Sunday, October 31, 2010

Carabean Cruise Time Share Or "Elf" [01/01]



"Einstein: His * dum-dum-dum * within"

Gustav is the drummer.
Dum-dum-dum sound in his head and in that of others when it is close. Especially Georg, who swears by the most sacred of their world to anyone who wants to pay attention, you hear the sound of running not only in their ears, but also in their veins and shell n. Gustav So when you away from everyone and the situation permits, remove your headphones and listen to music. Which always leads to more dum-dum-dum. CHT Sometimes chaos is too much. On the same day a thousand and one things can go wrong: late for the scheduled interview, without breakfast and dressed in dirty clothes, bear the same old questions and receive final stabbing a final that is intent to annoy and create controversy. More unexpected delays and lunch become two minutes of "eat what they can because we are on the air in three, two one ..." that satisfy no one when they appear before the camera smiling. Apparel photo shoot not only the horrible and distasteful, but it stings, bites like the devil had used jabPowder ng cheaper! Back at the hotel of fans clog the entrance to the point where it is necessary to call security and are removed from the vehicle in the middle of hitting, pushing, pulling, and deafening screams. Georg be considered successful if at the end of each day a fan will not finish booting a lock of hair in his delirium.
To make matters worse, the twins tend to be themselves and disaster rises to epic proportions. The minimum is to hear them shouting insults, the worst is having to duck to avoid flying objects with which they are released.
And above them, Gustav watching the scene with indifference, more concentratedon a higher plane than on the ground and suffering. Georg
not know if the drummer is real or a reincarnation of Buddha, but admires him for it. "Vier: It is very sad * sniff *"

Gustav is not to blame for his stoic exterior.
Where all are serious and a stony heart fríoy calculator, there are a sensitive soul.
Not in the traditional style, Gustav is not an artist of any kind, no writing, no dancing, no singing. For him, the battery is your world and thinks it is his fault if others do not understand the sensitivity it offers to those around him. That is a practical person, also helps create an imageper box of tissues and it is comforting to the drummer's head warm on his shoulder.

"Fünf: Shades of gray" Georg

sometimes has its bad moments.
And when the days seem to be no good at all and those who are not, become worse. This is when the bass needs more than ever before Gustav.
is simple: Wherever you see white or black Georg, Gustav describes a gray world where millions converge. For him there is no "always" or "never" just as there is no absolute lack of color (black) and the everlasting presence of light (bcl, No!
"Ask whatever, please, but ...
" No, George, no.
Gustav turns around in the small of his bunk (his bunk, his and nobody else!) And try to sleep again, but it is impossible.
Gusti ... And something clicked. Georg know, like a 'Gusti' well spent, drummer yield to any request no matter how ridiculous or uncomfortable that it be for you.
"Well, but ..." stresses threatening when Georg lifts the blankets and looks set to get under, "you do everything you said antHis righteousness.
When the twins fight to the last slice of strawberry shortcake, is Gustav which solves the problem, not choosing one of them or handing the piece in half, but eating it himself and threatening voice sweet if they return to fight, lose your cake will be the lesser of evils.
Let him do with a breathtaking tranquility is what you like to Georg, he, instead, I would have cried for an unsolved problem.
A lot.

"Acht: The theory of 'nothing'"

is simple: Gustav believe that all that is nothing, nothing is the same, and at the same time, & eacute, sa is the exception.
The first time I heard that Georg, arching an eyebrow, then laugh until your stomach hurts. Gustav tells abandon hard drugs and spending time with the twins because her words are ringing in that they have been smoking pot in disrepair.
Undeterred, Gustav has become to explain: "Well," says
after a few minutes of thinking deeply about what is going to say, "to better understand an example. If someone asks how you feel, what do you say? "It depends
Georg whispers, a bit embarrassed by the intensity with which his friend looks & ama dark, damp place in your mind for some time before finally understand and put to good use.
Then you learn to put a face devoid of emotion, perhaps slightly sad and wait ...
At some point, Gustav will ask you what is and say 'nothing'. That alone is sufficient to relegate drummer and leave anything else to be to embrace his stoic and pure lavish love might exist in the world, their friendship.
Sometimes that really depresses Georg, but others are happy with what you can take and do what in normal circumstances you think of losers: Comply.
will notis another.

"Neun: The original poster perfeccióny"

"There has to be perfect for anyone except me," is the slogan that is heard over Gustav. What applies at all, his music, his relationships, his life, his ego.
And though sometimes to the opinions of others, not at all perfect, whatever it is, the drummer does not really give a damn. Georg
jealous, because despite seeing his own flaws (whether the corner of a wrinkled piece of clothing or an ego big enough to crush anyone), I wish I could have that Gustavisión
Só No I see the perfect world, but believe it is.

& amp; lacquered; Zehn: Es war einmal ... "

- ... and because I could not be otherwise, they lived happily ever after. End Gustav whispers with his last breath, his eyes already closed, lips sealed for the rest of the night. End is the end, the story has ended.
Everything always begins with a simple request: "Please, a story, Gusti" and is the 'Gusti' always the one that achieves all the end. Gustav
not know fairy tales, princes and princesses, brave in trouble, not pirates, goblins, witches, evil or mysterious elderly in unknown places, but it fulfills its mission.
Perhaps the lady of his histanger Georg blankets and sticks more in the back, eager for any contact, "good-Drag nochesss ... the last syllable, falling asleep instantly. Georg
think a little more in the Princess Anabilla, rescued by her brave prince Thomas always, the story of that night had a happy ending at all, as always, but the bass player focuses on the latest words, 'happily ever after', so it feels like to Gustav, and forever happy. As
Before falling asleep, kiss Gustav's shoulder lightly and try to sleep.

"Elf: Ten things to love Gustav and Georgthis life, there will be.


Itchy Palms More Condition_symptoms

^ ^ In two hours, but I anticipate ...

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: Return this. [12/15?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi .
author notes: Chapter of tension, I say. Simone is very wrong of what was actually lka thirteen and Bill lied about ego for the sake & iac
author notes: The idea came to me one evening he studied chemistry. Really, my poor brain was overstretched and zaz, suddenly, I hit the imagination. There seems to be a fic with many pretensions, but in my one-shots, this is the moment which I like. No lemon, not a complete list, but little vignettes that made me chest pain. Notes

aside: As I said earlier, my birthday (today, in case anyone is wondering = D) I'm going on vacation and return to 11 January.
I know nobody will miss me, but also announced that back.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Homebuilt Boat Trailer

* Cof-cof * cough distraction cough illness.

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: The first step on the long way home. [11/14?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi .
author notes: Ah! Back to write fics ... If only for two weeks. But Buee ... That's nothing, I'll take two Upgrade /ones.
today's chapter was built in two parts, but barely noticeable. If anything make bets on what the breaking point, fail. The plot unfolds as now it pleases me and what I see, also goes for long. And I speak not only for my vacation starting next week, but it probably will be three parties, it being the end of the first. Notes

aside: I've mentioned before, but going back. The first day of November, I'm going on 'holiday' until 11 January. Write, but sure will not publish anything. It is my rest period each AnoyI make no exceptions.
To celebrate, insurance and publishing are two chapters.

B & B ~!

Sick pd. It's pretty hard to write when I can barely stop coughing on the poor monitor.
pd2. My birthday is coming up, being on Monday:)

Sunday, October 24, 2010

English Version Of Fire Emblem: Sword Of Seals. [Fic] tables

airing: Light / L [info] Rating: T

Depositing with your fingers clamp the last lump of sugar in your tea , black, the detective made the opening. It begins with a bold and aggressive move, his opponent already knows this tactic. Be returned in due time. This chess game is, in a display of memorization and retention visual, mental again, without a board. They are above that, of course. Under this dynamic, the action can turn, one will continue to document their ar

Wedding Programs In Spanish [Fic] challenge

And here comes the second request, this time for [info] scapizm . Mello also appears, I hope that you do not mind that you still like what I wrote;, had long worked at BB and not, as always, has been the most fun, although I the character of so much grief. Now I'll get to the last drabble that I hope to have ready for this afternoon. Enjoy it:)

Challenge Fandom: Death Note (Another Note)
Pairing: BB / L
Rating:T +


Childhood is a strange and ambivalent phenomenon. The kids expect everything in their fantasy devoid of the shackles that the development objective of the years given to experience, surprise is more difficult than one might think. But this imagination is limited by his condition as an infant, for the inevitable ignorance of the many, raw, nuanced, sublime and horrifying realities that shape the world of morality raped the perfect, blameless adults. Ah, but the child, sometimes with overwhelming, nor less frightening ease, is capable of becoming a participant in this monstrous truth with the cold impersonality of a psychopath alienated. The child soon learns that the engañoy lies, abuse of the weak, brings benefits not insignificant. The child soon learns to be cruel. And even earlier, learn to enjoy it.

Mello why play is so fun. Early and tanning in human baseness from so small, children's games with it are lined with a dizzying ambiguity taboo. Beyond taking advantage of this by far, pursues him, raging, shelves full of doubt with a sly impudence whatBB clucks, leaning even more the knife, but Mello shoved him from.
're crazy, Beyond. Fuck you. You who do not dare to do so. BB
And smiles, triumphant, from ear to ear. Do not you ...? Chac. next thing is enough to recall the bright pool of blood soaking the carpet giggling and hanging to the index. The pain is severe and constant as a deafening whistle. But such a trifle irrelevant. Amid the chaos and bloody hilarious, L is the only one that gets reduced, the only on the left reduced. Alwhile trying to stop his seizures, he heard giving orders: a Watari to immediately prepare a sedative, to Mello to go away from there ipso facto. L is fríoy labored methodical like a doctor with a patient which already knows your sintomatologíay treatment, placed behind his back, his arms holding him tightly, freezes its members heard murmurs in its do, with his distinctive voice tinged automaton a slight hint of parental request, please calm down and trust him now. Beyond lies the chest look cramped detective, not wanting to see the needle stuck in his forearm pain reliever. Prete Lawlietnde remain neutral and impassive as is their custom, but that adrenaline rush is too immediate, too tangible to withhold a minimum of disturbance in an organization such as L, used to take the problem third-person human. Beyond warns why the hesitation of the almighty and omniscient L to their actions outside of logic and common sense, read his dismay, his incomprehension at such an absurd waste of irrationality. That
, that's their major constraint to B.
And so, curled like a wounded animal against a living legend, as did the sedative effect,

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Aluminium Boat Flooring Installation [Fic] close

Rimir obscuring their eyes toward the door, not wanting to even think about the possibility of being seen or heard by women from the brothel. When going through his mind the possibility that Matsu has decided to go to visit them that night and caught them in such a situation, it is believed to collapse as if he had drunk a bottle of sake in one gulp. Bite your nut. She emerges from her ponytail. Shouji cornering him against the paper. Feel under the palm of his hand the grunt of the entrails of mass, nervous and hungry, whispers peep easy bawdy joke in your ear without much effort to enjoy the new the bewildered expression, as is more ashamed allispuesto to admit his pride as a warrior, cross your legs behind your hips and under the heat of the attacks moan his name against his shoulder, just reached to pronounce the honorific by which adorns his pseudonym eternally. Protected by the warm crackle of the next lamp, almost extinct, Seinoshin embraces the lean, strong, trained for combat and slaughter, that lanky intuitive apocopated and unexpectedly picked up from the street, as years it was himself. Letting finally overcome by sleep when I feel shy and gentle stroking with the tips of his fingers, rough from rubbing continued t

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Norton Security Rogers

Sleepless Fandom: Death Note
Pairing: Light / L
Warnings: In fact, this more connecting with the history and servant Harazyn AU with canon plot. Though I suppose as it can be read. If it senses too the seeds of a romance ... hey, for once, true.
Notes: Although not stop writing, did I do not upload anything. In case anyone missed me, here's one of my OTP caramelito before Halloween.


The detective opened his eyes, inhaling a deep breath. The last throes of climax yet deliciously lazy reverberated through every fiber of your body. Slowly, the haze of sexual excitement dissipated and reality began to rebuild again around with ruthless objectivity. With the unloaded weight on his slender figure of a faun, answered her lover and indolent in their wet kisses, whispered softly into his mouth. The legend of the century prevented to leave his flooded inside, ordering him to remain united with him in that inextricable embrace. Inevitably, moreof their respective wishes, warm and comforting.

And for some reason, Light Yagami obeyed. It was the second time that day that gave no apparent pay the wishes of that shaggy and irreverent puppet. L

had stopped in the middle of a hit, slowing the impact of his opponent. Holding chained by the wrist with his fingers stiff and sore, leaned his forehead against the young Japan, veiling the expression in her long jet-black bangs.

- Ya ... to please. I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting with Light-kun. & Ndash, A barely audible gasp, stubborn. Prisoner of a dirty little thrill.

Before he could reach a decision on that particular mission statement, Yagami found himself unable to reject those pale lips and groaning hovering over his mouth ajar in a grin of surprise, drunk desperate vehemence diametrically opposed to that which had triggered the collision just before. Receive mutual, and bruised her arms full of bruises, the demand for L and was accomplished under the tacit stamp of an intimate kiss.

The handsome chestnut ret

Monday, October 4, 2010

Webbed Toes More Condition_symptoms