Saturday, August 29, 2009

Imagenes Little Pet Shop The untitled project Jared Padalecki (7 / 10)

Does anyone remember the project? Because I have not forgotten, but other fandoms and occupations have been raiding me for Chapter 7 continued staring at me from my desk, pulling a sad face. To [info] b_beatrix , who has come to throw myself on my sleeve unpresentable this fanfic.

The untitled project Jared Padalecki
Original title: The Jared Padalecki Untitled Project
Author: [info] sometimesophie
Pairing: Jensen Ackles / Jared Padalecki
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Jensen and Jared do not belong to us or [info] sometimesophie or me, they belong to each other . The great story is all of the above works are [info] sometimesophie . I just translate it and I squee with his talent.
Summary: Following the cancellation of Supernatural, Jensen and Jared do not speak. But a movie is a movie, Jensen and he is really really good money.

~ ~ Chapter 1
~ Cap &stant training.
A professional who is fucked to co-star. Yeah, well. Change position, put upside down and sink in the cold hands under the pillows. Pressing his face against the warm hole that has left her neck, closes his eyes and stays on until the desire to breathe deeply is too intense. Turn the pillow again turn around and look at the ceiling, with unhappiness accumulate in the bottom of your stomach.
In addition, the clock moves at a slow pace between 2:58 and 3:09.
With the sound of frustration in his throat hoarse, low hand to grab his shorts and with enough force to hurt. Wiggle your fingers relentlessly up and down,rriba and down, his eyes blurred and indistinct, mouth pressed into the tense and resigned gesture of the man who is ready to face the firing line. This has nothing to do with pleasure, after all. not think Jared. Jared warm hand on his thigh. Jared's lips on hers. Jared's expression when he said no. Do not think about it at all. It has a lot of practice.
It does not take too long.
Makes you think in the past. For well over a year since he does not lose control so dramatically, biting hard on the fingers while her other hand she starts an orgasm, definitely not thinking about Jared. There was much excitement in the air whennounced that he would publish an autobiography of Jared Padalecki. Jensen rolled his eyes at the idea, sniffed the title - I simply

, or a brood like that, and told Chris that if Jared said shit about it then go to get their teeth, and that see if anyone could stop him. Chris said that talking to his lawyer could be a sensible step, very serious and looking worried, and I took a couple of beats Jensen realize what he was saying no.
"I would not," he said, feeling almost sick and dizzy. "I could do," said Chris, a shrug. After much deliberation and muttering many tacos, Jensen did not talk to herattorney. What he did do, however, was to order the book on Amazon, and noted with excitement how newscasters sat behind his desk and announced very excited that the new book Padalecki apparently brought some data, particularly juicy and previously unknown on the star, although the sources were not saying what exactly.
The date of publication, the phone woke him at nine-thirty, and if that was not a bad sign, not knowing what could be. Ignoring the irritating sound and not even bothering to check who called, he sat staring at the kitchen table, waiting for his package.
time he rang the bell and stood up to sign, the phone hadsounded a total of seven times. To tear the wrapper, Jared's smiling face stared from the cover, and Jensen growled aggressively opened the book and began searching his name on the chapters related to


An hour later, head spinning, left. There was nothing. Jared talked enough of it, of course, because you can not just let out to co-star of the series that makes you famous. Especially if the relationship with co-star that ended badly. But it was all the type I am very grateful

Jensen is a great guy
I am honored to have worked with or

someday I hope to thank
o. It has taken me some time to realize exactly how I feel, and it was difficult ... "He paused and looked at the camera with a straight face," but if I can help someone feel more comfortable with who he is, then I want do so. Should not have to hide.

The image returned to the hostess, smiling charmingly. "A great guy, eh, Gary?

mate smiled and ordered the papers before him.

"You're right, Karen. It takes courage, then turned toward the camera. And now, we're with international news and the strike in ...

In addition, Jensen's phone rang, and fumbled around with his eyes still fixed on the screenco and throws in the general direction of the pile of laundry that is piled haphazardly in a corner of the room. Like the fact that your brain and your libido whore obviously not on speaking terms. Dick hurts the memory of the fingers too tight, and is happy about it vindictively. Covering up with blankets ears, close your eyes, wait for the beating of his heart to slow down and try not to hate yourself too.

One step forward, two steps back. I wish I had thought it might be good to see Jared.

~ On Monday, he learns by Jared makeup girls called in sick.

not pretend to be particularly affectedfor it. Not many people on the team (hell, not in the country) has no suspicions about how things are between Jared and he will not disguise to become the educated. He was surprised, however, if at all honest, you know that you worry, just a bit, if it were not so angry with Jared (hell, if you fall Jared actually good), because Jared is the kind of guy who would shoot in the foot by accident and arrive the next day, all smiles and aspirin and 'm fine. Refuses to think more of the account on the subject (which is not even your business) and instead focuses on the unexpected break thanks. Does not even care to spend the day sent from one stage to another, from clothing to makeup, cameraor to think about Sunday, and know that Andrew can tell by how his eyes narrowed into something that looks suspicious. Jensen has always thought that the directors were especially perceptive. He knows from experience that it is very difficult to lie to those bastards. Assumes that it is probably because they make their living watching people, interpreting their expressions, trying to get that perfect shot for posterity. "Yeah, well," he says uncomfortably. Not bad then. Andrew looks on in silence for a long moment, then makes a "hmph" in a way that sounds like it does not rule out poisoning by Jensen and turns.

"Go eat something," he says dryly. I need you back here as soon as pol Sunday's issue seems to Jensen an absolutely wonderful idea. It has become an expert at hiding its head in the sand when it suits him.

"Well, I think it is," says Jeremy, smiling broadly, and Jensen feels a little guilty because I know it's going to have to ask the boy to repeat it all in the near future. Nods, gets up from his chair and gives him a pat on the shoulder. "Thanks, man," he says. Try to remember. I have the memory of a fucking fish, almost apologetic smiles and prepares to leave the office phone. -Jensen, wait a minute, "says Jared suddenly, from behind him, and Jensen stops abruptly with the hand on the doorknob.

"Sorry," he says, calmly, though the heart is jumping at his throat. All that coffee is affecting me. I have to go pee, "and closes the door behind him, strode among the departments of administration and props, waiting to hear the sound of footsteps behind him and felt a hand on his shoulder at any time. Tour after the catering tent and walks around between the trailers to get to yours. Closing the door with a sigh of relief, pulled the mattress.

feel like an idiot, but anything seems preferable to being alone with Jared at this time. ~

Wednesday more of the same. If anything, Jared retreats further into himself, too distracted to culoud enough to hear it well could be

to take twenty years working with him, but that did not mean he could not find work elsewhere. Since then, the team works to set that she has dealt with their work without much enthusiasm, smiling occasionally at Jensen but as they used to chat and joke. At lunchtime, the catering stand is quieter than it has ever seen Jensen, and the conversation that there is only speculation about Jared. When the man in question appears, picks up a single serving of food and returns to his trailer without talking to anyone, Jensen noted more than a few disapproving glances directed at his back. They make you feel strange.

The next day, a man enters the makeup trailer while combing Jensen.

"Hi" he says, and pulls a piece of rough-looking rope. I'm in charge of tie today. Just wanted to pass me and explain in advance what we will do to make you feel as comfortable as possible. I'm Jeff, of course.

Jensen salutes with a nod, and the woman behind the ear rubs him the brush-wielding.

"Stop moving," he says with a tone of a few friends. Jensen puts eyes in the direction of Jeff, who returned a smile.

-rope, "he continues, teaching. Appears strong, but softer than normal. Play it. It's a little of himself, has been modified to be more elastic, so demur, wrapping it twice on both wrists and stretching. There will be no danger of being injured. "It's good to know," says Jensen, while the trailer door opened and Jared enters, his hands buried in pockets of the jacket and cap covering his eyes.

"Hey," he says, to nobody in particular, and dropped in the other chair. There is a frenzy of movement while the makeup artist charged warn a girl he carefully takes off his cap and began to brush her hair, powders and other makeup picks. Jared Jeff glances up and down, then turns around and holds hands smoothed jeans.

- Who are you? She asks, and not exactly rude, but neither is accuratel approval to put you hand and then having to re-enact the scene in front of a bunch of cameras and running an entire team.


The stage is brightly lit basement, but it is cold, and the ropes around his wrists itch. Jensen moves slightly on the chair and try not to look too eager. It has never been so eager to end a scene in his life. Jared is now standing a few feet away, looking more uncomfortable and unsure of what Jensen has ever seen in a professional environment, apparently unable to look at him and look elsewhere. The adrenaline rushes by members of Jensen, and feel the heartbeat slow and heavy in the mouth. Itfraud over his shoulder, to where he knows he is Jared. You will not get away with this, can you hear me? You will not ... no ... Tom, you fucking coward. Let go.

can hear Jared Just move over the palpitations that reverberate in his head, but Jensen knows he is doing - preparing to step forward and play their part. Jensen palms are slick with sweat and clings more desperately to believe that you would like the idea that the sooner you do this, soon will be over.

"You asked for it ..." he hears, and is startled, almost walked right through the lip with his teeth, by ... There is a long pause, uncomfortable. A polite inquiry from behind, and afterta and then enters without waiting for an answer. Jensen looks up from the sofa on which is reviewing the revised script which has sent Jeremy, and raises an eyebrow at the director as a question.

"I talked to Jared," says Andrew no introduction. Says there is a problem with the scene.

Jensen left the papers and check back.

"And that's what he says. Jared is the one who is gone, dammit. Or maybe it's because I was bound and could not ...

Andrew rubs his temples with fatigue and interrupted him impatiently.

-Refers to the two, Jensen. Said that you had some problems with the tests, and that arreglaréis with a little more time.

stares Jensenand refuses to blush. Problems with testing? Yeah, you know, just in that one scene in which he is fucking

tied. By God, could Jared be a little more obvious? Maybe next time a show is limited to wives with Jensen's name engraved in pink and complete rinsing. Change

position, uncomfortable, and concentrates on the nail of his thumb.

Somewhat more time might help, "he says simply.

"Well," says Andrew, and turned to leave. I have to talk to Mark on the calendar change. I like to be informed about such things ... Mark begins to link ideas Jensen's brain. Mark, executive producer. Mark, the producer EXECUTIVEor, and his contract. "Wait," he says hurriedly, and Andrew is left at the door. Jensen smiled broadly and stands, hands outstretched. It seems that many hassles for you, right? Andrew

frowns, then shrugs.

"I do not care to get rid of the mess, it's true. Cost money, too, but if you two can not do it, then ...

"Then do not worry," says Jensen, further expanding the smile. I'll take care of it. I'll talk to Jared and all will be well. Believe me. Will be fine. Andrew

hard looks at him a moment, and finally settles.

"Okay," he says slowly, talk to Jared and try to make him see reason. But sa minute or so to open with the help of the foot of Jared, as his hands and one foot are actively involved in the control of dogs so they will not launch on Jensen.

"Sorry," Jared says, laughing almost breathless, with his head down and dark eyes, concentrate on preventing dogs break through between his legs. Would normally locked in the kitchen, but did not expect ... "he looks up and freezes. Jensen.

"Hello," he says sheepishly, and re-passed his fingers through his hair. They stay in awkward silence for a moment. "I can ...? "I can talk to you? Offers the end-Jensen.

- How do you get in? Jared asks, looking at the closed gate without aprtarse door. Damn, "he says, glancing at the empty road behind Jensen," how did you get here, anyway?

Jensen smiles slightly. "I was not sure if you let me go. I parked on the road. You, er, your gardener has missed me.

-Holy shit, "says Jared, craning his neck to the front lawn," still here? Freak bastard should have gone for at least an hour, turns and looks at Jensen again, his expression becoming a more alert. It says, at last, come on.

He motions and Jensen has to get into his personal space while Jared uses his body to keep the dogs at bay, shutting the door carefully trHe says softly, without looking at Jensen, I know the hair in her eyes again, and Jensen can not see the whole expression, but it sounds empty, defeated.

Jensen Something inside shrinks with dismay.

"Look," he says, and bile-swallowing, kissing. I ... "questions, and then forces himself to continue. Sorry. Should not have happened, but ... I should not have reacted that way, can not look at Jared's eyes. And on set, it's just that ... I want to return the old Jared, you know? The guy who makes everybody laugh, even at that bitch with a permanent administration, just laughs and high-pitched sounds weak, unconvincing. Just ... I think we should try again. The scene, I mean ... worktogether with her and make it work and make a fucking amazing film. But you need me for that, looks up, eyes look wide of Jared, and deeply self-hating. I can not do without you, Jay. Jared

is silent for a long moment, completely still, looking hesitantly. After talking, something unsure.

"So everything is fine between us?

"Yes," says Jensen, with a weak smile. Sure.

When he leaves, about an hour later, so full of Doritos and Coca-Cola may vomit, Jared came to the door and holds him tightly in his arms. Jensen is surprised, and stiffens for a moment before committing toxDD

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wavelan-silver-driver What little Vulcans Are Made Of (3 / 3)

those and let me accept it without difficult. Spock nods seriously.
remain a moment in silence broken only by the beep-beep of the computer that controls the life of Spock, rapid and regular. Jim, still looking in his eyes, placed one hand on the chest of another. The beats come from a site that is not quite right, and too strong, as if more blood is pumped from the account, but can never say that Bones has no heart. Is a palpable fact, it's there, like eight times, and counting-that Spock saved his life in what they wear on trips together. Suddenly, that contact is not enough. Want-need-Spock felt his hand, to highlight their similaritiesgasp, a sigh
fucking - when you straighten up and shout a bit.
"Dr. McCoy.

- Huh? Jim looks at him blankly.

-coming this way.

- Ah!

rushed out of bed and into a chair, the adrenaline running through your body. Remember each and every single time he had to fly off of a bed, for some reason did not seem as funny as the time the door opens and he takes a pose innocent in the eyes of McCoy and his mother auscultor diabolical.

- Jim! I have said that let you rest for my patients! One day I'll put a fence around the nursing and sharing your photo to the guards. CHT
MLXC "I'll come to sign an autograph and surrender to my charms, Bones. Deal with it is useless, "Kirk replied cheerfully as she stands, and we machine a look at Spock before leaving. It is quite certain that walks like an adult, without skipping, until it reaches the hallway.

- And to him what happens now? "Listen to Bones asked, followed by the perfectly modulated voice of Spock:

" I have no comment to make about it.

# # #

Apparently Spock is serious, because during the next two weeks, the captain of the Enterprise can not boot any comment. In the bridge, things are almostmartyr now? Spock

blows air through the nose and looked around the room for Jim.

"It might be appropriate that we sat," he says softly, and Kirk him by the couch before going for drinks. Beer for him, tea for Spock. He sits at a safe distance and makes a face of listening. Spock makes a face of serious negotiations. Happens to be the same as the face of casual conversations, and discuss with Bones, and licking the fingers of Jim one by one. It does not help much, really. There are many differences between the physiology and psychology of a Vulcan and a human-start, and Jim is lost immediately. The human is a very physical, sometimes based on basic instincts, which is related to other necessarygo, lacking the features I need in a partner. The last sentence is like a bucket of cold water. Falling for Jim's back.

"What you're saying," growls, trying to keep his voice-is that a human is not enough for you.

"Right now, my balance between two parts that I make has been severely damaged, and I'm faced with the need to compensate for their shortcomings. A species without

telepathic abilities ... "I mean" Kirk interrupted, rising sharply to catch a ride up and down, "that these two weeks have you been ... what? "Playing with me?

"No, Jim," replied Spock, temporarily losing his deadpan anyour emotions. But you can join me much more than an emotional, or physical or mental. You and I can have all three, if we want. Try me.

"But Jim ...

" And there's nothing you have not considered here, is breaking Kirk, almost amused by the subtle changes to the exasperation in the face of another. You are super logical and different and better, blah, blah, blah. And what about me? Is not going to be hard on my emotional behavior? Did not I want to, I dunno, you tell me fags and bring me flowers and you behave like a human aunt? But I'm willing to give up any of the things that could give me a member of my species, Spock, because I know and ... and I know that you are what youI-it's time for Kirk to back down. The rest are details, excuses to get away from what you want when you're scared to go wrong.

tries to look anywhere other than the sight of Spock. It's a surprisingly difficult task, especially for the time it takes to resume speaking. When it does, the tone is not so much a complaint as resolved resignation. Kirk tries not to smile too much, you know that have not yet finished.

- What about our position in the command of the USS Enterprise?

- What's wrong? We would not be the first pair formed a bridge, no regulations against it. And you had no problems with Uhura, right?

argument is quite childish, andget carried away by my feelings? Maybe. But why are you, mate. To be logical that the bass always are, and be there to save my ass when he messes up. What we have, that's not going to change. You'll still be Vulcan, and I will continue being me.
is dropped on the couch and takes a long swig of beer. It feels as if he had to present their innocence to all of Starfleet admirals, and now only lack the conviction and sentence. You do not have many more tricks up its sleeve. Time is Spock, which evaluates carefully for what seems like an eternity.
"Okay," he says, finally. I estimate that our relationship has sufficient likelihood of success, and may provide sufficient experience, cn things. Now imagine no more than two meters from the ship, or a pointy-eared Vulcan. Spock, I want to do it.
The other position changes a little, but not enough for Jim to have to stop collecting strands of her hair, dropping them again and again on the pillow.

"It's complicated. - What is not? -human Doing it ... I find it hard. It depletes my energies. "After let you sleep for three days. I need it, Spock, I need to enter your mind and feel from there. I need to know in every way possible, and make sure you are aware that this is not an adventure, we can be much, you and me.

-Jimknow how much I like to be vulnerable.

"I know, put a lock of black hair on the face of Spock, and slowly remove it again to leave it in place. But I also know that you are willing to be. If I beg you.

He dedicates half smile, which used to melt the girls undecided undecided when the girls were his purpose in life. Spock sighed. -The fusion of minds is a very technical Vulcan ...

- I knew it! -Kirk gets up and starts jumping on the bed, as was born. Spock waited patiently, holding onto a pole in case (assuming Jim) gave the bed onto the ground. Of course, if has endured throughout the evening, is unlikely to give upto now. "Jim, if we do this, I need that from the beginning understand all that entails. All that can imply.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. I'm listening. Shoot. "The merger of minds," he continues Spock, is an ancient ritual ... is interrupted by the lips of his master who sneak about preventing uninvited. Kirk kisses her long and intense, covering his mouth to run out of air. Spock belongs patiently. "Okay. Sorry. Ya. Dime.

His eyes hide a brightness of fun when he comes to speak.
-The fusion of minds is an ancient Vulcan ritual by which the thoughts of two individuals experience a processthe bonds of affection are not something that the Vulcans tend to value positively. Using this technique, for this purpose, is covered by a social taboo in the field, and is not usually publicly acknowledge their private use. The ritual is especially used for transmission processes complex information.
"It was not always like your kind," mutters Jim, standing on his back and head resting on his bare chest Spock. So logical and cold. Right?
-No. Had to adapt to circumstances to be threatened with extinction because of its violent nature. The current situation allows a greater chance of survival. As I was saying ...

fusion, "says Kirk-Spock. They are light, volatile. They go together the memories of both shared and individual, one ordered and crystalline, others chaotic and turbulent. Mix the children and the future possibilities, ideas and feelings of the two and to both. is a distinct existence, and do not know how much time passes before something connects them slowly, without tearing of the common mind: their bodies, which move of their own volition, touching in a disorderly way and instinctively, desperately seeking to achieve fusion share their minds. The mouth breathing in one another, nails sink into his back. Someone is up, one down, spin, spin slowly, looking for more playing surface. Merge, arching their backs, strikesNo hips. Both groan in unison the same pleasure, physical and mental. is touched to any surface, are explored with all their ideas. They move in perfect harmony, as an ancestral dance instinctively know. It is impossible to give a false step when all you have is them, floating in nothingness. Slowly sink into one another, the ideas turn, increase speed gradually. Their bodies are called, but do not want to return. The swirl around them, held them together for a drag indefinite period until everything is black and her eyes suddenly open to being within a simultaneous orgasm, screaming in the same tone, embracing with equal force.

When Jim gradually returns to bewhat you know now. Still, you'll find it surprisingly easy to learn the languages I speak, or techniques that I know.

Jim is dedicated for a while to pronounce the name of Spock. Do not want to forget that. He says it with different accents: that of his father, perfect and exact, that of his mother, somewhat awkward and rude, the north of his native country, with its overly nasal tone.

Both lie down on the bed, as close as possible, and close their eyes, slowly assimilating scraps of information, ignoring other, using them to weave all their consciences and get used to it and never be alone.

# # #

big Kirk enters the bridge, withsupported on the back, two inches from his shoulder. No need to look forward to knowing who will be there for long.

# # #

The End

# # #

Pancreatitis Treatment More Condition_symptoms What little Vulcans Are Made Of (2 / 3)

Part 1
# # #

When materialize, Kirk takes a moment to assimilate the idea that back on his ship, at home. The wineries are not a particularly nice or friendly, yet feel a weight lifted from his shoulders, because it is theirs. Spock Launches smile without being totally aware of it, and swear that the look the other returns are understanding. It lasts an instant, and soon Spock turns towards the door.

are launched quickly, exploring the rooms in the direction of the motors and control panels.

- Did you hears conveyors, captured and taken away, I have no idea where. But they have placed them identical clones. Most of the crew was not aware of anything, we are the ones we have noticed, Kirk approver to check out those around him, nodding gravely. You'd better not be making a copy of mine, "growled the doctor.

"They said androids, and Bones is limited to lengthen his growl.

"I hate robots.

- How many replaced?

I do not know. Thirty, forty. So much for calculating cp; ndash; Stable and unchanged, sir. We expected her back ... but not so soon.

The bastard has copied his accent.
and imitates well, too well, looking to clear this question in his eyes.
'd better not having touched a hair of the head to make it, Chekov.

"I took a couple of nerds who can fix any circuit-Kirk gives him a smile. Not too forced, it seems to him, but an android can you feel something? -. But when we tried talking to the transporter room of this ship there was no, So we've taken to get home by themselves.

-will find out what happened, sir, do not worry.

"Oh, do not worry-Kirk wait a couple of seconds prudential, gesturing to Uhura to be put in office now seems clear that nobody intends to mutiny in the near future" . Chekov, you are relieved of your duties temporary command. The same with you, Sulu. Spock and I think we can return to take care of the lady.

Again, the silence that precedes the answer is too long. Jim exchanges a tense glance with Spock, fingers crossed behind their backs while consideredra all possible resolutions of the situation. In his panel, Uhura is pressed against the ear headset, looking between the frequencies while typing furiously.

"Well, sir," Sulu said then, almost immediately followed by "of course, Captain" by Chekov. Kirk

then sinks into his seat, without entirely losing tension. The strong presence of Spock at his side, leaning over the back, it is reassuring, even though they can not talk to him. Now we just have to give some time to Uhura, for which ...

"We lost communications with the Andromeda & ndia by Spock is the only thing that prevents you from getting up and head off to that pile of circuits. He came with his wife in titanium
when they discovered mines Gaal.

"Okay then, James," says Ortega, ignoring him. Bon voyage. I'm glad to see you again.

"Same here.

Uhura With a signal to the captain's face disappears to make way for a view of Orgon and a piece of night sky.

warp-speed, Sulu. Factor 1.

"Yes, captain, pilot seat without turning around, while the communityp; ndash; But I can do it! Hour and a half I've been mapping out the plan, I have discussed over and over to Sulu, we can kill them. Them all at once. Because you have not finished with them yet, right? The Russian seems almost disappointed at the idea that the craft is safe and without their collaboration.

"No, not yet.

- Well!, I just need to transfer twenty-eight point seventy-four percent of engine power to the internal sensor, schedule and send a wave into the ship. Pass through electrical and phasers, disabling any system aut & amp; oacute; prefecture. All will be as dead androids.

"And also our other-brings-Sulu, our shield, our weapons and our food replicators.

- But we can easily repair!, They will not have time.

"Provided they do not have a reserve energy source in their ship, and here's where the danger: we believe that their communications are from the Andromeda, in which case our plan will not help to we have disconnected from each other droids.

-Uhura has been responsible for that, "said Kirk, withtone of a proud father.

- Excellent! "Chekov is to go forward to embrace the girl, who takes a step back, making him change his mind. Magnificent! Where is Mr. Spock?, I need to calculate certain wave effects on staff ...

Spock is happy to engage in a discussion of tactics with the officer, while Kirk is about to check the status of the rest of them. He learns that everyone has been introduced into a machine that the droids brought with them from the conveyor, and that seems to be the replicator.
& aand command, to continue to Spock. The rest will come with me to the control panels. Are the two areas that most need protection right now without them, we are lost, regrets and have not engaged in clearing the bridge. Spock thought it would be wrong to leave without assistance, including robot, while they were on a mission of rescue, but he hurts every second that passes Enterprise dominated by foreign hands to him. Remain united and beware of anyone who is not in the group from the beginning. are separated into two groups, too big for the likes of Kirk, without trust of some members in others too easy to infiltrate. StillNot dare to divide more. Exchanged a last glance with Spock, and a touch of the hands of the other seems to flee before being placed in the rear of his group, placing the aisles with Lagarde. Missing eyes to look in all directions and control all access.

When the attack started, the first ray phaser shot crashed against the wall about two feet from his hand. Kirk fired in the general direction of the source almost before stopping to think.

- Warning! Lagarde yells, hiding behind a fountain and poking the phaser. We attack, we attack!

- Run
HTMLXC Kirk takes several seconds to react, his hand still extended. When it does, all its fury falls on the android, this time is totally disconnected. Sure of it. Full of anger and frustration, Jim comes running, shooting without stopping his lifeless body until it reaches the place where the five robots are piling up. Other than Nurse Chapel, the weapon seems completely out of place in her delicate hands, not to mention the swarm of cables out of their hips, back recognizes Teeter, a young New Yorker who was not on the attack against the Romulans because he caught on vacation, visiting family, but the other three faces were unfamiliargone. A wave of assaults him guilty, could be sent to the death of soldiers whose names do not even know? He can not meet all its soldiers and yet, send them to death?

back to its defensive position, Jim takes the body of Pierre Lagarde, I think they are called, or Philippe. Do not know if you have family or friends at home. Do not know if you have them here, and passes by the shoulders with the intention of taking to the control panels. It fails, has not yet three steps when a new front approaching from androids right.

is forced to use the body of French as a shield againstis dropped to the ground beside him.
# # #

The Enterprise tour with the ice planet, hidden in its dense atmosphere, moving gracefully without disturbing the upper layer gases. Sulu is placed as close as possible to the other spacecraft, which orbits carried by inertia.
lifestyles. State of the ship, "Kirk ordered as distance permits, and Spock is centered on your screen, making tests.

"The Andromeda is running smoothly, orbiting the planet and apparently holding no official diplomatic relations with orgonianos. In cC-You, actually. I propose you a deal.

"I'm listening, you hear the growl.

I know what you're up-Kirk gets up with the urge to move. I know what has happened to the android, and I know you wanted my ship. I foiled your plans, but twelve of my men have died to achieve, and I'm not happy. Do not let anyone else pay for your crimes. I will escort your ship to the Federation, to be judged. If you resist, shoot.
- And why tell me this with suchsecrecy?
Kirk returns to doubt whether to go ahead. Spock approaches, only to reinforce the idea that one thing is certain and unchanging even there in half the space, next to a ship that has just humanity.

"You're human, Diego. The last man for miles around. I know you think that you control, but I'll tell you what I think: these Androids are smarter than you think. You are using. There are irreplaceable, and now control your ship and have everything you need. His thinking is independent, but has too much of the emotions that have been replicated. I think they're planning RepliCarter, dfter kill you.

- What is it, James? -Comes, after a pause, the angry response from the captain.

"If we have to resist and destroy the ship, I want you to come with us. Transport yourself to the Enterprise, we can do, even from the bridge, if you give us the codes. We'll take you to the Federation, and have a fair trial.

A laugh completely devoid of humor is strained by the communicator.

- Do you think I'm going to volunteer to make wives me and take me to court?

"I think," says Kirk, looking la ship in the distance as if he could convince the force of his will, that you're smart enough to realize that this is better than death.

Short pause.

- Why did you help me?

-The lives of twelve men weigh on my conscience. I do not want to add one more.

"But your men are dead because of me.

- Do you think I do not know? Jim closed his fist, making damage nails. So you deserve a trial. Their families deserve to see you, and suffer the pain in his eyes. But do not die here & iacor access, I can not fix anything here.
- Apáñatelas as you can, but I want that man in the Enterprise!
- I'll do what I can, Captain!

"I'm afraid," Spock interrupted gently, "that I just lost the signal. Jim, there are not ways of life in Andromeda.

- What? No, it can be. Scotty!

Spock puts a hand on his shoulder, and Kirk looks at him, confused. For some reason, it seemed incredibly important bridge to Ortega as a way to prove to himself that he was able to meet
- JIM! -You hear his side can not be something that should not be, the voice of Spock, standing between the lightning and he, before falling to the ground.

not, is all that goes through the mind of Jim while firing stun rays Ortega, until one gives in some internal circuitry and the captain falls. Make sure you do not have knowledge before plunging into Spock.

has been shot in the left side, but seems to be the major hit that has been falling on the table controls, a trickle of blood down his stomach.

"I'll be good, Jim says, and not the vain hope ofdying, but the logic proven he knows the facts and the inevitable consequences that follow from them. Kirk let out a long sigh of relief. There is no internal organ damage. Vulcan wounds close quickly. I calculated all the risks and likely to receive the shot at the best angle ...
Kirk laughs softly, and hold it firmly with one hand Spock, while the other opens his communicator. -Doctor McCoy, what we need in the transporter room.

Spock complains in a very little Vulcan, saying that it is able to walk to the infirmary, Jim makes

Reviews On Boler Trailers

Then came the big day! * Nervous *

iz fic Title: Which are made children
Vulcans Author Name: [info] ronnachu
artists Name: [info] denisitap and [info] criandomalvas
beta Name: [info] criandomalvas
Genre: Slash
Numberor the coast, and maybe Kirk missing many things, but pride is a long time, so he prefers that the doctor does not have an excuse to rub all over his face.
not be ashamed. That embarrassment is a concept that has never penetrating his brain. Nor is it the first time a guy is attracted. Or a non-human species, indeed. Used to say that the limit was in the humanoids, before ... well, that night he got drunk just over the account. Now philosophy (also if you drink more than the account) saying that it is not possible to have limits, because the fact that there is an excuse so buminutes and not move an eyelash. " Kirk Spock's voice mimics mentally. Fatal, because suddenly Spock have in your head cock little girl voice, so maybe not very good imitator. "Oh, I'm brilliant, logical and I have pointy ears, but I only sleep with people they know hundred languages logical because it's logical." Kirk tomb king. Replace the parts in place, and moves a pawn.
- Is there any news of the USS Andromeda, Captain?
-Llegarána this area in 36 hours to initiate the exchange of goods. "I have heard they are developing the next generation of androids.
"Yes, should be interesting. I was thinking of asking the Captain Ortega, an old friend, let us take a look. Join if you're interested. Uhura want to see communications facilities, Spock squinting to focus on a movement. "No doubt that Lieutenant Uhura greatly enjoy the experience," Spock observed him make a move, and wait patiently for a few seconds. Kirk asks him to look. "I can suppose, captain, who has not realized just made check? CHTMLUhura gives him a questioning look. Then seems to remember who is their captain, looks back to the book. Kirk take that as permission to walk around the room and explore. He approached the shelf, where almost all books are written in languages that do not know. Also having hands. He sits beside her on the bed and takes a look at the cover. [info] "That's Vulcan, right? "Yes," she said. How do you know? "Kirk shrugs. -The font is similar to how you write, Mr. Spock & nsa stage ... Kirk has not told anybody, because Spock is not a long list of achievements throughout his life, that of which usually show off in a bar. With he thinks things have not thought to anyone, as when he writes a bit biting her lower lip, "or" I wonder what is your first thought in the morning ", or "If I give him a chance this genocidal Romulan, Spock will be proud of me."
"I've done. I do not want your
sneak into bed. Uhura raises many eyebrows and laughs. Open your mouth to speak, and then againlaugh. The whore. The worst thing is that until now had not seen her laugh like that. I feel good, laugh. Another who knows not much damage it would do from time to time. "Go, go, go. I thought there had not recently seen any girl crying in the halls. [info] "And you're interested keep it that way, right? Less problems, more proud to belong to your gender. So, come, out with. I want information. What happened? - What if you say you do not have a single opportunity? "I'll tell you underestimate me. And I will invent a chance, you know I can. But I'm not going to say that, "Uhura smiled, shaking her head as if not believing. -No. Say ... would not be entirely misplaced. - Ja! I knew it! -Kirk gets up and does a dance of joy, under the disapproving eye of his communications officer. "The problem is that ... well, it Vulcan.
- Hala! Really?, I never would have said. "Shut up. It's Vulcan, and growth & iacute, we could overcome that, but ... It has been brought up in an environment where feelings are frowned upon, right? Ashamed of his emotions. Most of the bill, because it is part human, and must strive to maintain control. No one likes to feel ... vulnerable.
Kirk thought aloud. Sex must be horrible Uhura the unexpected smile seemed to agree, but the girl did not comment. "Perhaps you are different. What you need is faith in the other person. And you have something ... He trusts in you. I think it's relationshiponed with Spock in the future. Kirk

hardly listening. It gives you a kiss on the cheek, which she tries to avoid, and trying not to give out too many jumps. Once outside, he stops and turns back.

-Pst. Uhura. Hey. Want to give a punch on your part? I can do it. Seriously, "she laughs, and turning a page of his book.

"Jim, go for a while to pretend to be a responsible adult, do you want?

# # #

"Ah," says Delta VII Bones, entering the break room holding a bottle beforeand, the walls of the ship-from planet to planet and visit your beloved. What do you say, captain? Who misses you?

"All my family is in the Enterprise, Scotty.

- That's the spirit! As for myself, my family is

the Enterprise.

"I do not know what you do when you're alone with her in the engine room, Scotty, Bones laughs at his own joke. As for you, Jimmy, take care of your family very badly. For at least half Diaye not staying to visit the doctor and share your medicinea.
Spock looked up from the community that was repaired. Or destroying, viz. Kirk saw only their fingers out and get things.
said "I hope that's a joke, Dr. McCoy. I hope that the ship is in good hands, and Captain Kirk continue proving to be an efficient candidate ...

"Easy, man, I'm not drunk at the boy interrupted Bones, with a thunderous laughter. Kirk feels like to kill him. At least, not as my life depends on it.

- What about your family, Spock? Where est á is placing the Vulcans?

-Sector Gamma II, Captain. There is a small planet of favorable conditions that we have begun to rebuild our schools to know. The practical nature of my species makes it capable of rapid adaptation any means, no doubt soon be back in the middle of progress.

-will, if that. You are light-years of their new home, including a gang of human-stressed Bones.

"Oh, but I'm there, Dr. McCoy," said Spock, watching Kirk and imperceptibly softening the gesture. Adem & amp; aacute; s, let me feel like part of my kind ... especially knowing my active cooperation in the rescue of the current population.

- Do you consider humans as well as Vulcan, Mr. Spock? Chekov asked, making frowning slightly.

"Obviously, my habits are educacióny Vulcan, as well as much of my worldview. However, I feel at peace with the excess of emotion that comes to me because of my human ancestry, and that I must channel to avoid breaking a delicate balance ... Yet again fi-Kirk jar in sight, watching him intently, "is a complex issue, and as such do not consider suitable for this moment and this place, officer.

Kirk Spock thought on the other, and how his actions were something more ... human. He wondered whether the struggle between the two sides had been different, or had gone through the same stages as the Spock before him. If you grew up trying to control his human side and was ultimately defeated by it. If something-someone-had contributed to that process.

"The only thing I know," Scotty said, hoisting a beer, is that if you areand type suffers from an excess of improper emotions of its kind, I do not know most Vulcans. Kirk

provided for that.

# # #

sometimes calls him Jim.

consciously with deliberate calm that characterized his thinking process.

Jim, he says, according to my calculations, the most efficient solution is a slow approach to the subject unidentifiable, with a quarter of the energy concentrated in the forward engine.

What does it on purpose, that is sure Kirk, but may not be aware of how those three letters haccentuated it all pause for a moment, and feel like a hug.

have the feeling, since he talked to the Spock of the future, there's something between them not quite hold. At the ice cave, Spock abrzó and said "Jim" voice warm, as if time had been separated that I had not counted on the logical unit of time determined by Starfleet, but beats .

When Spock, wrinkle-free skin and eyes begin to acquire the wisdom of the world, says "Jim", the captain of the USS Enterprise is lost for a moment the possibilities of an unwritten future that they choose and poDria-or not resemble the one that already existed and in which Spock and he had something.

probably does favor of interpersonal relations techniques. Because it is closer to its arguments, and helps convince the interlocutor. It probably takes all the world and not realize that, without ceasing to be the most honest person that Kirk has been crossed in his life, is cheating.

Jim says, and putting his hand on the captain's chair. Without actually touching her shoulder, but ii> almost, "you go to sleep for a couple of hours. Here's all under control. CHT
MLXC While leaving the bridge, it is sitting in his chair to take his place, with an expression of calm dignity. Or so it seems, although he probably invented the expression of Spock because sometimes swear that they are all the same. Is invaded by a foolish pride to see them together, fused at its best, to go where no man has gone before.

Spock and the Enterprise.

# # #

McCoy believes that something happens. Of course, as the undisputed professional he is, he is in possession of irrefutable arguments that confirm their diagnosis.

"You have not come to the celebrationMedicare will confirm the good that is.

# # #

Spock stares at the monitor, without changing his expression, and Kirk almost see the thoughts walking one after another after your eyes, in an orderly and regular. All others have already left the meeting room, so back down in his chair and waits patiently for the official first say what you have to say.

Or at least, everything can wait patiently for Jim Kirk.

- Any problem, Mr. Spock? -The aforementioned looks up at him, almost annoyed. CPERFORMING files. I know him well, a little gizmo with these things, "Spock tilted his head slightly.
"Humans beings you are certainly very curious.

"Oh, do not start with those, Spock. No big deal.

- What do you mean?

"Always try to distance yourself from us and pretend all superior.

-Si suggests that human disown me ...

"Well, obviously my skills of deduction are simply human

, but just say that sometimes it seems. I mean, you talk of logic as the best there is, and I enorgulleces of that green stuff you run through your veins and your pointy ears. As if man were something that had to be ashamed.

"I do not consider it that way at all, and I apologize if I've ever had a patronizing behavior. However, I think it is respectable my pride in belonging to the Vulcan race, which now must be recognized even more than usual, because of their delicate situation.


- What?

-Belong ... "Kirk decided to close the mouth. Rises from his chair position the table and gives a couplesteps without any direction. Spock, do you think of emotions as a human failing?

"Absolutely. I find a distinguishing characteristic and determines the general trend of a species, as respectable as any other.

"I do not mean.

- What do you mean, Captain? Kirk

no one really knows. Gives back to Spock as confusion seems to increase at times, mixed with a twinkle in his eyes that Jim called curiosity, if I had to put a name. Not to be giving names to shine in the eyes of Spock. It rests on the wall side, clasping his hands to the espalda. Then you realize that the position reminds Spock, and for some reason that pisses him. It goes to the table and it supports both arms, staring at his first officer.

"He ... you, the you of the cave, made me this fusion of minds, Spock raises one eyebrow, clearly wondering where this is headed. He said the transfer was a result of emotional and taught me ... "close your eyes a moment, remembering the intensity of those images. When Vulcan was destroyed, he was seeing.

"I know &; Ndash; Spock nods, no sign of talking about something deeper than the taste of tea replicated.
And ... you ... he felt, so hard that I almost ... "swallows. Spock, if you now your mind merged with mine, you would notice that?
Spock raises many eyebrows in surprise.

"Captain, I do not understand. The merging of minds is a technique that, if performed with consent conditions, can give access to more sections of the intentional consciousness. Converts it be done in athe vulcano curve lips. Probably, a human would be laughing out loud instead.

"He wants to know if I feel friendship for you," Jim keeps the mouth open, torn between irritation, distraction indignacióny he exerted on those lips full of fun n-. How funny. How do you intend not to attempt to study humans? In the end, what you seek is always the affirmation of your feelings ... and how. Fascinating.

"He said he had always been my friend. That always would be & amp; ndash; Kirk child feel stupid, like when I was críoy fell out of the plastic bikes the fairs that took her mother's boyfriend turn. But since you got here, do not plan to back down. But he was someone else. Is not that right?

"Yes, I've noticed. He has further developed its human side. We ascribe to the time spent in the Enterprise, and his relationship with them. - Does it seem wrong?

Spock thinks for a moment.

-No. An option that has always been there for me. Butar smile from ear to ear. It has the feeling that this is an important moment, something that could change things, but not quite sure where things will hereafter. This moment could be ...

- captain is required on the bridge a loudspeaker announces -close, and Jim gives a leap. For a moment he refuses to accept that things go with it, accept that the environment has changed.

-Jim-speaking Spock, staring at him as if he believes he's sick, "you are aware that the captainare you, right?

Sometimes you feel like pulling the plate down and trample. Sigh.

"I am. Both

leave the meeting room and the door closes behind them.

# # #

calls him "Captain Sulu from his post, as set foot on the bridge.

- How is the transfer of material?

"We're ready to go.

"The captain of the Andromeda just contact us," Uhura reported.

-Open line. CHTM
LXC "Yes, sir.

The front screen shows the image of a bridge-like configuration of the Enterprise. Sitting in the captain's chair is a big dark man, smiling broadly on receipt of the connection.
- James, boy! Can I know who came up with the fantastic idea of naming captain? What have you already loaded?
"It seems that the time has behaved to you, Diego. I feel good yellow.

"Not as much as you love your accent, open vowels and consonants simplified, with* Language * marked by the accent of southern Spain. James, I tell you one thing. Head over here, I'll make a tour of the ship while making the exchange of goods. We have much to talk about, I still have not welcomed this to save the Earth.

Kirk is not sure he wanted to be congratulated. Every time someone does, feel like screaming that six billion Vulcans have died on the same mission. Keeps smiling.

"Sure, count on it. Do not you care to take me a couple of officers? You have created some interest with the technological advances of the Andromeda.

-Oh &; Ndash, Captain Ortega does not bother too much to hide his lack of enthusiasm. Of course, bring whoever you want. "There'll

. Kirk out.

The display returns to the landscape before the ship crashed, and the activity in the bridge returns to its normal volume.

-Uhura, I guess you join, right?


- Spock?

"Captain, I understand that is not overly concerned about the regulations, and no hassling ground in terms of safety. However, in this case does not consider it appropriate that both the captain and the first orHTMLXC - Why we do not have that, Spock?

Captain ...

- In the boardroom table are always marks! What do you say, Uhura? Uhura
ignores him. Diego laughs showing his perfect teeth - bleached
think Kirk;
before was not as bright
- and keep talking.

"As you can see, the androids are perfectly integrated into the crew, and up to 30%. It is difficult at present to distinguish the human personnel.

"Nonsense," says Kirk, which is having a great time to visit. Official! -Asian features a girl stops to attend. What is the square root of Pi?

"Well ..." One seventy-something?

- See? Human-Kirk turned to his companions with a proud smile. Thank you very much, official-looking card-Sato.

She walks away looking back, with a slight smile, before the guffaws of his captain.

- Do not you think, Captain Spock asks, "that the impamp; hellip, three or four months, I would say Spock nods and cocks her head at the same time. Imitate Kirk and Uhura is given a nudge.

"I'd like to know the procedures.

"No doubt, no doubt, arrive. For now, I think this may interest Miss Uhura: our panel of communications.

carefully observed the aforementioned holograms, and was soon involved in a conversation with the communications officer of the ship, which only seemed to meet with interest Spock.

-James, "said Ortega," why do not you qu

- When it is most vulnerable, Mr. Spock, Kirk asked, half smiling, "that when you sleep? If you trust someone enough to lose consciousness in his presence is a sign that it fears, is not it?

"I see, Spock seems to be a curious concept. Jim made a mental note to ask the customs Uhura about Vulcan, Spock imagine trying to sleep. Try to remember, but it seems that she has never seen. Still, it seems entirely appropriate, taking our quarters at such a short distance.
"As you wish – Kirk takes the intercom. Kirk to Enterprise, respond.
The connection is somewhat slower than normal.

"Here the first officer Chekov.

-in functions.

- Pardon? Prime

official functions, Chekov.

"Oh, yes, of course, Mr. Kirk.

"We're ready to be transported across the communicator will hear an interrupted conversation.

"I fear that our carriers are experiencing temporary problems, sir. Give us a couple of hoursomenta rest, Captain.

"Easy, I was not sleeping. Go ahead.

The Vulcan goes into his chambers with his hands clasped behind his back, casting a curious glance all around him. Jim watches him closely, as always accustomed to the fascination of all scientific officer on the scene unknown. Most are disappointed that this time the unknown is the guest room of a foreign ship, and not Jim's room.

"There are three issues that concern me, Captain.

- Three? Only? He understood that his brain was something m & aaHTMLXC "No, I did not, because my second concern. You, sir, just called "Scotty" Scott officer.

"Well, everybody does.

"Exactly. Chekov did not. This, along with other irregularities in the behavior leads me to believe that either has an ulterior motive for this change, or there were problems of unknown origin in the nave.

'I think that's taking things a little crazy ... Chekov has a day full of emotions, you know. However, being aware of when we can return to the ship. What about the third question? CHT
emotions do not match our words?

Spock's gaze becomes warning for a second, before returning to the bewilderment. "I've noticed, but do not understand. For what purpose do something so illogical? Kirk is still smiling, if so, soon it will hurt your mouth.

"There are many reasons why the human mind or alter the truth. May be of interest, respect, compassion, or love, "Jim's expression softened a little. Normally, as you well have said, just trying to assert itself in our feelings.

& ndash; Fascinating, "Spock murmured and stood still, thinking hard. Kirk sighs.

"Sit down, Spock. I bring you a drink.

"Thanks, captain, you know I do not drink. In addition, I would not dwell on the disruption of their sleep. Jim

ignores while serving a glass of wine and another of water, and then sits back down on the bed, pushing down with him.

-Nonsense. Extremely hard for me to sleep if I'm not the Enterprise, so you're not interrupting anything.

Spock seems surprised at this.

& ndash; What on Earth? I guess you'll sleep well at home.

The last time Jim took a holiday to go home to his mother, not his, "a couple of days, spent half an hour with her before the climb tone . Probably stems from two-legged pig with which she was out, finished, as usual, leading to George Kirk. The rest of the permit is passed from bar to bar, motel and motel. Not exactly sleeping.

"Especially when I'm in the land, Mr. Spock.

The volcano is silent for a moment, thinking. He drinks waters with his hand out into the void, "and Jim is going to comfort him. The human way. The way he knows.

When you kiss, Spock is very quiet. Very, very quiet.

When a volcano is quiet, completely still. Air enters and leaves your nose, but his chest is not moving. Jim feels as if you were kissing a statue, despite the heat from the body of Spock. Panic soon spread through his veins like an adrenaline rush, and thoughts follow one another almost before their eyes.

Shit, shit, shit.

You are an asshole, what the hell est &; Aacute; s thinking, so asshole. It's a fucking volcano, what you do, what you do.

The bastard does not move.

Same is the Vulcan to say that you like. Course, then sex will be a shit.

Damn, damn, damn.

Move, pointy-eared bastard bastard.

The bastard is moving just as Kirk is about to depart and plead insanity -
no, Spock, you see, human blood circulates faster than the Vulcan, and alcohol This vessel is seen to have something weird that I have been gone to his head and, well, you know, cultural differences
& ndash;. It moves very slowly, but it moves. Responds to the kiss, and return, only his lips. Jim n need more, do not try more. Raises a hand and places,
on the neck of another, getting used to your body temperature, patient to move his way to the light green color of your cheeks does not indicate who is about to vomit .

is Spock who seek to deepen the contact, leaving him quite surprised. Is Spock who gets to explore, in detail, as well as exploring the unknown vessel. Sections and in alphabetical order, but with language. However, keep your hands where they are protected by the right of Jim, which moves the thumb on ellace.

When breaking contact, all I feel Jim is that your skin takes up very little land. Not enough to want to explore and Spock. Definitely not enough to store everything within.

The volcano rises slowly, letting the cold hands, spreading her legs in front of him eternal. From above, from three Himalayan top of each other which means the height of Spock, "I run a deep look intense. It does not seem worried. Hard to tell, but Kirk believes it does not seem remorseful. Only intense.

"Good night, Jim. might say that
joke or good evening, Vulcan
. Could ask him to stay, and is pretty sure he would find some way to convince him. There seems little point in separate sleeping areas, if you know that either goes to sleep.

does not. Three reasons have less-logical-maso.

One is Uhura's words, which resonate in the head.
is ashamed of his emotions. Vulnerable. Do not push.
Slowly. Just checked that Spock needed. Perhaps to analyze their own actions, step by step, and be absolutely sure they are correct.

The second is that, hell, for aa time in your life feel like
go slow. It has always been the type of "ya, I want it now, I have already " and now suddenly is Spock, which is an alien who is ashamed of feeling things and loses sleep thinking of his dead mother. Do not want to go as usual. Want to feel like a teenager in love for the first time, to know step by step, find out.

The third is somewhat absurd, and it has to do with the Enterprise. How you feel about that pile of junk is more intense than it had with most of his girlfriends. And know that wherever or whatever, what happens between Spock and he has to go inside the USS Enterprise.

"Good night, Spock.

# # #

artificial Morning Andromeda slips through the cracks of the door just minutes before the open Uhura.

"I'm afraid you arrive a little late, baby, I'm not the early morning. But back in a couple hours, eh?

"Captain, she ignores him, his voice clear and calm that emergency reserve," I'm afraid something is going on the Enterprise-Jim flirting discarded immediately, and away from the window I was leaning to look closely. I woke up suddenly,yes I have gone to the communications panel and I've been checking the readings of the receivers. There is a distress call from a storage cabin of our ship. The communicator is not official, but the security code is Scotty, could have handled some other device to try to communicate with us.

- Three hours, you say?

Uhura nods.

"The message had been encrypted receipt. It has cost me enough to beat the system.

"Well done. Go to warn Spock, to come here immediately.

two minutes in the peak that Jim is left alone in the ROOMpo, without of course I do understand it better or because the muscles do not obey him and have no other option.

- What are our options?

-Continue to try to contact the Enterprise, with a seven point three percent chance of success. The questioning of an officer of the Andromeda, with sixty-seven percent. Living in their room conveyors and return to our ship: Forty-eight percent, with a margin of error depending on your security measures. Captain Deal: twenty-seven point four percent.

"Okay," Kirk mentally reviewed the situation, organizing and unloadingTando speed action plans, while Spock's eyes follow him intently. Uhura, try to return the signal and connect with Scotty. Camouflage emissions as much as possible. If you get nothing, get to the transporter room and see if we can return to the ship, "the girl nods and walks away with diligence, throwing one last look of concern. Spock with me. Let's find out what is happening. Both

out and walk the halls, mostly desert in this area of the ship.

"Hey. Spock.

- Is it a matter related to the emergency situation thatstands before us?

"No, but ...

" Not the time nor the place, Captain.

Spock agile steps resonate with empty walls, giving rhythm to the movement. Kirk feels tense until they begin to meet people, and does not regret too the opportunity when a transport officer sneaks into an empty corridor, alone.

The first punch that mass he hurts another. Kirk manages to wrestle until pinned against a wall, and offer it to Spock which ritual sacrifice. However, when the science officer searches his neck, pressing the key pointshe lost consciousness, the other not only falls, but turns against the subject of Jim until he gets released and kick him in the stomach. It folds in half with a groan of pain, is immobilized while the other two are engaged in a fight agile and quick he can barely continue.

When it gets up, takes the confusion following a coup d'Spock to come back into the fight. His enemy grabs his shirt and hits the wall, but Kirk opens a closet door close and gives a blow to the head. As he fell, the officer gets half of his shirt, gripping tightly even lose consciousness. Kirk and Spock

intercTues Answer to all that ask. "Great

Kirk smiles, squatting to look closely at the android. Not likely at all, now that the cables are hidden behind the face, and yet there is something disturbing when she speaks without opening his eyes and no expression in his voice. Who are you?

-Official-294 Gamma, lieutenant specializing in personal and goods transport.

- What is your current mission?

-Transmission of information.

- And the last?
&; Ndash; report on the progress of defensive capacity of the USS Enterprise. Kirk exchanged a worried look with Spock.

- Why? Growled through clenched teeth.

-There's a reason, I have been programmed to follow

Orde ... "No, no. Why are studying the defenses of my ship?

"I have no such information.

- What is the plan for the Enterprise?

"I have no such information. - What information &; Oacute n you have about it? -Spacecraft United Federation of Planets; identification code NCC-1701 ...

-Spock, "I can punch him?

"That, sir, would be illogical.

- I can give it to you?

The Vulcan merely raise an eyebrow and approximated the android, crouching in a pose that should not seem so natural.

-Gazette, played in reverse it has received orders to date, and its issuer.

-Official Delta-172: ieport on the defensive capacity of the USS Enterprise. Delta-054 Official: Control routine operation of the conveyors. Official Alfa-203: Transport of androids on board the USS Enter ...

- How many androids? Kirk interrupts, looking at Spock.

"Fifty-seven in the first run.

- And in total?

"Two hundred thirty-one.

- two hundred ...? -Kirk gets up to walk quickly from side to side, messy hair. How many androids are on this ship? Six hundred and forty-