Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wavelan-silver-driver What little Vulcans Are Made Of (3 / 3)

those and let me accept it without difficult. Spock nods seriously.
remain a moment in silence broken only by the beep-beep of the computer that controls the life of Spock, rapid and regular. Jim, still looking in his eyes, placed one hand on the chest of another. The beats come from a site that is not quite right, and too strong, as if more blood is pumped from the account, but can never say that Bones has no heart. Is a palpable fact, it's there, like eight times, and counting-that Spock saved his life in what they wear on trips together. Suddenly, that contact is not enough. Want-need-Spock felt his hand, to highlight their similaritiesgasp, a sigh
fucking - when you straighten up and shout a bit.
"Dr. McCoy.

- Huh? Jim looks at him blankly.

-coming this way.

- Ah!

rushed out of bed and into a chair, the adrenaline running through your body. Remember each and every single time he had to fly off of a bed, for some reason did not seem as funny as the time the door opens and he takes a pose innocent in the eyes of McCoy and his mother auscultor diabolical.

- Jim! I have said that let you rest for my patients! One day I'll put a fence around the nursing and sharing your photo to the guards. CHT
MLXC "I'll come to sign an autograph and surrender to my charms, Bones. Deal with it is useless, "Kirk replied cheerfully as she stands, and we machine a look at Spock before leaving. It is quite certain that walks like an adult, without skipping, until it reaches the hallway.

- And to him what happens now? "Listen to Bones asked, followed by the perfectly modulated voice of Spock:

" I have no comment to make about it.

# # #

Apparently Spock is serious, because during the next two weeks, the captain of the Enterprise can not boot any comment. In the bridge, things are almostmartyr now? Spock

blows air through the nose and looked around the room for Jim.

"It might be appropriate that we sat," he says softly, and Kirk him by the couch before going for drinks. Beer for him, tea for Spock. He sits at a safe distance and makes a face of listening. Spock makes a face of serious negotiations. Happens to be the same as the face of casual conversations, and discuss with Bones, and licking the fingers of Jim one by one. It does not help much, really. There are many differences between the physiology and psychology of a Vulcan and a human-start, and Jim is lost immediately. The human is a very physical, sometimes based on basic instincts, which is related to other necessarygo, lacking the features I need in a partner. The last sentence is like a bucket of cold water. Falling for Jim's back.

"What you're saying," growls, trying to keep his voice-is that a human is not enough for you.

"Right now, my balance between two parts that I make has been severely damaged, and I'm faced with the need to compensate for their shortcomings. A species without

telepathic abilities ... "I mean" Kirk interrupted, rising sharply to catch a ride up and down, "that these two weeks have you been ... what? "Playing with me?

"No, Jim," replied Spock, temporarily losing his deadpan anyour emotions. But you can join me much more than an emotional, or physical or mental. You and I can have all three, if we want. Try me.

"But Jim ...

" And there's nothing you have not considered here, is breaking Kirk, almost amused by the subtle changes to the exasperation in the face of another. You are super logical and different and better, blah, blah, blah. And what about me? Is not going to be hard on my emotional behavior? Did not I want to, I dunno, you tell me fags and bring me flowers and you behave like a human aunt? But I'm willing to give up any of the things that could give me a member of my species, Spock, because I know and ... and I know that you are what youI-it's time for Kirk to back down. The rest are details, excuses to get away from what you want when you're scared to go wrong.

tries to look anywhere other than the sight of Spock. It's a surprisingly difficult task, especially for the time it takes to resume speaking. When it does, the tone is not so much a complaint as resolved resignation. Kirk tries not to smile too much, you know that have not yet finished.

- What about our position in the command of the USS Enterprise?

- What's wrong? We would not be the first pair formed a bridge, no regulations against it. And you had no problems with Uhura, right?

argument is quite childish, andget carried away by my feelings? Maybe. But why are you, mate. To be logical that the bass always are, and be there to save my ass when he messes up. What we have, that's not going to change. You'll still be Vulcan, and I will continue being me.
is dropped on the couch and takes a long swig of beer. It feels as if he had to present their innocence to all of Starfleet admirals, and now only lack the conviction and sentence. You do not have many more tricks up its sleeve. Time is Spock, which evaluates carefully for what seems like an eternity.
"Okay," he says, finally. I estimate that our relationship has sufficient likelihood of success, and may provide sufficient experience, cn things. Now imagine no more than two meters from the ship, or a pointy-eared Vulcan. Spock, I want to do it.
The other position changes a little, but not enough for Jim to have to stop collecting strands of her hair, dropping them again and again on the pillow.

"It's complicated. - What is not? -human Doing it ... I find it hard. It depletes my energies. "After let you sleep for three days. I need it, Spock, I need to enter your mind and feel from there. I need to know in every way possible, and make sure you are aware that this is not an adventure, we can be much, you and me.

-Jimknow how much I like to be vulnerable.

"I know, put a lock of black hair on the face of Spock, and slowly remove it again to leave it in place. But I also know that you are willing to be. If I beg you.

He dedicates half smile, which used to melt the girls undecided undecided when the girls were his purpose in life. Spock sighed. -The fusion of minds is a very technical Vulcan ...

- I knew it! -Kirk gets up and starts jumping on the bed, as was born. Spock waited patiently, holding onto a pole in case (assuming Jim) gave the bed onto the ground. Of course, if has endured throughout the evening, is unlikely to give upto now. "Jim, if we do this, I need that from the beginning understand all that entails. All that can imply.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm listening. Shoot. "The merger of minds," he continues Spock, is an ancient ritual ... is interrupted by the lips of his master who sneak about preventing uninvited. Kirk kisses her long and intense, covering his mouth to run out of air. Spock belongs patiently. "Okay. Sorry. Ya. Dime.

His eyes hide a brightness of fun when he comes to speak.
-The fusion of minds is an ancient Vulcan ritual by which the thoughts of two individuals experience a processthe bonds of affection are not something that the Vulcans tend to value positively. Using this technique, for this purpose, is covered by a social taboo in the field, and is not usually publicly acknowledge their private use. The ritual is especially used for transmission processes complex information.
"It was not always like your kind," mutters Jim, standing on his back and head resting on his bare chest Spock. So logical and cold. Right?
-No. Had to adapt to circumstances to be threatened with extinction because of its violent nature. The current situation allows a greater chance of survival. As I was saying ...

fusion, "says Kirk-Spock. They are light, volatile. They go together the memories of both shared and individual, one ordered and crystalline, others chaotic and turbulent. Mix the children and the future possibilities, ideas and feelings of the two and to both. is a distinct existence, and do not know how much time passes before something connects them slowly, without tearing of the common mind: their bodies, which move of their own volition, touching in a disorderly way and instinctively, desperately seeking to achieve fusion share their minds. The mouth breathing in one another, nails sink into his back. Someone is up, one down, spin, spin slowly, looking for more playing surface. Merge, arching their backs, strikesNo hips. Both groan in unison the same pleasure, physical and mental. is touched to any surface, are explored with all their ideas. They move in perfect harmony, as an ancestral dance instinctively know. It is impossible to give a false step when all you have is them, floating in nothingness. Slowly sink into one another, the ideas turn, increase speed gradually. Their bodies are called, but do not want to return. The swirl around them, held them together for a drag indefinite period until everything is black and her eyes suddenly open to being within a simultaneous orgasm, screaming in the same tone, embracing with equal force.

When Jim gradually returns to bewhat you know now. Still, you'll find it surprisingly easy to learn the languages I speak, or techniques that I know.

Jim is dedicated for a while to pronounce the name of Spock. Do not want to forget that. He says it with different accents: that of his father, perfect and exact, that of his mother, somewhat awkward and rude, the north of his native country, with its overly nasal tone.

Both lie down on the bed, as close as possible, and close their eyes, slowly assimilating scraps of information, ignoring other, using them to weave all their consciences and get used to it and never be alone.

# # #

big Kirk enters the bridge, withsupported on the back, two inches from his shoulder. No need to look forward to knowing who will be there for long.

# # #

The End

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