Saturday, January 2, 2010

Maryland Work Boats For Sale You'll Get There In The End (It Just Takes A While) [3 / 12]

I've spent with the capacity of bandwidth on Photobucket, and now has rebelled and did not see any of my linked images. So until I managed to fix it, my journal is a sad and gifs. I finds it so. * Insert *

gif depressing
Title: will arrive at the end (just takes some time)
Original location: here.
Author: Seperis
Translator: Ronna
Fandom: Star Trek XI
Pairing: Kirk / Spock
Rating: G (for now)
Summary: A few months after taking control of The Enterprise , James Kirk hisfrequency of a rare disease that Spock feels compelled to investigate.



missions have three months when Captain Kirk finally decides that status quo is no longer sufficient.

In many ways, the captain may be predictable, but in others not. Looking back, however, Spock thinks it should have foreseen that it would be in a staff meeting when they decided to air their grievances. Is your best audience.

"Okay," says Kirk abruptly, knocking the coffee cup on the table in the middle of the reporttelepathic. But, and this is rare so follow me, no one has bothered to tell me what the hell is supposed
I have to do
when I'm not saving the galaxy or blowing up all I have to sight. "The area suddenly explodes, and Jim gives him a look of hatred. And I just spend the last game. Spock, what do you think of a war against the Romulans? Because if I find something to do, I will cause.

Spock examines the man who is both his captain as a potential terrorist to the Federation, and takes an executive decision.

- Permission to speak freely, Captain? Kirk turning the neck and stares at Spock stared.

-Go."Captain ..." Dropping abruptly at the edge of the bed, leans forward Kirk.

- What if I tell you?
Anything remotely connected with the direct maintenance of a ship of which I am nominally responsible. Oh, not just you, "says Jim, with a gesture toward the door that seems threatening. Uhura hits me when I cop hands in the communications panel and Scotty haunts me all the time spent in engineering and if I thought I'll start running with the core of curvature, and Sulu and Chekov are always talking about swords when I got too close to the panel. So you know, you're not alone in trying to drive me crazy

. You're just follows me around the ship, sKirk ta care. Neither has most of the heads of department. Few have been more than subordinates, and even fewer have gone beyond the status of a cadet. Some have never served on a starship at all. All are prey to an understandable nervousness when the master seems to question their work.

"Except you.

"I served as a junior and as an officer before accepting this position. - And this is how this is going? Are you telling me that all my functions are reduced to put a face of confidence and commitment as we fly in the middle of empty space, pretending that I like diplomacy, and listening to people tell me that you work much more interesting than mine ? Spock, the

health services are proving fascinating me lately. Do you know why? Because I've said it is against the rules to go see how everything works there, and told the department head would tell you he has been flirting with Uhura if goats. So, you know, thanks for taking people scared and all that, but I'm not sure if that's the kind of command structure we're looking for here.

Captain ... "You're better than me in almost everything, that is lame. Jim is supported on both arms. If you want written on my right. Eres. Fucking. Well. In. Everything. But you should not have to be, you know what I mean? You let me do some things. How to inspectero a complete list of your duties, and each and every one of the crew, you probably have memorized or something, to know who is where and what they are doing. And back to disapproval. "Tradition or law?

-Tradition-supported Spock after thinking a moment. The rules of fraternization ... -are ignored everywhere, or I would not be here today. Nor most of Starfleet, if we well. There is a direct proportion between the long missions and the birth rate, you know that? let's ... "By custom, the captains did not fraternize with the crew ...

- Did not I just say ...?

- ... because familiarity canconduct fair trials. There have been many reasons over the centuries to the defined separation between command and subordinates, but has remained constant: the distance that keeps a captain with his crew to avoid the possibility if not probability, that his trial is compromised to be forced to send them to dangerous situations.

Captain Kirk was very still, and his expression becomes serious. "I know people who served on this ship, and they need to know me. Because you are right: I will give orders that will put some of them endangered, and may end up dead. They deserve to know who is the guy who has the power to do that.

"And you think that did not sufferRa-effects ... Kirk shakes his head.

"The day you can send someone to die in my name without affecting me is the day to resign, because they will then pose a threat to all of my orders.

should not be easy. If so, I have no right to wear this uniform.

Spock nods slowly.

"As you wish. "And you ... you're not going to argue. "The captain was leaning forward with a look of suspicion. Will not you tell me I'm wrong, or that ... "My obligations do not include the role of tour guide to his career, Captain. I will offer my advice when required, and you may require. But the decision to endto is, and always will be yours.

The expression on the captain's face is not very different from that of a young boy who was denied a desired sweet.

"Yes, and that roll of" I'm not an oracle to tell your future, Jim, so please stop asking. " You and your alter ego? Much more alike than I thought when I met him. "Surprised, Spock does not answer, not occurred to him that the captain would continue to maintain contact with Ambassador Spock. Okay, then, "continues Jim, looking alarmingly pleased. Some things. Meetings twice a week, just you and me. Officially, information on the status of the ship and crew; unofficially explanation senc wordsSee? This is an employment relationship to which I can not get used. Do you think you are talking about what is going perfectly well that the ship at that meeting?

Spock thinks a moment.

-Typically, a full staff meeting that includes all department heads usually lasts several hours.

"Excellent. "Standing up, Kirk goes to the door. Uhura is taking care, right? Tell him everything you can lengthen. We will do a sightseeing tour of the ship and I will find Scotty and steal machine parts in exchange for fifteen minutes with the core of curvature. And maybe find out where everything is. Give me five minutes.

Smiling broadly, the captain disappeared into the bathroom, andSpock studied the situation that has just committed. All things considered, I think as mentally elaborate the most efficient route through the ship, this confrontation could have resulted in much less positive conclusions. - Captain?

Kirk returns to pick up the game console with a sigh.

- What? "Admiral Phillips was an avid collector. During the course of his tenure as captain, collected memories of visiting every world, celebrating the various methods by which different beings achieved a successful breeding. Captain drops the console, his blue eyes wide. Not every day that Spock gets a reaction and itwhich Spock has witnessed on numerous occasions over their shared history. Serving tea, Spock moves to the table, recalling the mornings when I did this for his mother when she had spent in studying more hours than their human constitution could stand, determined to complete an algorithm before it came out the sun. Jim appears and flashes in the kitchen staring at the cup, opens his mouth, but then shrugs and leans on the edge of the table to drink it in one gulp, despite the heat.

vulcano-traditional herbal tea to ease tension and clarify thinking, "she murmurs absently, pursuing the flavor with the tongue. It looks a bit like chamomile.

l contact is a vibrant luminosity that is almost enough to remove all traces of thought.

Jim's head rises suddenly, his glowing blue eyes fixed on anything but him. Neither moves and, somewhere deep, something changes and tries to reach the outside, is as involuntary as breathing, and only the sound of the falling teacup heat and tingling on the fingertips Spock remember you have to depart. Jim

blinks, confused, looking down at his hand dotted with droplets of tea.

-Au. "Remove your hand, the skin looks as if it belonged to someone else. I think. Spock takes a clean gauze first aid kit


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