Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Dirt Bikee Birthday Cakes

ga to do something as undignified as running when Captain Kirk goes to great strides to turbolift, but allows to accelerate their path to get to him before the doors close.
"His control, Lieutenant Uhura," he says, ignoring the look of hatred of the captain.
"I'm not in the mood," he says, sharply, his voice low enough not to reach beyond Spock. He has few qualms about the discussions, sometimes with the full power of her voice, in the bridge (either with Spock or anyone in range), but the real differences are kept private. Spock is not completely sure if this is the result of his own influence or something that has developed on its own, but lXC is not the first time the captain expressed dissatisfaction with the armed neutrality between the Federation and the two empires, the logic behind this is not entirely inaccurate. Border skirmishes (accidents, according to reports, but Spock is so able to read between the lines as James Kirk) has risen since the destruction of Vulcan. The perceived weakness of the Federation, combined with hostility to their quasi-traditional allies, has resulted in the breakup of the former Romulan Empire caution when lead to the Federation.
war would already suspect Spock, if the Klingons and the Romulans were not currently embedded in an equally armed form of peace, with a greater number of casualties. The impact of acould increase leading to the heat death of the universe ...
- Are you telling me that it is more likely

forward to the end of the universe to get across the border without being detected? Spock

recalculated opportunities, adjusting to the considerations of the presence of Scott on the ship commander, and Chekov Cadet broken finger. "It slightly less likely to end in the universe that we achieve through a highly guarded border to a planet that the Romulans are perfectly aware that we evacuate, without being detected. Yet ... The captain gives him a sour look.
-not even try. You win. GraTMLXC "Okay," said the captain, rising on his knees, and wipes a trickle of blood from the corner of his mouth, licking her thumb with a methodical review of the language before smiling broadly in the direction of Spock. That was good. And you're holding. -is distracted. "Spock observed how she jumps up, although he knows that his left knee is still weak after the last kick. I do not want to take advantage of their lack of concentration. This is not a bar brawl. - Have you memorized all my history, or did you read the diary of Pike? "The captain stretched briefly and then nods. Journal
-book: Today I found the son of the hero of my childhood giving a paliza about Fleet cadets in a bar. It has been happening! Do you think it will fall more if I give a starship? [NdT: [info] I could not help xDDD] "I'm relatively sure that there is no recording. However, I admit that I found intriguing psychological profile. There were several words that seemed to lose meaning in translation. Maybe you could explain what I was trying to say Dr. Richardson with "the adrenaline junkie." I must admit, although I understand both terms in their correct form and language ... "You're just mad because there are many M-class planets around and likes me too well to Scotty to drop you ecHarman of the ship, "says Jim, thought of himself. Come on, admit it, this is fun.
"I do not recognize the physical damage as a source of amusement, Captain Spock replied dryly. It is a convenient and effective use of excess energy and keep improving defense laudable goals that may one day recognize they have nothing to do with the reason I come here with Jim, and nobody else. "I've lost the first round, I have a right to my tutees. "Based on his heels, Spock observes the body language of his opponent decided to move from informal, focused, think Spock, watching alter its attitude now that the first emotion of aggression has been quenched. And it's fun. Fight onethat the practicalities. The Sarek rare messages allude to a conflict between the leaders and, more importantly, an awareness of the population decreased compared to the rest of the Federation. This fear is also a decrease in the influence; Spock suspects that the Academy will have an unusual number of students Vulcans in the future. "He has a brutal right and the ability to pretend that it is perfectly still while I used to sweep the floor," says Jim, panting, while trapping Spock's wrist and slides under it before it can slip. He said I was suitable for humans. I liked T'Prina.
Jim gives him a broad smile, rollingNDOS a drop of blood from the lip as you back two steps, all energy contained and almost unfettered control. - Oh, yeah?
"I invited her to a drink. Vulcans do not drink alcohol, but who does not love coffee? No one with whom I go to work, that's for sure. The Vulcans also engage in informal relationships, Spock studied T'Prina attention given to it, dodging the feet of Jim while straining under it in the next attack. Moves away almost immediately with a somersault, recovering the balance on your heels.
"Do not worry, do not think I'm wrong to be a member of a species that is only a step and swing from branches to communicate with grunts base. Mand he said those words, with the second coffee. Do you think trying to get rid of me, or is made the difficult? "I have not had the opportunity to form an opinion about his character, Captain.
"Yeah, as if it were to stop. "Jim turns around slowly, looking for a gap in the defense. I've been thinking one thing. Remember when you tried apoderarte based ship to make me go crazy? "Your interpretation of events is slightly wrong, Jim ... -is correct and true, because I'm that cool. But now comes the question: Why were you testing me? What were you looking? "As I explained at the time ...
" Okay.pock feel it.

"You've done worse and I've followed the game. Show me what you got, Spock. Spock considered the idea, raising one knee before turning force Jim and immobilize it on the back easily.
"You're right, but still need practice," he says softly. I was not as easy as T'Prina.
Jim smiles broadly with a gleam of defiance, and missed their previous conversation. "I like. Show me.


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