Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Cervix When About To Get Period [Fic] My dear little wife

p; iacute; exploit. [info] Mein Liebes Weibchen
Countless were the weaknesses of Misamis felt by Light Yagami, that's undeniable. But the story at hand this time, we might note one in particular. Loved, just loved, each time relaxing with his recordings of classical music and opera, how your particular knight never fails to move his lips to another without murmuring word, singing and abetting ; peak and passionate hero of each work shift.
The day got trabajosamen Misa Amaneyou the pleasure of your partner to acquire a pet keep him company during his long absences in the barracks, the same day they returned with a pair of red and emerald green lovebirds, known popularly as "Love Birds" or "inseparable", Yagami was listening to the CD of one of his favorite neo-classical opera, The Magic Flute, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's genius.

- How can we call them, Light ...? You who are so ready, think of an appropriate and beautiful name, go ... - Amane asked him, playing with his new friends atraves in the cage while trying to imitate the cooing of the Queen of the Night, the well-known aria from the opera. -Papageno and Papagena . - Said the questioning, even lazy days rotund appearance.
The girl laughed delightedly, bringing you to the newly baptized cookie sparrows.
................................................ ......... Light Yagami
crossed the threshold of his home, barefoot while announcing his return home. For while his girlfriend blamed the musical preferences of this without question, certainly not hesitate to put their own discos J-pop as he was leaving for work, so she was surprised to hear significantly from the living relatives chords Magic Flute, specifically the final duet between Papageno and Papagena, man and female birds. Upon entering the room, found the second Kira crying her eyes out, with its beautiful and glittering eyes fixed in a neat little package wrapped in cloth on the counter.

-Papageno is dead. - Was his succinct explanation desanjelada.
- Go ... Sorry, Mass.. But I must say that it is not hygienic at all which keep a body on the table of cthat you buy. And believe me I will not stand another scene hereinafter tragicomic yours because of a bloody dead bird. - Papagena is that is going to die of grief, Light. - Idol wailed with a voice.
The young policeman sighed, exasperated. That despicable whore had not shed a single tear or felt the sting of remorse or a bloody time while purging hundreds of criminals making use of the deadly notebook, but now was no consolation to the deaths n a useless bird. In light of his eyes, was indeed a creature noise Massny creeping, not much better than the murderers that the God of the New World and she executed in pursuit of the rebirth of the society. Over time, Light is increasingly convinced that he could never love a woman devociĆ³ny despite its unconditional surrender.

"He will not, Mass., since it is not only a vertebrate with a low vulgar expression in the brain that can not regret or mourn the death of a loved one human. Doing so will only be because their instinct is thus set a kind.
Amane continued sobbing, wiping marginallyou; NDOS unsuccessfully tears with his handkerchief for a second then come back to drown a pathetic groan again hear the verse, young and tender, in which happy lovers sang their wish because the future God gives many children.

"It's ... It's true ... Is that Mass is very silly ... Light is right ... - admitted the weeping girl, sipping through the nose. The mass murderer comforted her pulling her toward him, lifting her chin gently to pose a brief kiss on her trembling lips, a seductive attempt to make minimizing their importance. Were necessary


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