Monday, December 28, 2009

Bowel Infection Treatment

Once you've requested over the past three weeks, daily

, I ...
"Considering your options, I know. "Building on the desktop, Kirk gives him a blinding smile. I've been thinking ...

For some reason (for all the reasons), that statement makes Spock tense up. Kirk examining eyes narrowed, studying the energy bright, newly arrived from abroad, which currently occupies office and wondered why someone, somewhere, did not consider the consequences of a summer in San Francisco with nothing to do apart from a few classes a day and a lack of variety in subjects and peers. The other members of the crew of the
are subject to a similar training in preparation for the launch of the ship and repaired, but that's a relatively small but Spock has noticed that Kirk has been busy engaging in social events on a weekly basis as many possible of them, especially the future components of the bridge.
A bar in the studied opinion of Spock, is not the most appropriate location to promote the unity of the crew, but Kirk methods are different from most captains in the area who knows Spock. His youth may have something to do with it, but begin to understand why Captain Pike had said that James T. Kirk would not be like any other officer to be remembered. C HTMLXC Spock admits to himself, but not before Kirk that Starfleet captains are worse with more years and more experience on their backs. As far as Spock knows, has been careful to avoid romantic or social implications of people who will have under his orders, which already constitutes a marked improvement over three captains (and Admiral) with which Spock has had dealings.
(Or, as Nyota said one night: "Keep trying to flirt with me, but in general there is serious. While it would be funny to see how you react if one day I will play.") Kirk wants this ship and for more reasons than the prestige of the position and interest-free profit. That is already extraordinary enough to that, pesar himself, Spock curious about what kind of captain will be within one year, five; how they change over time and experience.
- ... and it's not as if you'll enjoy ... oops, I mean, as if to find something intellectually stimulating in the drawing of borders, "says Kirk. Spock turns his attention toward him, watching the long fingers open and close tirelessly on the edge of the desk. And do not even like to teach. Spock
flashes and the observation is surprisingly successful.
"I do not ... " I like to study and experience, and
discover things you love for the first time but, seriously. I like them exactly dI Xenolingüística your students, and one of them are, "Kirk leaves a different sentence in the air, with a smile ... to develop an amicable relationship. This is not what you should do. Come. What's the worst that could happen?
Spock opens his mouth to respond, and then stops. -I assume you do not want a literal examination of the potential of ...
-Nah. Think positive . Come to Ambassador Spock thought was a good idea ... And by the way, please do not tell me that the world was going to end if you knew of its existence.
"As I recall, Spock answered, wondering when the ambassador has found time to inform Jim of his conversation, he was quiin implied the existence of such a possibility. "And you told me you'd know. Jim seems satisfied, which usually appear when you think such a thing just offered a compelling argument. "I have the habit of reporting all my daily interactions.

Across the room, Spock sits in place behind the desk, hoping thereby to encourage Kirk to move to a chair, but the other merely rotated from its position on the table, pushing papers (with a certain order, at least) to not interfere with knee falling over the edge, it seems perfectly happy to stay there all day. "You rejected three applications for the position of first officer Spock observed.Kirk nods. All applicants are officers with experience and training far more advanced than yours, than mine, actually. [info] "Yes, that's the problem. I do not want to do this as you would any other. I want to do this as we would. -Kirk sit back for what seems like a long conversation. I need someone with experience in the "great and dangerous adventure that is space," Spock observed Kirk's fingers to make the gesture of the quotes, and wondered who was the unfortunate who has tried to talk to him so seriously and you need someone to discuss with you without hiding under the table to hyperventilate. "I've never seen an attitude ... CHTMmakes the office seem smaller and darker after his departure, a comparative experience, Spock is well aware, is the result of a subjective perception, but no less true for it. After a few minutes, gave up trying to finish the evaluations and sends a message to the office of Admiral Pike, requesting a meeting. The answer is almost immediate suspect that Spock is not the only one who has been blessed with focused attention and unlimited youngest captain in Starfleet history.

-Spock-Pike smiles, pointing to a chair. Spock is found by examining the desk edge remarkably clean, despite the disorder that tends to accumulate in the espatisfactory about the candidates that the Admiralty might consider appropriate for the post of first mate of Captain Kirk.
I see.

"I know this is not the ideal situation would consider ...
" I want to accept the offer of Captain Kirk, sir.
Admiral raises its head, Spock does not remember any other time in their shared history in which Pike has had a look so surprised.

- Really?

-The Vulcans do not joke, Admiral.

-Ya. -Pike takes a paper and then discharged, without any indication of knowing what you are doing. Spock, I am aware that Fleet has you under a lot of pressure to accept the position, considering your history with him. He hesitated. For their own reasons.

"They made it clear they expect me to exercise an influence of restraint on the captain. "Some were less subtle in their expectations, a situation about which Spock feel qualified to say that if it had been human, would have found it so distasteful and offensive. It was the kind of problem, however, find it funny that you suspect Captain Kirk.

Typically, Admiral Pike is more direct.

-Fix, or find a reason why they kicked out of Starfleet, yes.

, motivations and opinions of the Fleet are not relevant to my decision.

Pikestudy it carefully.

-Kirk could convince anyone of practically anything, "he says, slowly. But that kind of strategy does not work with you. Does he know already?

"No, sir.

-Hmm. "Leaning back in his chair, grabs a pen Pike and repeatedly changes position between the fingers. Do you want to block applications coming?
-appreciate their efforts in the redirection of new candidates, sir.
Admiral nods thoughtfully.

"And you have your own reasons for not telling everyone and get us out of their misery. You will not share.
"His relationship with Captain Kirk is more hardshown a copy ...
Pike Admiral blinks once.

-Spock. Just say "I do not trust Starfleet captain did not ruin the only body that I can train based on my expectations, and enjoys running into danger blindfolded as I do." Spock


- Sir?

-Admiral Spock says, his voice softer. I was your counselor, choose your first mission, I know why you teach at the Academy, and I know why you insisted on the disciplinary hearing when he cheated on the Kobayashi Maru
. You see, do not really need to tell me why you do this, that part I understand. I just do not know what made you change dMLXC An hour later, the door opens and Jim looks at him hide his exhaustion.

-Fix replicator or shoot me, or I'll break and I can assure you crawl to me. Spock

unscrews from the ground.

"I can ... " Like I said ...

-To help you sleep.

Jim's mouth narrows his eyes with a blue hue in the dim electric light. After a few seconds of doubt enters the room, closing the door with a kick before sitting on the edge of the bed, still made.

"You do not have slept. -was aware of the consequences of ...

"I, of course they were. Pirates my informationMedical months. -Turn, Kirk lay back, flashing toward the ceiling. You ... Do you affect you?

Spock studied the question, planning the response carefully.

"The situation is unprecedented, but I think it might affect me against my will.

"Because if we're both

... Sitting on the edge of the bed, Spock Jim feels the tension.

"Close your eyes. "After a second Jim obeyed, although the strain on your body does not change, and shrink from the first touch on his face. My mind to your mind.

Sighing, Jim turns his head and opened his eyes, bewildered, when suddenly relaxes.

-Spock-exhale, and the fight Vulcanthe urge to come closer, that's not going to him. There was a girl ...

He does not know.
"My thoughts to your thoughts," she whispers Spock, controlling the assault of memories and emotions of first contact. Kirk's mind is easily opened, welcoming, hopeful, scared, with a rage that flows beneath the surface like a river on the verge of breaching the banks, a flash flood running through your body.

I'll do what I, T'Pau, but not with him.
"There is always a girl with us," Kirk whispered looking away. It was easier to admit what we both already knew.

Spock fighting tremor, but can not fight modo that Kirk is about him, open, eager, willing

, completely focused on this time and place. Sorting through the memories, Spock's going away
, relieving heat
and hatred
, the friction of the sand sunburned and bare rock and ruthless, and a friendship that defined them as they were understood in what would become the Federation.

His blood does not burn. He's my friend.

-fought against you on the sands of Gol, but I would have confronted her.

I will not neither.

-you would have fought against it and made my complaint there and then. Would have killed her. Instead of emprove, Spock knows, they do not know is how quickly worsen.

away from the bed, Spock note the delicate thread of consciousness that has built between the two gain strength, enough to tell when Jim wakes up and decides it is an acceptable time to adjust the replicator.



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