Friday, December 4, 2009

Southpark Fishsticks Online

end (just takes some time)

Original location:

Author: Seperis [info] Translator: Ronna Fandom: Star Trek XI (spoilers of the film)
Pairing: Kirk / Spock
Rating: G (for now) [info] Summary: A months after taking control of the Enterprise , James Kirk suffers from a rare disease that Spock feels compelled to investigate. author Notes: Thanks to

svmadelyn that preleyĆ³, Bete, and may bully but just a little;



, que betearon y animaron; y
transtempts y [info] winterlive for reading while writing and confused when I forgot where we left off last night. After all that, all mistakes are definitely mine, and ones that have dogged me to commit. [info] translator Notes: The original is divided into four chapters long, but Imade a distinct division into twelve fragments that works best for my purposes. As always, suggestions and criticisms are welcome. Oh, and my BFF And made me a wonderful separators for this fic, because I give cookies it's that great. To see them in large or comment, his DeviantArt. [info] Spock Emblem: to jump between the two time lines that appear in the fic Kirk Emblem: for separation within the same timeline. So this is dedicated to her, I hold everything and more, listen to me when I get excited with things that interest you, help me and above all things and it gives me like I want to keep me happy &; Hearts, ♥. [info] Also for criandomalvas , obviously, because everything related to Star Trek is also theirs. Because I spent this fic, and because I reported deficit [info] of things that are relevant to my interests. [info] reached the end (just takes some time)
ONE It takes three point twenty-six hours to complete preparations for leaving the Enterprise ; transport Direct to Earth would not be allowed, normally, but the doctor's medical priority McCwhat are probably some stairs to the first level of the house and sees Spock data immediately begin to fluctuate, while the effects of a restless sleep loss effects. Irregular spikes of adrenaline are to sudden releases endorphins that enter the yellow spectrum, exceeding the average human to advantage. To an extent, in fact, that even the latest findings of McCoy had predicted. The door opens suddenly, and Spock alternating observations between the face of the captain and the tricorder, the adrenaline shoots up, reaching the red and staying there, while you hear a breath of surprise and detected an increase in heart rate. Kirk was not expecting it, but this is not simplyto the interior of the house, running a hand through his hair absently. My house, your house, whatever, I'm going back to bed. Spock

closes the door behind him, not surprised with the blinds drawn at every window and the curtains facing the sun in the afternoon. Following the simple structure of the house, found the captain sitting on the stairs, knees to his chest and bare feet dangling over the edge of a step.
- When did you have last eaten, sir?
The captain raises his head, giving him a confused look at Spock as if he had forgotten it was there.

-No. If you stand in my home without invitation (which I expressly forbade, in fact, more than once), Let that shit captain.
Spock nods. [info] - When did you eat last, Jim ? The other grinds his teeth. It is not an unusual reaction, but Spock was not tired even to provoke. -Before leaving the ship. "Two point seven days, then. -Spock points to the kitchen. Alcohol is not an acceptable substitute for adequate nutrition ...

-Ni. You. Occur. "I make something. "In general, James Kirk, is easier to simply
and return again to explain. Entering the kitchen, Spock is preparing to turn on the lights.

hesitateswhen Jim is based on the doorframe. Even in the dim light, stress is clearly visible after the words carefully controlled, and weight loss, surprising, considering the relatively short space of time that has passed since I last saw her, hours before they are transported to Earth on vacation early and cut communications.
"He was not aware that light sensitivity was a symptom," he says softly. He does not need light to see well, either way, the ease in tracksuit pants Jim is so clearly visible as the pale.

"It's a fascinating discovery, spend a day here," Jim says bitterly. What are you doing? S
back to the replicator and enter a lock code. Jim could certainly find ways to circumvent, but has no intention of leaving enough time for that.
Captain staring at the recycler is looking betrayed when Spock takes a soup, as he has said Nyota, nutritious nature combines with a temperature low enough not to cause irreparable damage if Jim decides to throw it Spock. Jim seems
debate with himself a moment, then picks up the spoon with rebellion.
"You'll stay standing there staring at me unless you eat, right? -Spock tilted his head, not the first time. And then you go? -Nosounds convinced, but Spock does not see the need to dispel any illusion that food can make this easier. As Jim makes his way through the bowl, Spock takes the tricorder and studies the analysis. Better, but only relatively speaking. Indeed, this is very malrollero.

"If you find yourself unable to function as an adult and take care of your own health, it is unfailing ...

- Have you used the word" unfailing "? Really?

- ... having someone else do it for you until you come to be rational. -Spock believes the latter. Or at least, return to your usual level of irrationality.

Jim runs a frown, but the bowl is empty, which was the purpose of this eJames Kirk iquiera should be able to get a replicator to produce banned substances. Your next move would be logical to experiment with different pharmaceuticals not approved for consumption. I do not consider intelligent allow such a move is made.

Jim rolls his eyes blank.

"You better have a look around the bathroom before you go," he says, looking tired now. The safety of replicators is a scam lately. -Spock leads a glance toward the stairs.

-I assume that Dr. McCoy will

provided for ... "I'm almost done with the approved for human use. Anyway, I am a subject of great study and that science wins something in the process. -
have a strikingly unusual definition of the word "good"

"Mr. Kirk ...

" Certainly, we had some ... difficulties at first, "he says, throwing three-quarters of his relationship with a hand gesture. But I think when we finally got to understand ourselves, our strengths are complementary.

"When we were doing what you wanted, it was very easy to work with you," says Spock, recognizing the tone, apparently, this is a speech that Kirk has practiced, and feel no desire to listen. But in any case, Mr Kirk, I must decline, however interesting it may appear a remote possibility.

Something changes, invisible, incubatedfiable and surprising, the energy vanishes, and the expression of Kirk becomes unreadable.

- I can ask why, sir?

"I do not feel the need to justify myself," says Spock, tense, and, somehow, Kirk gives the impression of having lost the joints. If that is all ...

"Yes, sir, it is, the military salute Kirk is manual. Thanks for your time.

After you leave, Spock presents a meditative trance, but the impromptu discussion refuses to come out of his mind, and looks over their work in the morning, wondering at the sudden change in mood Kirk. Humans are usually inexplicable, but he seems determined to reach a nuhesitation and altered body language, the irritability is sharpened before his blue eyes focus again on the set of admirals and captains.

When the questioning begins, thinking Spock discovers that Starfleet and the Vulcan Science Academy may have more in common with respect to its senior ranks, he had suspected at first.

- Mr Kirk!

stops abruptly, with fitted shoulders on the defensive in a position that will probably end up in an awkward hitch in the event that Kirk did not seek medical attention.


Spock fighting the urge to pick up the pace, Kirk por each and every one of the damned final exams, and I have every hour of credit. Never spend so much time on it unless ... "It was an unusual time," admits Spock, but Kirk has apparently lost the ability to process any information that is not from his own lips.

- ... looking for ways to get rid of me! "Spock hesitated.

"That is not correct. "Kirk ignored.

"I'm frankly surprised that I have expelled

directly ..." That would have been awkward, even if it had been considered. Something that never happened. If I were able to contain their unfounded speculation, I could provide an explanation. CHBut the flush of anger seems to recede slightly, Spock believes it can be considered progress.

"It's like talking to a computer. "Kirk shook his head. All right. Just ... get it over with soon. Spock

points the way to his cabin, to what Kirk agrees with a nod curtly. Locking the door, run the command Spock privacy, have a few students with an unfortunate tendency to forget to inform you of their presence until they are inside the room. Kirk

planted in much the same position as the last time he was here, and with an attitude disconcertingly similar.

Her oral examination has also been its Prueba officer Spock says finally. If it decides in your favor, you are asked to continue in the Fleet during the summer to complete his training of command.

-For conteiner ...

"Mr. Kirk-Spock starts, but Kirk's mouth is curved into a slight smile. I see. You are using humor to dispel his nervousness.

, also works in situations of life and death and postcoital awkward discussions, "says Kirk, relaxing. Please continue, commander.

Her special promotion is being altered to a permanent one, with the intention to offer the Enterprise

when their training is complete.

The expressionin full, I would have assigned that role.

-Oh. -Kirk licks his lips, looking away. Not that I believe you are lying ... I mean, we've been through the pitfalls and the mutiny and the abandonment and all that but seriously, this is bullshit. Would not think ...

-In conventional circumstances, no. Spock examines the human-less conventional than has ever known. However, after having saved the Earth from Nero ...

"That was not just me, Spock.

"Of course, Mr. Kirk. "I can go? Captain Pike also made clear their wishes regarding who should succeed him and, as you well know, nepotism plays a non-negligible role in decisions


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