulcan-errant. He just saw an expressionless face and a sickly green, which made him want to get the tricorder and start doing scans.

- What about you? Spock asked. Do not have the first turn in the morning?

- Do you know the schedules of the crew?

"Only coordinators and the three highest ranks of each department. CHTM
TMLXC was when Chekov and Sulu Spock went behind, heading to the replicator, and the youngest Russian accent marked his words when speaking.

- I have so hungry I could eat a Gorn! What's for dinner?

# # #

- What is now Nurse Chapel? Spock asked a couple of nights later, without removing his gaze fixed too long, and McCoy straightened up a little in the chair.
"Well, well. As efficient as ever. Today has been a doctor in the
to collaborate with the attention to survivors of the attack, and tried to tell him he was mismanaging a cure. I think the poor continues enceRRAD in his office, crying.

"A great character.

"Sure. Almost kicked me out of the office at night.

-must admit that you tend to over-work hours. -McCoy wrote an annoyed grunt.

"I'm not alone. "Spock nodded and continued looking at him as if expecting him to say something else. What?

- Excuse me?

"Do not think I do not know where it goes. I'm not that stupid. And I will not talk about it. "The other did not try to pretend you do not know what he was talking about, merely to let out an" oh "of understanding, and wait. Damn Vulcan

-. I will not talk about it because there is nothing to talk about. Nothing. Because you can nothave, and think that he may have would be stupid.

- Oh?

-Stupid, I say. An absurd idea, that.

- What, doctor? Bones

grunted and took a swig of whiskey.


I see. Spock

separated the two indexes, and rejoined at the same point. Tap. Tap.

- What would you know? What do you care? It's something you can not experiment, you can not share. Curious, like the feel of a lab rat on a wheel? What?

If McCoy said that was simply because Spock looked at him with a raised eyebrow. In his mind had been a joke, one of many stupid to chop erand talking quietly in the living environment was of concern and tension, and nobody raised his voice too with the crew, while casting frequent glances toward the door. I was pretty sure it would come as a bit dark, only had to wait long enough.

took three days to see him off the bridge.

Spock was, but was not. This was changed in turn, did his job and vanished as he took a walk Scotty turbolift replacement. He was tense and irritable, and just listened to the suggestions of other crew members. Convened meetings useless for daily reports on the state of kidnapping, and was dedicated to subtly insult your companytions between colleagues when they did not give results.

"I'm worried about him.

"We're all very tight without the captain," said Christine, while fixing the beds. This ship is not the same without him, it is normal not feel safe. And it has a duty to replace it in its functions, which will make things even more difficult for him.

"This has happened before.

"No way. If the rumors are true, Mr. Spock witnessed tortured him before taking him away, forced to watch. And that's what they keep raising the price of redemption, and have to combine the double pressure of the Fleet and the kidnappers.

Of course it's very stressful, but Spock is Vulcan, for the love of God. Sgave in to ransom after several days of negotiations. He spent long hours locked in his cabin, discussing with a representative of the fleet's three million loans that required travisanos. Apparently, despite its policy of not negotiating with kidnappers, were not willing to lose the best captain of the body.

"Captain, we have the coordinates for the exchange, said Uhura.

"Mr. Sulu, get moving immediately. Factor six.

- Factor six, Captain? "Sulu turned to him with puzzled expression. Scotty said ...

engines-Factor six, Mr. Sulu, Spock talking to his tone cool and calm to be superior, and Sulu muttered a "yes,Lord "somewhat upset before focusing on his panel. Mr. Chekov, focus.

The boy sat up immediately and stopped biting her nails. Bones really hoped that this would go well and could have Kirk back in the saddle as soon as possible.

travisana The ship was small and did not look to have spent the last control on health. Communication was poor quality, but allowed them to distinguish a hobbled Kirk, whose semi-nudity left behind more bruises that McCoy would like to view. Had the urge to take your medical team and get into a ship, but was limited to assessing what could be of possible internal damage.
- Doctor? Spock asked.

-s not appearEker.

"And on the other hand, could not avoid involvement Leonard, almost growling,"
material appears to be in perfect condition.

"Oh, some minor scratches during processing, without doubt, the doctor can repair the ship.

"Yeah, well,
the ship's doctor believes that ...

-The required amount is listed on conveyors interrupted Spock, whose eyesight was not any point in the paragraph in her face. Suggest a simultaneous exchange that allows both parties ...

"I appreciate your suggestion, Mr. Spock. Why not carry money, and when you see that you can analyze ensure d

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cervix When About To Get Period [Fic] My dear little wife

p; iacute; exploit. [info] Mein Liebes Weibchen
Countless were the weaknesses of Misamis felt by Light Yagami, that's undeniable. But the story at hand this time, we might note one in particular. Loved, just loved, each time relaxing with his recordings of classical music and opera, how your particular knight never fails to move his lips to another without murmuring word, singing and abetting ; peak and passionate hero of each work shift.
The day got trabajosamen Misa Amaneyou the pleasure of your partner to acquire a pet keep him company during his long absences in the barracks, the same day they returned with a pair of red and emerald green lovebirds, known popularly as "Love Birds" or "inseparable", Yagami was listening to the CD of one of his favorite neo-classical opera, The Magic Flute, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's genius.

- How can we call them, Light ...? You who are so ready, think of an appropriate and beautiful name, go ... - Amane asked him, playing with his new friends atraves in the cage while trying to imitate the cooing of the Queen of the Night, the well-known aria from the opera. -Papageno and Papagena . - Said the questioning, even lazy days rotund appearance.
The girl laughed delightedly, bringing you to the newly baptized cookie sparrows.
................................................ ......... Light Yagami
crossed the threshold of his home, barefoot while announcing his return home. For while his girlfriend blamed the musical preferences of this without question, certainly not hesitate to put their own discos J-pop as he was leaving for work, so she was surprised to hear significantly from the living relatives chords Magic Flute, specifically the final duet between Papageno and Papagena, man and female birds. Upon entering the room, found the second Kira crying her eyes out, with its beautiful and glittering eyes fixed in a neat little package wrapped in cloth on the counter.

-Papageno is dead. - Was his succinct explanation desanjelada.
- Go ... Sorry, Mass.. But I must say that it is not hygienic at all which keep a body on the table of cthat you buy. And believe me I will not stand another scene hereinafter tragicomic yours because of a bloody dead bird. - Papagena is that is going to die of grief, Light. - Idol wailed with a voice.
The young policeman sighed, exasperated. That despicable whore had not shed a single tear or felt the sting of remorse or a bloody time while purging hundreds of criminals making use of the deadly notebook, but now was no consolation to the deaths n a useless bird. In light of his eyes, was indeed a creature noise Massny creeping, not much better than the murderers that the God of the New World and she executed in pursuit of the rebirth of the society. Over time, Light is increasingly convinced that he could never love a woman devocióny despite its unconditional surrender.

"He will not, Mass., since it is not only a vertebrate with a low vulgar expression in the brain that can not regret or mourn the death of a loved one human. Doing so will only be because their instinct is thus set a kind.
Amane continued sobbing, wiping marginallyou; NDOS unsuccessfully tears with his handkerchief for a second then come back to drown a pathetic groan again hear the verse, young and tender, in which happy lovers sang their wish because the future God gives many children.

"It's ... It's true ... Is that Mass is very silly ... Light is right ... - admitted the weeping girl, sipping through the nose. The mass murderer comforted her pulling her toward him, lifting her chin gently to pose a brief kiss on her trembling lips, a seductive attempt to make minimizing their importance. Were necessary

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shiny Version Pokemon Chart

quel universe, or only in other than Oxford. "Your wounds should be healed," he insisted Kirjava, stylish jumping to the ground. You should be stronger. Has not yet let go. [info]

Marta. "But I'm going to jump into the water, Grandma Blick. -Serr dangerous. Jugarr You go away. Marta
Blick called "Grandma" because Martha did not have grandmothers, and has a deal with Amparo. Well, they never talked about it, but assumes that Amparo know what his deal: Martha leaves her mother to have a romance, and Amparo Blick leaves him to have a grandmother. Although Martais not entirely satisfied with his grandmother. I wish there was a grandmothers store with a sign saying "if you are not satisfied, bring your ticket purchase, and doth his grandmother *." The asterisk is for the fine print, Marta knows that all ads have fine print.

Angel / One Dani

"It's a dog, Dani.
"What is going to be a dog, are you stupid? "It's a dog and has very bad temper and hates me.

"But you say, so cute that is, do not you're cute, Charlize? What you're beautiful? Come, come with tito and put the charity Angelor, if an antidote is sick and horrible, Sam is the only air you know. Sam is the best we've had, and can not continue making this but can not give it up, even when dreaming every night with his father's disappointed look.)

First idea for the Baby Bang.
"It's ... oh, it's beautiful. You should be here, Jeffrey.

"I know.

Tears ran down her face. Of course it should. This was his son and former wife, and what they wanted most in the world was to be there with them. But someone had to stay behind, and assure a future a. .. Fifty-four z, ease of Kirk to find situations that endanger his life, Spock says that this time he has outdone himself. Radiation. There is no enemy to fight, and no basis to destroy, no way to escape. There is only this. Death while waiting is slowly losing mental and physical faculties. Spock
now expected to take a few decades at least. Spock, for the first time in his life, was procrastinating to avoid having to think of something.

RPS. Spock and Nimoy's probably just a character. Only Spock. The only need three hours of makeup, alien. Whoever receives the respectfuland filled with jokes, unlike the latter of which they come. He and Spock ... In that
and Jim were angry, intense, exchanging glances that they fought without words, thus extending their eternal conflict. Logic against emotion. The deep eyes of Jim crashing into the wall of Spock's raised eyebrow, establishing an inferiority that the captain, as always, chooses to ignore. Jim Kirk Spock can convince that the Sun revolves around Earth, that Leonard should know. It just takes time.
The writers are well aware. It is somewhat uncomfortable at times. When Leonard is too Spock, and not hold people to know things about him. Words such as friendship or love, that slide between their bars when humans think, and that nadie-not even him, should know.

Bonus: famous quotes
JL (Don Mathematics) this quarter.

only know what we know.

A polynomial and a logarithmic face a death match at infinity. Who is stronger?

* exercise *

But there is no vertex ...

Want vertex? Take corner!
* type "vertex: -1" *

Hala, you have vertex. Happy? But you do not see that the vertex not want for nothing? CHTM

Send me to write something. A:
House. "
* JL writes" cat dog house "*

Have I done what you sent me? A:
Yes, but ... JL: Did
I've done or not done? ¬ ¬

If already said Einstein, who was a very smart guy ... If you want different results, do not do the same. What you study three hours and do not approve? Try another thing. Do not study anything, for example. proving Go!

JL: Next section: symmetry and periodicity. In this role, symmetry and periodicity ... not applicable.
A: What does it mean that not appropriate? CHI know it existed.

in life are bad shocks. Imagine that I go to bed tonight and tomorrow I am a giant cockroach. That's not good! But today morning I get antennas and tail, for it is normal, right?
English people are always the last to PISA, and politicians are determined to change again and again the system. I think we have to do is simply recognize that the English are more stupid. We would remove headaches.

* after twenty-five minutes discussing the likelihood of extraterrestrial life *
In conclusion: Is there life on other systems? Pos can be. "Pa 'do we need? Pos pa 'na'.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Compression Fracture More Condition_symptoms

library? Spock: Indeed [info] not. We're in a wilderness of arctic characteristics. Bones: He Means it's cold.
! Spock


Paradise with forbidden fruit and all.

Fandomium, the floating city.
is a model!

... with fangirls!

Fangirl: There is nothing
And That Can disturb That cycle, Mr. Spock? CHTMLX
're talking about mutiny, Scotty.
Scotty: Aye

Prime Spock!
: O

... ah, no, it's a Chick of the Week. Excuse me, miss, I had not recognized with so many clothes ...
... that are better.
Of course, The Love

Kirk-locked-in-the-body-of-a-woman You are closer to the Captain Than Anyone in the universe. You know His Thoughts ... What does your telepathic mind tell you now?

Friday, December 4, 2009

Southpark Fishsticks Online

end (just takes some time)

Original location:

Author: Seperis [info] Translator: Ronna Fandom: Star Trek XI (spoilers of the film)
Pairing: Kirk / Spock
Rating: G (for now) [info] Summary: A months after taking control of the Enterprise , James Kirk suffers from a rare disease that Spock feels compelled to investigate. author Notes: Thanks to

svmadelyn that preleyó, Bete, and may bully but just a little;



, que betearon y animaron; y
transtempts y [info] winterlive for reading while writing and confused when I forgot where we left off last night. After all that, all mistakes are definitely mine, and ones that have dogged me to commit. [info] translator Notes: The original is divided into four chapters long, but Imade a distinct division into twelve fragments that works best for my purposes. As always, suggestions and criticisms are welcome. Oh, and my BFF And made me a wonderful separators for this fic, because I give cookies it's that great. To see them in large or comment, his DeviantArt. [info] Spock Emblem: to jump between the two time lines that appear in the fic Kirk Emblem: for separation within the same timeline. So this is dedicated to her, I hold everything and more, listen to me when I get excited with things that interest you, help me and above all things and it gives me like I want to keep me happy &; Hearts, ♥. [info] Also for criandomalvas , obviously, because everything related to Star Trek is also theirs. Because I spent this fic, and because I reported deficit [info] of things that are relevant to my interests. [info] reached the end (just takes some time)
ONE It takes three point twenty-six hours to complete preparations for leaving the Enterprise ; transport Direct to Earth would not be allowed, normally, but the doctor's medical priority McCwhat are probably some stairs to the first level of the house and sees Spock data immediately begin to fluctuate, while the effects of a restless sleep loss effects. Irregular spikes of adrenaline are to sudden releases endorphins that enter the yellow spectrum, exceeding the average human to advantage. To an extent, in fact, that even the latest findings of McCoy had predicted. The door opens suddenly, and Spock alternating observations between the face of the captain and the tricorder, the adrenaline shoots up, reaching the red and staying there, while you hear a breath of surprise and detected an increase in heart rate. Kirk was not expecting it, but this is not simplyto the interior of the house, running a hand through his hair absently. My house, your house, whatever, I'm going back to bed. Spock

closes the door behind him, not surprised with the blinds drawn at every window and the curtains facing the sun in the afternoon. Following the simple structure of the house, found the captain sitting on the stairs, knees to his chest and bare feet dangling over the edge of a step.
- When did you have last eaten, sir?
The captain raises his head, giving him a confused look at Spock as if he had forgotten it was there.

-No. If you stand in my home without invitation (which I expressly forbade, in fact, more than once), Let that shit captain.
Spock nods. [info] - When did you eat last, Jim ? The other grinds his teeth. It is not an unusual reaction, but Spock was not tired even to provoke. -Before leaving the ship. "Two point seven days, then. -Spock points to the kitchen. Alcohol is not an acceptable substitute for adequate nutrition ...

-Ni. You. Occur. "I make something. "In general, James Kirk, is easier to simply
and return again to explain. Entering the kitchen, Spock is preparing to turn on the lights.

hesitateswhen Jim is based on the doorframe. Even in the dim light, stress is clearly visible after the words carefully controlled, and weight loss, surprising, considering the relatively short space of time that has passed since I last saw her, hours before they are transported to Earth on vacation early and cut communications.
"He was not aware that light sensitivity was a symptom," he says softly. He does not need light to see well, either way, the ease in tracksuit pants Jim is so clearly visible as the pale.

"It's a fascinating discovery, spend a day here," Jim says bitterly. What are you doing? S
back to the replicator and enter a lock code. Jim could certainly find ways to circumvent, but has no intention of leaving enough time for that.
Captain staring at the recycler is looking betrayed when Spock takes a soup, as he has said Nyota, nutritious nature combines with a temperature low enough not to cause irreparable damage if Jim decides to throw it Spock. Jim seems
debate with himself a moment, then picks up the spoon with rebellion.
"You'll stay standing there staring at me unless you eat, right? -Spock tilted his head, not the first time. And then you go? -Nosounds convinced, but Spock does not see the need to dispel any illusion that food can make this easier. As Jim makes his way through the bowl, Spock takes the tricorder and studies the analysis. Better, but only relatively speaking. Indeed, this is very malrollero.

"If you find yourself unable to function as an adult and take care of your own health, it is unfailing ...

- Have you used the word" unfailing "? Really?

- ... having someone else do it for you until you come to be rational. -Spock believes the latter. Or at least, return to your usual level of irrationality.

Jim runs a frown, but the bowl is empty, which was the purpose of this eJames Kirk iquiera should be able to get a replicator to produce banned substances. Your next move would be logical to experiment with different pharmaceuticals not approved for consumption. I do not consider intelligent allow such a move is made.

Jim rolls his eyes blank.

"You better have a look around the bathroom before you go," he says, looking tired now. The safety of replicators is a scam lately. -Spock leads a glance toward the stairs.

-I assume that Dr. McCoy will

provided for ... "I'm almost done with the approved for human use. Anyway, I am a subject of great study and that science wins something in the process. -
have a strikingly unusual definition of the word "good"

"Mr. Kirk ...

" Certainly, we had some ... difficulties at first, "he says, throwing three-quarters of his relationship with a hand gesture. But I think when we finally got to understand ourselves, our strengths are complementary.

"When we were doing what you wanted, it was very easy to work with you," says Spock, recognizing the tone, apparently, this is a speech that Kirk has practiced, and feel no desire to listen. But in any case, Mr Kirk, I must decline, however interesting it may appear a remote possibility.

Something changes, invisible, incubatedfiable and surprising, the energy vanishes, and the expression of Kirk becomes unreadable.

- I can ask why, sir?

"I do not feel the need to justify myself," says Spock, tense, and, somehow, Kirk gives the impression of having lost the joints. If that is all ...

"Yes, sir, it is, the military salute Kirk is manual. Thanks for your time.

After you leave, Spock presents a meditative trance, but the impromptu discussion refuses to come out of his mind, and looks over their work in the morning, wondering at the sudden change in mood Kirk. Humans are usually inexplicable, but he seems determined to reach a nuhesitation and altered body language, the irritability is sharpened before his blue eyes focus again on the set of admirals and captains.

When the questioning begins, thinking Spock discovers that Starfleet and the Vulcan Science Academy may have more in common with respect to its senior ranks, he had suspected at first.

- Mr Kirk!

stops abruptly, with fitted shoulders on the defensive in a position that will probably end up in an awkward hitch in the event that Kirk did not seek medical attention.


Spock fighting the urge to pick up the pace, Kirk por each and every one of the damned final exams, and I have every hour of credit. Never spend so much time on it unless ... "It was an unusual time," admits Spock, but Kirk has apparently lost the ability to process any information that is not from his own lips.

- ... looking for ways to get rid of me! "Spock hesitated.

"That is not correct. "Kirk ignored.

"I'm frankly surprised that I have expelled

directly ..." That would have been awkward, even if it had been considered. Something that never happened. If I were able to contain their unfounded speculation, I could provide an explanation. CHBut the flush of anger seems to recede slightly, Spock believes it can be considered progress.

"It's like talking to a computer. "Kirk shook his head. All right. Just ... get it over with soon. Spock

points the way to his cabin, to what Kirk agrees with a nod curtly. Locking the door, run the command Spock privacy, have a few students with an unfortunate tendency to forget to inform you of their presence until they are inside the room. Kirk

planted in much the same position as the last time he was here, and with an attitude disconcertingly similar.

Her oral examination has also been its Prueba officer Spock says finally. If it decides in your favor, you are asked to continue in the Fleet during the summer to complete his training of command.

-For conteiner ...

"Mr. Kirk-Spock starts, but Kirk's mouth is curved into a slight smile. I see. You are using humor to dispel his nervousness.

, also works in situations of life and death and postcoital awkward discussions, "says Kirk, relaxing. Please continue, commander.

Her special promotion is being altered to a permanent one, with the intention to offer the Enterprise

when their training is complete.

The expressionin full, I would have assigned that role.

-Oh. -Kirk licks his lips, looking away. Not that I believe you are lying ... I mean, we've been through the pitfalls and the mutiny and the abandonment and all that but seriously, this is bullshit. Would not think ...

-In conventional circumstances, no. Spock examines the human-less conventional than has ever known. However, after having saved the Earth from Nero ...

"That was not just me, Spock.

"Of course, Mr. Kirk. "I can go? Captain Pike also made clear their wishes regarding who should succeed him and, as you well know, nepotism plays a non-negligible role in decisions

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Streaming Mario Salieri

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

What Does Cervical Mucus Look Like When Pregnant?

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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Biblical Quotes On Relaxation

... of how such things occur in this life without the ask ke ...
... the human capacity to communicate across cultural distances and existential ...
... of emotion so intense Kerer know more of the other and at the same time you know ke ...

yet ... so excited to be part of such rewarding experiences and new ... different ...

I've learned and I've changed ... Trankil all now ... Hikari

"No [I] perdere,
not fear,
not close my eyes, do not grieve

... not [you] stop ..." ATNN, miyavi

Monday, October 12, 2009

Shni Shna Schnappi Lyrics

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Las Vegas Cruising Spots

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sayings For Wedding Programs

Today is the day International Spirko. Today, over forty-two years came to light Amok Time, the TOS episode more slasher of all time, and we celebrated with joy and celebration and Home updates (come on, come on, do it for me!). So bring a little fic.

Title: Cage (The Cage in honor of the pilot. Just until it becomes a tradition that all fics make references to episodes of TOS \u0026lt;3)
Fandom: Star Trek 2009
Pairing: Spock / Uhura established, Kirk / Spock preslash.
Rating: PG-13 (for language) Word
UTURE references, Captain. Kirk
walks a little cell, feeling like a caged lion. One very, very angry and eager to bite flesh Klingon. Well, no bite, you should know fatal. I would not say no to a couple of punches. Bastards. They think they can reach their diplomatic meeting to interfere in its
mission on a planet that would be his . Not his own
, but ... Bastards.

- What are you doing? She asks, because his head is noisy but otherwise all is quiet, and the contrast makes you nervous.
-Seeking a weakness in the structure that provides an opportunity to escape.
- Is there luck? -Negative. Obviously
. Kirk is dropped into one of the beds. She lies. Grumbles a bit against the stupid Klingon and Federation hobby entire planets put them on a plate, even knowing the risks. Sits down again. He gets up and goes to the other. Play with your thumbs.

- What bed you, Spock? -I do not care.

-Nah, that's what I always say. Choose one.

-La on the left.

- Why? What happens to it?

"You're already sitting on it.

"Yes, but if I ask is to know that you can choose whatever you want.

"Since I do not care, I have chosen thatCarrea less mobility problems. That is, one that is free.

"We can take turns, if you want.

"I do not find the logic to the idea, Captain. Both are exactly alike. On the other hand, keep my confidence in the ability to get out of here before we are obliged to use the beds.

"Better, yes. I let you look, then. "Do not worry, I'm more than able to make my observations and talking with you at the same time. That statement only serves to make even more uncomfortable silence that follows. Kirk change of position about five times a minute, unable to sit still. Of all the crew with whom I could have stayed locked up, had que to be Spock. "But are not the same, he insists, almost petulant. One is left wall, and another on the right.

Spock looks up a second, to devote his eyebrow lift recorded (version "I can not believe that humans you have survived this long based on irrationality.")

"If you want to change that fact, simply be placed in the other direction on the bed.

"Look, there you have to admit right, Kirk, and turns around to putting your feet where your head. The two sides are equally uncomfortable. Going to be a very long stay. Especially if these silences continue to spread.

-defects can not find, sir, dinte committed, as calculated before going ashore.

"You forgot to tell me they were going to lock ourselves in a shoebox. If I had known, I bring to Bones. At least he could have a normal conversation. -I regret not meeting their expectations, Captain. I simply answer your question.

"Yeah, well. It was a rhetorical question. 3719.5

"It's hot, right? I have heat.

-The temperature is actually rather high for human standards.
you. You're a human oven, do not know if I have said before.

"They have not made that way. Still, my position on the other andloop? It seems so, but his chest barely moves. Is not the heart beat faster Vulcan? Should not you noticed? Is that green-Vulcan, or green-death-by-poison-meat? Clear that greening should not be a sign of disease for him, but ... turn red. So maybe it turns red when you are sick. And now is not red, so you can deduct Kirk is right. It is quite logical. Besides, it seems his chest rising and falling. It is light, but it's there. Just look a lot. It shows a little on the nose.

must be the position, which gives a bad feeling, go right and straight, hands clasped over his chest. No loss of elegance or to sleep, man. And not moving. "Fantasizing something? It has a lot of emotions repnventar something to skip ...

Remember where you are in a vivid and sudden, when trying to snuggle between your sheets are dropped.

- Jim? Have you wounded?

He wipes drool chin before getting up and trying to stretch a little shirt.

"Shit. As if it did not hurt and back with that thing ... "Spock notices, which is also lying on the floor (if voluntarily, apparently), his legs crossed and hands on knees. His clothes are not a mess. Not a wrinkle. It's something supernatural, Jim has seen rolling on the ground in melee fights and made up a brush. Perhaps the temperature of your skin, which acts as an iron. What are you doing?
"I watch to see if your condition is serious.
"I mean, what were you doing?

-meditated. Or trying, at least, rising an eyebrow in his direction, and Kirk shrugs. Do not really like the expression of Spock, is too closed. Even for him. Will meditation.

He rubs his neck a while, feeling sorry for himself, and then do some stretching. Spock serene gaze, fixed upon him, he begins to make him nervous, so try to find a topic of conversation.

And ... Do you usually meditate in the morning?

"Actually, it is an activity best suited to the end of the day," answered coolly. However, your presence has alteredtwenty-seven missions successfully, I am inclined to think that this is the most likely solution. 3721.2

- Spock? What, do you look? Do I have a bug? Oh, shit, it sure is poisonous, I'm vaccinated! Take it away, Spock, Take it away!
"Nothing happens like that, Jim.
- ... Ah. Damn, what a fright. Why give me such fright?

"I regret the misunderstanding. I simply observe that you've ripped your shirt on the left shoulder blade area. I wondered how you would have achieved such a feat.

-Hm, true. I had not noticed, must have been when I fell this morning.

"You seem to have some easy to damage the rrelated to the nerve centers, making them look highly regarded and worked.

-Admit it, Spock. Want to get involved hand.
"It is my intention that, so I see no reason to admit it. There are several types of contact, and a massage is strictly medical. "I understand, do not believe that. At the end of the day, you and me here alone. You look at things, and ... well, I'm not exactly the oldest captain in the fleet. Is understandable.
Jim, I would like you to accept my offer as something it is not.

"Oh, no, of course not. I follow you, Spock, "he winks. Go ahead.

deliberately removes his shirt slowly, playingand jumps into bed with the Spock eyebrow arched still left of it.

- Come get me!

-Lie face down on the floor, please.

"Well, we direct the issue" reflects Jim and Spock sits on your lower back. Jim was going to make a joke, sure, but then a few hands are on your back and you forget. "I'm afraid this is not the right environment for business. I have no access to scented candles or oils Vulcans would be advantageous, and that Jim should say something because
come on,
oils, but Spock's hands reach a point near his neck and the sound that should be released joke, but it is not. Fast and lightafter Spock hears incomprehensible litany start meditation, and nobody makes any comment. 3722.6

-Spock, I'm tired. I'll sleep.


"I mean if you feel like meditating at night before ... well, I'm not going to bother, right? The cell is yours.

The Vulcan gives him a look between surprise and appreciation.
"Maybe it's appropriate. Thanks, Jim. Good night. His back
Spock, Jim takes hours to sleep, but does not move or make noise, or pave the way to their stupid questions.

Spock, I do not have prevented those bastards will load your planet


- ... so it's going Bones idiot and says "damn it, Jim, I'ma doctor, not mechanical," Kirk imitates the hoarse voice of the doctor quite well, in his own opinion. "I can arrange tours to the first bug that you are metal." And I said "I need a mechanic as well, so I picked up and carried it to the engine room. Scotty had it up and running in twenty minutes. A stunning, yet I have kept in a corner of the room waiting for some other planet where premiere roads, but at least alive. He is a genius, this Scotty rightly let him put her hands on my girl ...

- Your girl?

"The ship, I mean.

- Do you consider a romantic way?
"Probably not the way you're thinking, Spock. But right now I pretty much what I wanted to any other, that's for sure. And carries with it much longer ...
- You've never spent more than four months and twenty-seven days involved in a relationship?

- Spock! Have not told me the hours!

-Si is a relevant fact, we're talking about seventeen hours and fifty-four minutes.
"Oh, thank goodness. Began to believe they lost power. "Jim, may not be appropriate to develop a deep attachment to the spacecraft. You are the youngest captain in the fleet, possiblylike your breath, if you do not pay attention, self-regulating, but you can determine your pace or decide to stop. In my case, this applies to factors such as blood flow, the functioning of my organs, the performance of sections of my brain ...
- Can you make your heart stop beating?


-Wow. I'll remember when you give up for dead. What dreams? Can you control them?

-The Vulcans have no dreams, Jim.

"Oh, no?

"They're a product of the subconscious, things hidden and repressed. In a Vulcan brain is not an unfamiliar area, or ideas that are not accepted, examined and archived so lfile system employed. I see. 3724.3

"It's impossible not to know, knows the whole ship.

"I have the habit of participating in social networking activities. But why is he in Starfleet aerophobia if you have?

"Well, I was pretty fucked up when he enlisted. I met him the first day, spent the entire trip talking to the base that he had nothing left over. His wife had just left. In my opinion, decided to enlist when he was drunk, but that does not tell him.

- Is that the reason for his attitude?

-Nah, that's him, and his way of dealing with things that hurt.

- Why u talkuermas at night thinking of doing reports. That is already sick.

I do not recall having suggested such a thing.

"You want to see someone of the ship, your friends," suddenly occurs to him that ... but can not. Hey, Spock. You have friends, right?

"Friendship implies an emotional bond that ...
- Spock! Is there anyone out there who throw less? Spock

"I'd like to see Nyota.

3724.4 Uhura, of course. His girl. Jim suddenly uncomfortable. Can not believe that they have been here locked up, how many, "five days?, And the name of Spock's girlfriend has not come up with. It is as if they trusted him. ETthe other

are friends, right? Beginning to be. These days. Maybe.
The name has a different effect on Jim. I remember this is a pause, a sort of limbo unnatural in that they both live together, eat together, spend the day together without the need of an emergency on the bridge. It's like ... I felt this time was leading somewhere, that would bring them and unite them more than anything else. Old Spock wanted it, right? I thought this had to happen, so they are ...
But this is a vital area of three square meters and the gray light green highlights exotic skin Spock. There will be no time, there is much work will have to Uhura Spock. Maybe this does not mean the same paWhat? No! Why?

She informed me that you tried to seduce her repeatedly.

"Nah. So, a little. But seriously, it is true, more or less. His flirtation with Uhura is basically a game, at least on his part. It may seem a bad guy, but does not go around raising their girlfriends ... chief officers. What's this?

"I've seen a change in your behavior that seems to originate in our conversation yesterday. The logical conclusion seemed to me your inability to overcome the attraction for her.

-Ah. Not really.

confused expression Spock is almost funny.

"So ... Do you feel antipathy towards her, and disapprove of our relationship? CHTisto enough to understand human psychology.

-Ya, "says Kirk, and proposes to leave it, or make an excuse, because when it stares Spock feels as if they were approaching with a lamp in the middle of an interrogation room. Would you like me, Spock?

- Excuse me?

"See, the thing is we've been here a week.

"Six point two units of solar time.

"Whatever. And we are two, locked in less space than there is in a cesspool of the ship, and I've told you half of my life but I still have the impression that you know nothing, except that you know that massage Human everything I find fascinating and stupid. And nothing happens, so I understand that noand the best example of human race that you've found, is something I can accept, because after all I am your boss and that already means you're bound to hate me, but ... I dunno, I'd appreciate it not to pretend that will be different when we get out of here if you are not going to be, because last time we came out of an experience of life and death and stuff are a bit extreme and sometimes it seems that ... fuck, I'm talking a lot and just say that does not pass nothing because they want to play chess with me.

Spock looks on in silence, probably analyzing data at the supercomputer that is the brain. He stands up, clasping his hands behind his back, and goes to bed Kirk.

"I do not think all humans fascinating, and much moreenos stupid aha. Go around. Vale. In fact, most of the fascination that I have been seen in recent days has more to yourself than your kind.

- How?

"I have several years living among humans, Jim. I continue to surprise many features of the species, but what strikes me is how you will relate to the society around you. It has placed an enormous burden on your shoulders, yet you take it with dignity and pride, and demonstrate remarkable efficiency.

- You think I'm amazing?

-I must admit that I have not raised the issue of my, shall we say, lack of cooperation in the course of our discussions could resultArt uncomfortable. It is logical, in fact, since you have expressed my love match, which also had the thirst for knowledge. It is a misunderstanding, probably due to cultural differences Vulcans social ties are not based in the comparison of past experience and in sharing those future. -PSCH-snorts Jim, good humor, surely you have not a gossip. These Vulcans ...

3725.8 - "And you said so?

"Of course. Sonak was assumed that the physical pain was a uniquely human experience, so I saw the need out of this error.

- Do not you spent a little?

-Land reported that her pet was in good condition at the time that his tears would have attracted prying ears, so that what he called "humiliation" was only between us.

"And I took you for a harmless nerd ... The streets are the worst, I've always said.

"I merely defend their continued verbal abuse about my ancestry.

"I bet he left you alone later.

"Our relationship was one of cordial friendship, Jim shakes his head, smiling, and try to contemplate the face of Spock, but the lights are dimmed and no longer looks good. Now he's dead, "says Spock, suddenly, like someone talking about the weather. It land makes the skin crawl. It's funny, I always knew he would die before all of them due to my human heritage. It was something I had taken as true. Instead, I am the only survivor of that class.


"Oh, just thought it was funny. Ironically, one might say. I also think I'll watch them all die members of the Enterprise before aging.

I wonder ... "Do not say that, Spock. Not a chance.

-The Vulcans do not joke.

"I know. 3726.2

"No way.

"I can assure that it is.

"But ... shrink?

"I had body
-Yes, that's right. So ... Hey, wait, "Jim pauses a moment to think about the serious consequences of the new information available. As my talent

usually present wherever I go ... When I spoke to the council Vulcan, and

your father, "thought he was hot?

"Fortunately," says Spock, and this time he is pretty sure that's a smile, the Vulcans have a habit of attending their classes xenobiology.

Jim smiled broadly, accepting the answer and the joke implied, but can not keep her eyes go to areas in which Spock had not noticed before.

"Okay, then. Let's say you're rolling with algho, right? You are there to ...

"Jim, your fascination with this particular issue is certainly illogical. There is a whole story about the teachings of that ...

Sarek "I'm sure, but the truth is I'm more interested in this.

- Why?

"Well, you never know when you'll need that kind of information! I can think of a couple of situations ...

"You must understand that there are certain issues considered private in Vulcan. Intimate.

- Do you have any taboos? But that's not very logical, right?

-are part of traditions and rituals that extend in time beyond the decision he took my race to qualify for the logical path.

"Yes, yes, we're both right! Open the door!

Less than half a minute later, half of the door rests against the opposite wall of the cell, and McCoy is caught between a hug or a punch to his captain.

- Dammit, Jim! Do you think nice to leave the ship without a captain and first officer without a week? What do you want to kill me stress? "Yes, well," Kirk shrugs and puts his most innocent face, I know. I started chatting with a girl Sargon, and one thing led to another, and ... "What a story have. As if I did not know that takes a week locked up with Spock. Of all people ... Get out, go, you'll have you locked in the infirmaryta to get a statement certifying that you are too stupid enough to make my life depends on you.

"I love you too, Bones, Kirk laughs, and makes a grand gesture to Spock to go first. To see him go, sending a brief nod to McCoy and Chekov, he feels something strange, like the nostalgia. As if something was ending, and did not know exactly if that's good or bad. Wants to say something like "promise me you'll play this game of chess." Instead, he says, "We have not finished that conversation, Spock. You're not getting off that easily.

Spock raises an eyebrow in his direction, and Jim can not help but smile while passing through the cell door.


Monday, September 7, 2009

Infant Viral Infection

Mirror, Mirror picspam. Because the chapter I love and need a picspam. Which is a horrible excuse because I love them all (except that I loved it), and I have done a lousy capture Amok Time or The Changeling (and that's Serious business, bitches). But what I can say. Spock's beard and Kirk's arms I can.

Guy from the planet. Captain . You Might Have the force to the dilithium from us.
Captain Sexy Pants. But we won't . Consider That.

First, a Captain Kirk as lifetime, so do not forget how. Although I do not take your shirt ifcompanies, which may mean that your mission is formal and diplomatic (...), which today has no intention of tearing it, or who has torn all I had and do not fit. How can anyone doubt the goodness within our captain. If we are not set their Evil Eye Shadow

But do not worry, because today's epi has a wonderful coat of arms of the good that we can see these members so pretty that you come to Shatner shoulders. What remains unclear to you? Do not worry, I'll explain:

But that's not just the happiness of the day, because soon we found ...

I know, Kirk, I know. Remains unclear to you, right? I tand I explain:

Hmm, so this is ... Spock with a beard. Not too bad. I mean, It Could Be ... I mean, it's evil and everything but ... God, I Need to know if we're getting in this universe and Stock.

This episode has a lot UHURA!, Which is a badass and I love it. Of course everyone needs some emotional support ...

Uhura, you're the only one Who can do it.

Oh noes, evil! Sulu is evil! Beware, Uhura!


(McCoy is not a doctor. He is a mother. Fact)
GUAPO. And evil, the poor:
Captain James T. Kirk. Succeeded ISS Enterprise-through command to Assassination of Captain Christopher Pike.

Jim. If we're here, What Are Our Counterparts doing back in Our Universe?
Kirk. On my

Our Enterprise ...

Traitorous You pig! I'll hang you up by your Vulcan ears. I'll Have Executed you all! Has everyone gone crazy? What uniform is this? WHERE'S YOUR BEARD?

(Note: The "Where's your beard" is NOT my introduction.It's how Kirk has to realize that this universe is WRONG. The other Kirk also says there: "A parallel universe ... Spock with a beard ..." This is just crazy


Kirk. All right, Spock. Whatever your game is, I'll play it. You want credits? They're yours. What is it That will buy you? Power? Power, Spock? That I can get for you!

Spock. Fascinating.

[Meanwhile, in a parallel universe ...]

Captain, I'm glad you frustrated Mr. Chekov's attempted. Should I regret your death. I DO NOT desire the captaincy.

Logical, as always, Mr. Spock.

Spock. You Can not ignore the important consequences. Kirk.
Is that a Threat? Spock.
I Do Not Threat, Captain.

Kirk. Merely I state facts.

Would You find me a formidable enemy.
Spock. That 'm aware of. I trust That You Are aware of the reverse.

Hmm, he's got a nice ass in this universe, too ... And the beard really is Something ...

OMG! Unexpected semi-naked girl in Kirk's quarteto warn you. You'll Never Find Another man like him.
Oh, by the way, did you know that here's a secret screen from which you can spy on the whole ship? What is the first thing you gonna do with it, Kirk? "Look at Uhura change in their barracks? Or maybe ...

That magnificent mind of his.
I really love this moment, in which Spock knows that Kirk is watching, and challenges him , and I remember all the times they have played dirty things with this pileup .

Kirk. I've never seen perfection ... But Could not eat
woman closer to it. Marlena. Prove it.

Kirk. I Have To Go.

a bit out of context. But something like this. I swear.)
Bwahahahahahaha, of course, Marlena. I would too.

Uhura, Sulu's Attention keep off That board.
(Yes, this capture is just to see the arms. Is there a problem?)

I Was getting bored.

Oh, I changed my mind ...

You will please restrict your Movements, Captain . Which is Vulcan for DO MOVE A FINGER, MOTHERFUCKER

(Seriously. Those arms. Seriously.)
Bones. He'll Die Without immediiate
Treatment! I just need a minute!
Such a drama queen, doctor. It Was Just a little hit on the head ... Still, it's worth loading it concerned Kirk, heee.

Kirk. I
is very much like Our own Mr. Spock, isn't he?
Oooooh, wait a second There. I'm evil! Sulu, and I have not made it yet Into this picspam! Look at my scar supercool!
'm evil!

Come on, girls, all me. In one, the two, the three ...
YAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SIXTIES
Once the break (sorry, Sulu, that's all you get. But the scar Looked really evil), we can go back to doing drama Kirk Spock more.

Kirk. 've got that minute, Bones.


Welcome home, Captain.

WANT A HUG SO so very WINCHESTERIANO BETWEEN THESE TWO. Of course who can complain as Felicians end like this, with the BAMF TRIO:

Kirk. That Jim Kirk
will find A Few Changes ... if I read my Spocks Correctly.
Spock. Oo

Jim, I think I liked him with a beard better. It Gave him character. Of course, Almost Any change Would Be a distinct improvement ... Kirk. What worries me is the easy way Fitted historical Counterpart uyyy that look

Criandomalvas: Chekov iVol
oh you'll hcer
... Chekov
not talk to me like, man
that I have a lot to the other two Criandomalvas:
iVol Chekov is iVol!

iVol Chekov is hot
Ronna: the angry! Sex of another universe, Aunt must SSER a donkey
Criandomalvas: oh god

Ronna: close too close are bundled are very busy with a lot of angry
! sex
much Ronna: followed by fights Achanta
that!! Ronna
: know what I just realized, and is a drama?
that will not break the T-kirk, because only one of that style will
Criandomalvas: TRUE LOOOOOOOOOL that sentence!
Ronna: kirk spock convinces dog any day of anything
come on takes her hand to the girl and looks
spock Criandomalvas: lolololol
true! Ronna:
reminded me pushing daisies Ronna:
and why? Criandomalvas:
because every time you want to take the hand is the pick to another and look
Ronna: I LOVE
Criandomalvas: : D

Ronna: IF I READ MY Spocks CORRECTLY omg pirate
ie puts
jajajajajajajajajaj xD I love your logic
Ronna: my logic is perfectly sound!

celooooos Ronna:
I love how you talk to and but the question is

to see Ronna: why not