Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Miernik Czstotliwosci Ld

xample, those superheroes whose families were killed. Often lack of superpowers but have sophisticated weapons, tools and skills that enable them to justice (Batman, The Punisher, Daredevil).

also have: Superpowers (capabilities beyond those of ordinary humans), advanced technology, "mystical powers" (invoke occult techniques supernatural powers or entities that can be learned and mastered), knowledge of martial arts, scientific, or otherwise, athletic ability, great intelligence ...

CHTM LXC They aim selfless struggle in defense of the innocent (fighting crime, disasters, alien invasions, or any other threat, often outside the law). Have a structure of values: generosity, sacrifice, self-pity, etc.

have a secret identity (dual identity or alter ego), a "civil", pretending to be an ordinary person, and another under which acts as a superhero. And most importantly, a uniform, often very tight (to take on civilian clothing) and colors llamatiyou, he usually hides his secret identity, while identifying him as a superhero.

But what would a superhero with no super-villain who fight?. Let's see: a super-villain is a villain (extremely evil person) with superpowers that nearly always involve some degree of conflict with the superhero (Green Goblin (Spider-Man), the Joker (from Batman ), Mandarin (Iron Man), Lex Luthor (Superman) or Red Skull (Captain America)).

In this modern timesue are created using this mob behavior that characterizes "(when trying to defend such indefensible and realized that his behavior encouraged to 5 people to want to pursue him with a knife what movie" The Shining " This would feature two, I am the only one with ability to use the authoritarianism, otherwise call the Corleone "Capisce?)," abuse, insult, insults, abuse, threats and theft copyrighted material "(when someone copies their statements as they CITA somewhere and the source, so there is no doubt some of the wrongs they come in bulk and no sugar, ca


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