Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Pancreatitis Treatment More Condition_symptoms What little Vulcans Are Made Of (2 / 3)

Part 1
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When materialize, Kirk takes a moment to assimilate the idea that back on his ship, at home. The wineries are not a particularly nice or friendly, yet feel a weight lifted from his shoulders, because it is theirs. Spock Launches smile without being totally aware of it, and swear that the look the other returns are understanding. It lasts an instant, and soon Spock turns towards the door.

are launched quickly, exploring the rooms in the direction of the motors and control panels.

- Did you hears conveyors, captured and taken away, I have no idea where. But they have placed them identical clones. Most of the crew was not aware of anything, we are the ones we have noticed, Kirk approver to check out those around him, nodding gravely. You'd better not be making a copy of mine, "growled the doctor.

"They said androids, and Bones is limited to lengthen his growl.

"I hate robots.

- How many replaced?

I do not know. Thirty, forty. So much for calculating cp; ndash; Stable and unchanged, sir. We expected her back ... but not so soon.

The bastard has copied his accent.
and imitates well, too well, looking to clear this question in his eyes.
'd better not having touched a hair of the head to make it, Chekov.

"I took a couple of nerds who can fix any circuit-Kirk gives him a smile. Not too forced, it seems to him, but an android can you feel something? -. But when we tried talking to the transporter room of this ship there was no, So we've taken to get home by themselves.

-will find out what happened, sir, do not worry.

"Oh, do not worry-Kirk wait a couple of seconds prudential, gesturing to Uhura to be put in office now seems clear that nobody intends to mutiny in the near future" . Chekov, you are relieved of your duties temporary command. The same with you, Sulu. Spock and I think we can return to take care of the lady.

Again, the silence that precedes the answer is too long. Jim exchanges a tense glance with Spock, fingers crossed behind their backs while consideredra all possible resolutions of the situation. In his panel, Uhura is pressed against the ear headset, looking between the frequencies while typing furiously.

"Well, sir," Sulu said then, almost immediately followed by "of course, Captain" by Chekov. Kirk

then sinks into his seat, without entirely losing tension. The strong presence of Spock at his side, leaning over the back, it is reassuring, even though they can not talk to him. Now we just have to give some time to Uhura, for which ...

"We lost communications with the Andromeda & ndia by Spock is the only thing that prevents you from getting up and head off to that pile of circuits. He came with his wife in titanium
when they discovered mines Gaal.

"Okay then, James," says Ortega, ignoring him. Bon voyage. I'm glad to see you again.

"Same here.

Uhura With a signal to the captain's face disappears to make way for a view of Orgon and a piece of night sky.

warp-speed, Sulu. Factor 1.

"Yes, captain, pilot seat without turning around, while the communityp; ndash; But I can do it! Hour and a half I've been mapping out the plan, I have discussed over and over to Sulu, we can kill them. Them all at once. Because you have not finished with them yet, right? The Russian seems almost disappointed at the idea that the craft is safe and without their collaboration.

"No, not yet.

- Well!, I just need to transfer twenty-eight point seventy-four percent of engine power to the internal sensor, schedule and send a wave into the ship. Pass through electrical and phasers, disabling any system aut & amp; oacute; prefecture. All will be as dead androids.

"And also our other-brings-Sulu, our shield, our weapons and our food replicators.

- But we can easily repair!, They will not have time.

"Provided they do not have a reserve energy source in their ship, and here's where the danger: we believe that their communications are from the Andromeda, in which case our plan will not help to we have disconnected from each other droids.

-Uhura has been responsible for that, "said Kirk, withtone of a proud father.

- Excellent! "Chekov is to go forward to embrace the girl, who takes a step back, making him change his mind. Magnificent! Where is Mr. Spock?, I need to calculate certain wave effects on staff ...

Spock is happy to engage in a discussion of tactics with the officer, while Kirk is about to check the status of the rest of them. He learns that everyone has been introduced into a machine that the droids brought with them from the conveyor, and that seems to be the replicator.
& aand command, to continue to Spock. The rest will come with me to the control panels. Are the two areas that most need protection right now without them, we are lost, regrets and have not engaged in clearing the bridge. Spock thought it would be wrong to leave without assistance, including robot, while they were on a mission of rescue, but he hurts every second that passes Enterprise dominated by foreign hands to him. Remain united and beware of anyone who is not in the group from the beginning. are separated into two groups, too big for the likes of Kirk, without trust of some members in others too easy to infiltrate. StillNot dare to divide more. Exchanged a last glance with Spock, and a touch of the hands of the other seems to flee before being placed in the rear of his group, placing the aisles with Lagarde. Missing eyes to look in all directions and control all access.

When the attack started, the first ray phaser shot crashed against the wall about two feet from his hand. Kirk fired in the general direction of the source almost before stopping to think.

- Warning! Lagarde yells, hiding behind a fountain and poking the phaser. We attack, we attack!

- Run
HTMLXC Kirk takes several seconds to react, his hand still extended. When it does, all its fury falls on the android, this time is totally disconnected. Sure of it. Full of anger and frustration, Jim comes running, shooting without stopping his lifeless body until it reaches the place where the five robots are piling up. Other than Nurse Chapel, the weapon seems completely out of place in her delicate hands, not to mention the swarm of cables out of their hips, back recognizes Teeter, a young New Yorker who was not on the attack against the Romulans because he caught on vacation, visiting family, but the other three faces were unfamiliargone. A wave of assaults him guilty, could be sent to the death of soldiers whose names do not even know? He can not meet all its soldiers and yet, send them to death?

back to its defensive position, Jim takes the body of Pierre Lagarde, I think they are called, or Philippe. Do not know if you have family or friends at home. Do not know if you have them here, and passes by the shoulders with the intention of taking to the control panels. It fails, has not yet three steps when a new front approaching from androids right.

is forced to use the body of French as a shield againstis dropped to the ground beside him.
# # #

The Enterprise tour with the ice planet, hidden in its dense atmosphere, moving gracefully without disturbing the upper layer gases. Sulu is placed as close as possible to the other spacecraft, which orbits carried by inertia.
lifestyles. State of the ship, "Kirk ordered as distance permits, and Spock is centered on your screen, making tests.

"The Andromeda is running smoothly, orbiting the planet and apparently holding no official diplomatic relations with orgonianos. In cC-You, actually. I propose you a deal.

"I'm listening, you hear the growl.

I know what you're up-Kirk gets up with the urge to move. I know what has happened to the android, and I know you wanted my ship. I foiled your plans, but twelve of my men have died to achieve, and I'm not happy. Do not let anyone else pay for your crimes. I will escort your ship to the Federation, to be judged. If you resist, shoot.
- And why tell me this with suchsecrecy?
Kirk returns to doubt whether to go ahead. Spock approaches, only to reinforce the idea that one thing is certain and unchanging even there in half the space, next to a ship that has just humanity.

"You're human, Diego. The last man for miles around. I know you think that you control, but I'll tell you what I think: these Androids are smarter than you think. You are using. There are irreplaceable, and now control your ship and have everything you need. His thinking is independent, but has too much of the emotions that have been replicated. I think they're planning RepliCarter, dfter kill you.

- What is it, James? -Comes, after a pause, the angry response from the captain.

"If we have to resist and destroy the ship, I want you to come with us. Transport yourself to the Enterprise, we can do, even from the bridge, if you give us the codes. We'll take you to the Federation, and have a fair trial.

A laugh completely devoid of humor is strained by the communicator.

- Do you think I'm going to volunteer to make wives me and take me to court?

"I think," says Kirk, looking la ship in the distance as if he could convince the force of his will, that you're smart enough to realize that this is better than death.

Short pause.

- Why did you help me?

-The lives of twelve men weigh on my conscience. I do not want to add one more.

"But your men are dead because of me.

- Do you think I do not know? Jim closed his fist, making damage nails. So you deserve a trial. Their families deserve to see you, and suffer the pain in his eyes. But do not die here & iacor access, I can not fix anything here.
- Apáñatelas as you can, but I want that man in the Enterprise!
- I'll do what I can, Captain!

"I'm afraid," Spock interrupted gently, "that I just lost the signal. Jim, there are not ways of life in Andromeda.

- What? No, it can be. Scotty!

Spock puts a hand on his shoulder, and Kirk looks at him, confused. For some reason, it seemed incredibly important bridge to Ortega as a way to prove to himself that he was able to meet
- JIM! -You hear his side can not be something that should not be, the voice of Spock, standing between the lightning and he, before falling to the ground.

not, is all that goes through the mind of Jim while firing stun rays Ortega, until one gives in some internal circuitry and the captain falls. Make sure you do not have knowledge before plunging into Spock.

has been shot in the left side, but seems to be the major hit that has been falling on the table controls, a trickle of blood down his stomach.

"I'll be good, Jim says, and not the vain hope ofdying, but the logic proven he knows the facts and the inevitable consequences that follow from them. Kirk let out a long sigh of relief. There is no internal organ damage. Vulcan wounds close quickly. I calculated all the risks and likely to receive the shot at the best angle ...
Kirk laughs softly, and hold it firmly with one hand Spock, while the other opens his communicator. -Doctor McCoy, what we need in the transporter room.

Spock complains in a very little Vulcan, saying that it is able to walk to the infirmary, Jim makes


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