Tuesday, September 1, 2009

I Catcher Concole Web Monitor

ot wobbley tongue sex with naughty bits of action.
"(what does he say exactly? Do not get it xD)
A fanvid Jack / Ianto (but can not find any that I love of all, do you recommend?)

Gareth David
Lloyd Being charming and sexy and fucking talking about John Barrowman. God, he's sexy.

"Hello? Do not you cut me ¬ ¬ "


"That was the director's fault!"

♥ ♥ Ianto's rap
The scene in which Captain Jack Harkness two kiss, because I love.

special deDoctor
The Who on The Weakest Link, which is entirely on Youtube and it's great. Outtakes

The Doctor Who Theme sung by John ♥ ♥

A Comic Con with John, Gareth, Naoko, the appearance of Scott (
    's husband John) and overall presence of folly. I love you all.

Just Comic Con, bits and pieces of John being


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