Monday, July 12, 2010

Pattycakeonline Last Pic BR: Oh yes because yes [02/03]

"Oh, really? "Tom opened his eyes to feign great interest that was lacking, while containing the urge to cover his mouth with his hand and yawned like a lion in the bush after having eaten half a ton of food . To assist in the work, took the small glass of tequila on the table and drank a sip their content. The strong taste and burning sensation in the throat, gave him the strength not to fall asleep from boredom.
-Yes! It sounds incredible, pero it's true, "he assured the man, with his most seductive smile.
"Or so he thinks it is & Raquelute, to whom he spoke. Ok, and then ... Tom
air breathed deep, quietly shifting the eyes of 'his friend' and scanning the crowd as unobtrusively as possible in search of a certain person ...
That he was at a party Ersguterjunge could not be a coincidence, certainly was not, even though the invitation had come in the name of Bill Kaulitz through formal and serious.
At first, convince Bill had been a nightmare. The smaller of the twins, still bitter about the incident last year where Bush had asked for oral sex on TVopen view and nationally, refused to confirm attendance.
- And say that you can put your invitation which suits you best! "I had broken out in the end, her eyes wide and voice scream.
Throughout the period of their tantrum, Tom remained silent and musing to herself the possibility that this invitation had with him implicitly. Even after a year, Tom wanted to see Bush. Perhaps because of the taste, perhaps because it did not consider finished hunting prey but until it reached the end. Whateverit was, one thing was certain: I wanted to go and go, either with or without Bill. The rest fall under its own weight in some way or another. After all, what he succeeded Tom proposed. You and I Could write a bad romance -Uhuh, so Yorre svit-dragged the man's words, based drinks drunk little loaded, but excessive in amount, just two hours after that Tom was with him. His English left much to be desired, but Tom was not one to judge him for it. Having moved to a far corner of the bar to a table escondida circulate in the back of the room, Tom regretted having accepted. From the beginning he had been sure he was not going to go to bed with Sven, who was named as his companion. Convinced that after a couple of free drinks are going to get rid of it at every opportunity, without any regard as so many others before him, Tom had delayed the moment of departure ( or rather disappearance) to the point it was impossible. Cornered
against the wall and holding him by both wrists Sven, he wondered if it really would not have made a mistake he would regret. D &
nte that nickname. He hated when they got to call him with affectionate nicknames when all I wanted, and they knew it was going to bed with someone. Stop Being a frigid bitch. Tom
contracted the right to make a fist, but before they can use against Sven, it's body away from yours and the compressive force on their wrists disappeared. "Look who's the damsel in distress," Bush said sarcastically, holding Sven's shoulder hard enough to make you wince outline. Tom snorted indignantly. "I'm no damsel, knight pacotilthe.
"So I looked from the other side of the room, shrugged his shoulders rapper, releasing and pushing away Sven. Get out of here or I will call him away to safety, like a sack of manure. Looking
staggered away from the edge of the dance steps, Tom let out a sigh that was intended to be of annoyance and relief proved.
"Thanks, I guess, Bush looked into his eyes, challenging him to be the first to look away. To his surprise, the rapper returned not only action, but took a seat at his side and pas & oacute; his arm around her shoulders.
Ah, the wonders of those seats without separations.
- What about your brother? "Asked the rapper even without flash. Tom
pouted. "I thought it was me who wanted to see. You know, false blinked coquettishly, "the invitation said explicitly" Bill Kaulitz. " Do not think it was my sister who wanted to hang out. Cut roll-
Bushido growled, approaching a little use whatever Tom. Your small mindwhite anger cost me more than you think.
- Really? "Tom shook in place, away from the embrace of Bushido and feigning disinterest. Well, I care nothing.
"You lie with all the teeth ... Back-Bushido grabbed the elder of the twins by the chin, using a little more force than initially intended. But I do not care. It is nonsense to patch invite you, or did I came here ...
-Claaaro "said Tom, to act out his tongue and continued to wet her lower lip. & Iquash;. Seriously, bravuconeó, "I challenge you to do it without breaking my fist in your face ...
Bushido waited less than a second to reduce the gap between their mouths and plant their lips against Tom in quick action without much forethought. Holding the teenager by the neck and one hand around his neck with possession, opened her lips and used her tongue to go with her inside the mouth of Tom.
He was surprised at first that his bravado would have been, closed his eyes and was instantly swept away by an accumulation of sensations ranging from mint flavor boca rapper until he began to feel pressure in your pants after a few moments. "Ah-h
gasped in the middle of the kiss, when the hand holding her neck, closed a little over what he considered safe. "Shit
Bushido away suddenly feeling the bite on his lower lip, sharper than they had expected to use his tongue to touch those teeth. Tom
eyes glared with dilated pupils. "Idiot," he muttered.
The rapper put his hand to his mouth carefully, using the fingertips to scroll through the edge of his lips and find h & a
-Tom Kaulitz, I want you to explain this, burst open the door of his room on the frame and holding a bouquet of red roses look pretty flashy and expensive, Bill and his temper.
-Nice gift, "murmured the elder of the twins, giving a half turn and trying to catch up on sleep. Bella
fantasy, because less than a second later, that class was hit hard against your body.
- Biiill! Tom yelled in surprise, trying to sit up in bed despite the repeated blows of the victim was helpless.
-Nothing 'Biii; To die, Bill confronted him.
-Joderrr-dragged Tom's last letter to pasty tongue. Stooping to pick up the keys to the floor that had fallen by the shock of finding his sister at his watch, consulted four o'clock, stumbled a bit against the door of his department. Ops, I think I'm a bit ... happy, that; felizzz ...
-Drunk, I would say Bill drummed his fingers against his arm and then sigh and take the remote control was on his lap. Tom, we need to talk ...
The elder of the twins Lloriinterlock. - Do you have to be today? Because I have a migraine ...
"Yes, today, Bill stood up, stretching his arms above his head and in the process raising the little shirt that kept since childhood above the belly pale. He left overlooked as Tom's eyes were focused right in the center of his belly button and it gave him courage to continue. Ven.
As a faithful dog, Tom followed his sister through the dark apartment until both were in the dark and quiet room Bill. Just shut the door, Tom was found with his back against the wall and his sister a few cents & iacutesitara.
"No, seriously Bill, what? "He said his jaw tense.
-I-hit Bill's chest against his twin-have sex with you. If you go out to find what home five nights per week, then ...
- NO! "Cried Tom, extremely frustrated. Pushing Bill to have turned him against the back wall and bound by the wrists to the height of the arms. No, I refuse. You're talking nonsense.
"The nonsense that says you," whispered Bill. You're drunk, do not know what quLXC The elder of the twins let out a hoarse "yes.
- You swear by the most sacred thing, for me, that before doing anything recapacitarásy volverása me?
"I swear," said Tom in all seriousness, incapable of taking a Bill lying so close, the hair is creating a halo around the two words and encapsulating both radiated heat.
- Even though it is Bushido?
As answer, Tom Bill rolled on his back and proceeded to use his newly acquired privilege, his oath yet, forgotten. CH


Denistry Cover Letter

Monday, July 5, 2010

Bloody Nose More Condition_symptoms

By little without updating due to a faulty transformer x_x

Fanfic: At thirteen. Chap
: Degree of separation. [03/06?]
Fandom: RPS. Musicians. Tokio Hotel.
Category: Slash.
Genre: Drama. Romance.
Warnings: Adult Language. Twincest.
Disclaimer: To my knowledge, has not happened.
Abstract: [Tokio Hotel | | Twincest] Return to the starting point, choose what you really want.
Link to: Slasheaven . | | Love-Yaoi . Author
Notes: Continuation of the fic and now I will predict that week. I have to say that I thought I wouldcost a lot to write back (I ate stress the desire and the imagination to do it) but everything was easy as always. My best therapy is always the form sentences and storytelling.
And speaking of the chap ... the drama begins, once enriele all I have in mind, write to have episodes of excess and thus not leave anyone out of date until January next year. Notes

apart: Working in other fics, "BR: Oh yes because" between them. A one-shot in mind, too, GXG as long I do not write about it and miss.

B & am