Saturday, August 29, 2009

Imagenes Little Pet Shop The untitled project Jared Padalecki (7 / 10)

Does anyone remember the project? Because I have not forgotten, but other fandoms and occupations have been raiding me for Chapter 7 continued staring at me from my desk, pulling a sad face. To [info] b_beatrix , who has come to throw myself on my sleeve unpresentable this fanfic.

The untitled project Jared Padalecki
Original title: The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project
Author: [info] sometimesophie
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Jensen and Jared do not belong to us or [info] sometimesophie or me, they belong to each other . The great story is all of the above works are [info] sometimesophie . I just translate it and I squee with his talent.
Summary: Following the cancellation of Supernatural, Jensen and Jared do not speak. But a movie is a movie, Jensen and he is really really good money.

~ ~ Chapter 1
~ Cap &stant training.
A professional who is fucked to co-star. Yeah, well. Change position, put upside down and sink in the cold hands under the pillows. Pressing his face against the warm hole that has left her neck, closes his eyes and stays on until the desire to breathe deeply is too intense. Turn the pillow again turn around and look at the ceiling, with unhappiness accumulate in the bottom of your stomach.
In addition, the clock moves at a slow pace between 2:58 and 3:09.
With the sound of frustration in his throat hoarse, low hand to grab his shorts and with enough force to hurt. Wiggle your fingers relentlessly up and down,rriba and down, his eyes blurred and indistinct, mouth pressed into the tense and resigned gesture of the man who is ready to face the firing line. This has nothing to do with pleasure, after all. not think Jared. Jared warm hand on his thigh. Jared's lips on hers. Jared's expression when he said no. Do not think about it at all. It has a lot of practice.
It does not take too long.
Makes you think in the past. For well over a year since he does not lose control so dramatically, biting hard on the fingers while her other hand she starts an orgasm, definitely not thinking about Jared. There was much excitement in the air whennounced that he would publish an autobiography of Jared Padalecki. Jensen rolled his eyes at the idea, sniffed the title - I simply

, or a brood like that, and told Chris that if Jared said shit about it then go to get their teeth, and that see if anyone could stop him. Chris said that talking to his lawyer could be a sensible step, very serious and looking worried, and I took a couple of beats Jensen realize what he was saying no.
"I would not," he said, feeling almost sick and dizzy. "I could do," said Chris, a shrug. After much deliberation and muttering many tacos, Jensen did not talk to herattorney. What he did do, however, was to order the book on Amazon, and noted with excitement how newscasters sat behind his desk and announced very excited that the new book Padalecki apparently brought some data, particularly juicy and previously unknown on the star, although the sources were not saying what exactly.
The date of publication, the phone woke him at nine-thirty, and if that was not a bad sign, not knowing what could be. Ignoring the irritating sound and not even bothering to check who called, he sat staring at the kitchen table, waiting for his package.
time he rang the bell and stood up to sign, the phone hadsounded a total of seven times. To tear the wrapper, Jared's smiling face stared from the cover, and Jensen growled aggressively opened the book and began searching his name on the chapters related to


An hour later, head spinning, left. There was nothing. Jared talked enough of it, of course, because you can not just let out to co-star of the series that makes you famous. Especially if the relationship with co-star that ended badly. But it was all the type I am very grateful

Jensen is a great guy
I am honored to have worked with or

someday I hope to thank
o. It has taken me some time to realize exactly how I feel, and it was difficult ... "He paused and looked at the camera with a straight face," but if I can help someone feel more comfortable with who he is, then I want do so. Should not have to hide.

The image returned to the hostess, smiling charmingly. "A great guy, eh, Gary?

mate smiled and ordered the papers before him.

"You're right, Karen. It takes courage, then turned toward the camera. And now, we're with international news and the strike in ...

In addition, Jensen's phone rang, and fumbled around with his eyes still fixed on the screenco and throws in the general direction of the pile of laundry that is piled haphazardly in a corner of the room. Like the fact that your brain and your libido whore obviously not on speaking terms. Dick hurts the memory of the fingers too tight, and is happy about it vindictively. Covering up with blankets ears, close your eyes, wait for the beating of his heart to slow down and try not to hate yourself too.

One step forward, two steps back. I wish I had thought it might be good to see Jared.

~ On Monday, he learns by Jared makeup girls called in sick.

not pretend to be particularly affectedfor it. Not many people on the team (hell, not in the country) has no suspicions about how things are between Jared and he will not disguise to become the educated. He was surprised, however, if at all honest, you know that you worry, just a bit, if it were not so angry with Jared (hell, if you fall Jared actually good), because Jared is the kind of guy who would shoot in the foot by accident and arrive the next day, all smiles and aspirin and 'm fine. Refuses to think more of the account on the subject (which is not even your business) and instead focuses on the unexpected break thanks. Does not even care to spend the day sent from one stage to another, from clothing to makeup, cameraor to think about Sunday, and know that Andrew can tell by how his eyes narrowed into something that looks suspicious. Jensen has always thought that the directors were especially perceptive. He knows from experience that it is very difficult to lie to those bastards. Assumes that it is probably because they make their living watching people, interpreting their expressions, trying to get that perfect shot for posterity. "Yeah, well," he says uncomfortably. Not bad then. Andrew looks on in silence for a long moment, then makes a "hmph" in a way that sounds like it does not rule out poisoning by Jensen and turns.

"Go eat something," he says dryly. I need you back here as soon as pol Sunday's issue seems to Jensen an absolutely wonderful idea. It has become an expert at hiding its head in the sand when it suits him.

"Well, I think it is," says Jeremy, smiling broadly, and Jensen feels a little guilty because I know it's going to have to ask the boy to repeat it all in the near future. Nods, gets up from his chair and gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks, man," he says. Try to remember. I have the memory of a fucking fish, almost apologetic smiles and prepares to leave the office phone. -Jensen, wait a minute, "says Jared suddenly, from behind him, and Jensen stops abruptly with the hand on the doorknob.

"Sorry," he says, calmly, though the heart is jumping at his throat. All that coffee is affecting me. I have to go pee, "and closes the door behind him, strode among the departments of administration and props, waiting to hear the sound of footsteps behind him and felt a hand on his shoulder at any time. Tour after the catering tent and walks around between the trailers to get to yours. Closing the door with a sigh of relief, pulled the mattress.

feel like an idiot, but anything seems preferable to being alone with Jared at this time. ~

Wednesday more of the same. If anything, Jared retreats further into himself, too distracted to culoud enough to hear it well could be

to take twenty years working with him, but that did not mean he could not find work elsewhere. Since then, the team works to set that she has dealt with their work without much enthusiasm, smiling occasionally at Jensen but as they used to chat and joke. At lunchtime, the catering stand is quieter than it has ever seen Jensen, and the conversation that there is only speculation about Jared. When the man in question appears, picks up a single serving of food and returns to his trailer without talking to anyone, Jensen noted more than a few disapproving glances directed at his back. They make you feel strange.

The next day, a man enters the makeup trailer while combing Jensen.

"Hi" he says, and pulls a piece of rough-looking rope. I'm in charge of tie today. Just wanted to pass me and explain in advance what we will do to make you feel as comfortable as possible. I'm Jeff, of course.

Jensen salutes with a nod, and the woman behind the ear rubs him the brush-wielding.

"Stop moving," he says with a tone of a few friends. Jensen puts eyes in the direction of Jeff, who returned a smile.

-rope, "he continues, teaching. Appears strong, but softer than normal. Play it. It's a little of himself, has been modified to be more elastic, so demur, wrapping it twice on both wrists and stretching. There will be no danger of being injured. "It's good to know," says Jensen, while the trailer door opened and Jared enters, his hands buried in pockets of the jacket and cap covering his eyes.

"Hey," he says, to nobody in particular, and dropped in the other chair. There is a frenzy of movement while the makeup artist charged warn a girl he carefully takes off his cap and began to brush her hair, powders and other makeup picks. Jared Jeff glances up and down, then turns around and holds hands smoothed jeans.

- Who are you? She asks, and not exactly rude, but neither is accuratel approval to put you hand and then having to re-enact the scene in front of a bunch of cameras and running an entire team.


The stage is brightly lit basement, but it is cold, and the ropes around his wrists itch. Jensen moves slightly on the chair and try not to look too eager. It has never been so eager to end a scene in his life. Jared is now standing a few feet away, looking more uncomfortable and unsure of what Jensen has ever seen in a professional environment, apparently unable to look at him and look elsewhere. The adrenaline rushes by members of Jensen, and feel the heartbeat slow and heavy in the mouth. Itfraud over his shoulder, to where he knows he is Jared. You will not get away with this, can you hear me? You will not ... no ... Tom, you fucking coward. Let go.

can hear Jared Just move over the palpitations that reverberate in his head, but Jensen knows he is doing - preparing to step forward and play their part. Jensen palms are slick with sweat and clings more desperately to believe that you would like the idea that the sooner you do this, soon will be over.

"You asked for it ..." he hears, and is startled, almost walked right through the lip with his teeth, by ... There is a long pause, uncomfortable. A polite inquiry from behind, and afterta and then enters without waiting for an answer. Jensen looks up from the sofa on which is reviewing the revised script which has sent Jeremy, and raises an eyebrow at the director as a question.

"I talked to Jared," says Andrew no introduction. Says there is a problem with the scene.

Jensen left the papers and check back.

"And that's what he says. Jared is the one who is gone, dammit. Or maybe it's because I was bound and could not ...

Andrew rubs his temples with fatigue and interrupted him impatiently.

-Refers to the two, Jensen. Said that you had some problems with the tests, and that arreglaréis with a little more time.

stares Jensenand refuses to blush. Problems with testing? Yeah, you know, just in that one scene in which he is fucking

tied. By God, could Jared be a little more obvious? Maybe next time a show is limited to wives with Jensen's name engraved in pink and complete rinsing. Change

position, uncomfortable, and concentrates on the nail of his thumb.

Somewhat more time might help, "he says simply.

"Well," says Andrew, and turned to leave. I have to talk to Mark on the calendar change. I like to be informed about such things ... Mark begins to link ideas Jensen's brain. Mark, executive producer. Mark, the producer EXECUTIVEor, and his contract. "Wait," he says hurriedly, and Andrew is left at the door. Jensen smiled broadly and stands, hands outstretched. It seems that many hassles for you, right? Andrew

frowns, then shrugs.

"I do not care to get rid of the mess, it's true. Cost money, too, but if you two can not do it, then ...

"Then do not worry," says Jensen, further expanding the smile. I'll take care of it. I'll talk to Jared and all will be well. Believe me. Will be fine. Andrew

hard looks at him a moment, and finally settles.

"Okay," he says slowly, talk to Jared and try to make him see reason. But sa minute or so to open with the help of the foot of Jared, as his hands and one foot are actively involved in the control of dogs so they will not launch on Jensen.

"Sorry," Jared says, laughing almost breathless, with his head down and dark eyes, concentrate on preventing dogs break through between his legs. Would normally locked in the kitchen, but did not expect ... "he looks up and freezes. Jensen.

"Hello," he says sheepishly, and re-passed his fingers through his hair. They stay in awkward silence for a moment. "I can ...? "I can talk to you? Offers the end-Jensen.

- How do you get in? Jared asks, looking at the closed gate without aprtarse door. Damn, "he says, glancing at the empty road behind Jensen," how did you get here, anyway?

Jensen smiles slightly. "I was not sure if you let me go. I parked on the road. You, er, your gardener has missed me.

-Holy shit, "says Jared, craning his neck to the front lawn," still here? Freak bastard should have gone for at least an hour, turns and looks at Jensen again, his expression becoming a more alert. It says, at last, come on.

He motions and Jensen has to get into his personal space while Jared uses his body to keep the dogs at bay, shutting the door carefully trHe says softly, without looking at Jensen, I know the hair in her eyes again, and Jensen can not see the whole expression, but it sounds empty, defeated.

Jensen Something inside shrinks with dismay.

"Look," he says, and bile-swallowing, kissing. I ... "questions, and then forces himself to continue. Sorry. Should not have happened, but ... I should not have reacted that way, can not look at Jared's eyes. And on set, it's just that ... I want to return the old Jared, you know? The guy who makes everybody laugh, even at that bitch with a permanent administration, just laughs and high-pitched sounds weak, unconvincing. Just ... I think we should try again. The scene, I mean ... worktogether with her and make it work and make a fucking amazing film. But you need me for that, looks up, eyes look wide of Jared, and deeply self-hating. I can not do without you, Jay. Jared

is silent for a long moment, completely still, looking hesitantly. After talking, something unsure.

"So everything is fine between us?

"Yes," says Jensen, with a weak smile. Sure.

When he leaves, about an hour later, so full of Doritos and Coca-Cola may vomit, Jared came to the door and holds him tightly in his arms. Jensen is surprised, and stiffens for a moment before committing toxDD


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