Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Phantom Pregnancy More Condition_symptoms

Title: By any other name
Fandom: Star Trek TOS (Sip. TOS. No spoilers or special knowledge.)
Pairing: Kirk / Spock, Bones / Chapel, Bones and Spock.
Rating: for all audiences. Not one measly taco.
Notes: For [info] criandomalvas . It is the first of two parts, the second of which will be published in the near future but undetermined.

By any other name

Christine's hands moved in a skilled and professional crew on the bandage, enrofloxacin

- Doctor!, Can know what to do here yet?

comforted him as not sometimes have the impression that he lived with his mother.

- Apart from my work, you mean?

"Your job is to care for the health of this ship, and I can not do so being sick yourself.

- Do you intend to build me a plastic sphere that I will not touch the virus?

-intend to sleep at least six hours daily. Out of here, and let the papers. As if you want to go to get drunk, but here he stays.

-Nurse ...

-Out. Chapel

grabbed his arm with surprising strength and lifted it without much reluctanceby the physician. For a second they were very close, and McCoy could smell the aroma given off, anesthesia and hospital, and something more feminine and powerful.

The idea of going to get drunk for a while did not sound so bad after all.

"Okay, okay. I'm going. Good night.

"Good evening, doctor. You sleep well.

Christine left the office before him, and Bones cursed mentally ready that I had the idea to put such short skirts in Starfleet uniforms.

# # #

The doors of the lounge opened, and turned to walk McCoy settled into their usual table. He poured a glass of whiskey hnce store recently got secret Scotty "the engineer had made the mistake of relying too much on their cards," and looked under the dim artificial light.

"Good night, Doctor," said a voice suddenly startled, and a few drops of liquid escaped from her glass.

"Dammit, Spock, you know how much is that worth?
"I had not anticipated their reaction, doctor. I thought I should inform you of my presence, because you could have gone to this place looking for privacy, and had not noticed it.

- How the hell I'm gonna see if you're hiding in a corner?

Spock lowered his head, surveying itself.

"I think" esca great appreciation for the kindness, doctor, so there is no need to endeavor to employ me.

"Maybe you did not appreciate, but I do. We're supposed to, and not professional at the helm of the ship, but the best friends of Jim. "Spock raised an eyebrow, causing McCoy was immediately put on the defensive. What?

"I merely ask what led him to adopt a so logical to the situation.

Now I felt insulted.

"Perhaps to compensate you're here at the wee hours of the morning in an act clearly emotional.

-The Vulcans

no ... "Yeah, whatever. Yes, two minutes and thirty seconds is sufficient, pul bridge link, the reason I spent so much time together and the major source of problems for all three. You've been here with him, right? Before. That's why you're here, just go. New

nod. I'd like to read and figure out if Spock is tight, or uncomfortable, but usually his dictionary was Jim Standard Vulcan-errant. He just saw an expressionless face and a sickly green, which made him want to get the tricorder and start doing scans.

- What about you? Spock asked. Do not have the first turn in the morning?

- Do you know the schedules of the crew?

"Only coordinators and the three highest ranks of each department. CHTM
TMLXC was when Chekov and Sulu Spock went behind, heading to the replicator, and the youngest Russian accent marked his words when speaking.

- I have so hungry I could eat a Gorn! What's for dinner?

# # #

- What is now Nurse Chapel? Spock asked a couple of nights later, without removing his gaze fixed too long, and McCoy straightened up a little in the chair.
"Well, well. As efficient as ever. Today has been a doctor in the
to collaborate with the attention to survivors of the attack, and tried to tell him he was mismanaging a cure. I think the poor continues enceRRAD in his office, crying.

"A great character.

"Sure. Almost kicked me out of the office at night.

-must admit that you tend to over-work hours. -McCoy wrote an annoyed grunt.

"I'm not alone. "Spock nodded and continued looking at him as if expecting him to say something else. What?

- Excuse me?

"Do not think I do not know where it goes. I'm not that stupid. And I will not talk about it. "The other did not try to pretend you do not know what he was talking about, merely to let out an" oh "of understanding, and wait. Damn Vulcan

-. I will not talk about it because there is nothing to talk about. Nothing. Because you can nothave, and think that he may have would be stupid.

- Oh?

-Stupid, I say. An absurd idea, that.

- What, doctor? Bones

grunted and took a swig of whiskey.


I see. Spock

separated the two indexes, and rejoined at the same point. Tap. Tap.

- What would you know? What do you care? It's something you can not experiment, you can not share. Curious, like the feel of a lab rat on a wheel? What?

If McCoy said that was simply because Spock looked at him with a raised eyebrow. In his mind had been a joke, one of many stupid to chop erand talking quietly in the living environment was of concern and tension, and nobody raised his voice too with the crew, while casting frequent glances toward the door. I was pretty sure it would come as a bit dark, only had to wait long enough.

took three days to see him off the bridge.

Spock was, but was not. This was changed in turn, did his job and vanished as he took a walk Scotty turbolift replacement. He was tense and irritable, and just listened to the suggestions of other crew members. Convened meetings useless for daily reports on the state of kidnapping, and was dedicated to subtly insult your companytions between colleagues when they did not give results.

"I'm worried about him.

"We're all very tight without the captain," said Christine, while fixing the beds. This ship is not the same without him, it is normal not feel safe. And it has a duty to replace it in its functions, which will make things even more difficult for him.

"This has happened before.

"No way. If the rumors are true, Mr. Spock witnessed tortured him before taking him away, forced to watch. And that's what they keep raising the price of redemption, and have to combine the double pressure of the Fleet and the kidnappers.

Of course it's very stressful, but Spock is Vulcan, for the love of God. Sgave in to ransom after several days of negotiations. He spent long hours locked in his cabin, discussing with a representative of the fleet's three million loans that required travisanos. Apparently, despite its policy of not negotiating with kidnappers, were not willing to lose the best captain of the body.

"Captain, we have the coordinates for the exchange, said Uhura.

"Mr. Sulu, get moving immediately. Factor six.

- Factor six, Captain? "Sulu turned to him with puzzled expression. Scotty said ...

engines-Factor six, Mr. Sulu, Spock talking to his tone cool and calm to be superior, and Sulu muttered a "yes,Lord "somewhat upset before focusing on his panel. Mr. Chekov, focus.

The boy sat up immediately and stopped biting her nails. Bones really hoped that this would go well and could have Kirk back in the saddle as soon as possible.

travisana The ship was small and did not look to have spent the last control on health. Communication was poor quality, but allowed them to distinguish a hobbled Kirk, whose semi-nudity left behind more bruises that McCoy would like to view. Had the urge to take your medical team and get into a ship, but was limited to assessing what could be of possible internal damage.
- Doctor? Spock asked.

-s not appearEker.

"And on the other hand, could not avoid involvement Leonard, almost growling,"
material appears to be in perfect condition.

"Oh, some minor scratches during processing, without doubt, the doctor can repair the ship.

"Yeah, well,
the ship's doctor believes that ...

-The required amount is listed on conveyors interrupted Spock, whose eyesight was not any point in the paragraph in her face. Suggest a simultaneous exchange that allows both parties ...

"I appreciate your suggestion, Mr. Spock. Why not carry money, and when you see that you can analyze ensure d


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