Monday, December 27, 2010

Kidney Cancer More Condition_treatment

Christian Kane
Spain: your place in English on CK. CK about your place in English!

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Are Flavor Metal Cores Good

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Next Car Auction In Canton Ohio Demand Christian Kane en Madrid

Well I happened to inform you that we perform a concert of Christian Kane in Madrid, regardless of the Rising or any convention, something more unique to your art ^ ^
found on his myspace site where fans could sue sites where they would like to touch him. Then create one for MADRID (since it is central and has good places to live and play music that may be available to all.)
do not know if I like them all, but hey I inform you that you may know, paseis voteis and who believe that they would be cool the idea.
A friend contacted the agent and he told her that until they got at least 90 votes would not move to más.Que once there, be room

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Travestis En San Antonio Texas The untitled project Jared Padalecki (9 / 10)

to assist you.

Jensen nods and carefully lifted the chair, too low, feeling the bruises which he had happily forgotten again be noted. He makes a face when the girl comes to the door. "We see the other side, I hope, he says, putting his hand on the knob. She smiles, compassionate, and his eyes are caught in the Cardinals starting to bruise on his right cheek before Jensen from the office. Mark
looks at him, impassive, and covers the damage to the eyes for a moment before making a serious gesture towards the chair opposite his desk. "Sit down," he says, and his tone is clear the order. Obeys Jensen, tense, carefully, and try notchándose forward to support his strong arms on the desk and Jensen study with intense eyes, "is not why you're here. That would have told you over the phone without problems.
Jensen look-a tense pallor of his broad face and the blush that threatened to go for his neck, her shoulders stiff and decides he really does not want to know. "Jared says he goes. Jensen presses her lips tight and not say anything at first. The traffic was still off the wide glass, the sun still shining faintly, and Mark's eyes are burning with anger. Jensen takes a deep breath. [info] - Oh? "Yes, oh repeats Mark, violence contained in voz, and leans more on the table as if to stretch across the desk and grab the throat Jensen. And do not think it's a very risky assumption to assume that you are directly responsible for that decision.
"Actually," Jensen says, and smiles, tense and serious. Revenge is insignificant, but it does feel good, "I would blame your damn contract. Mark it is looking up to correspond to your smile, yours is only slightly larger, with more teeth to the eye.
"At this point, he says, the distinction matters very little. You'll still be in charge of bringing back into the fold, no matter what.
Jensen snorts and shakeshead. "No, I think not. Mark is silent a moment, just looking at him, then shrugs carelessly, a gesture that is out of place with his starched shirt and his suit pressed. [info] "That is bad news," says Jensen, with a hint unpleasant voice, because unfortunately means you will not see any of your money for a long time. is a blatant threat, and Jensen is still for several beats as is hanging in the air between them. "It was I who backed out," he says, carefully, feeling the cold consumes your stomach because there is no way I can afford not to be paid for the months alreadyinvested in this film.
is my money and I have fulfilled all the requirements that I put damn. Not my fault if Jared scares ... "I think that my legal team can make this a pretty good case," says Mark, cutting it with indifference. Surely you would get in the end, but is so wrapped up in legal proceedings that could take years. And also should take into account the legal fees. You get the idea, I'm sure. "Son of a bitch," says Jensen, and rises, just feeling the pull of muscles hurt from how angry he is.

need that money. "I know, and this is nothing personal, Jensen, believe me," says Mark coldlyi go to bed with him.
Jensen's jaw snaps with anger, and even find the words.
"Fuck you," he says finally. You can find you another fucking servant. "Do not expect an answer when he turns around and leaves the office without even looking at the nice secretary when she walks past. ~
When I called Chris later that day to see how it went the meeting, Jensen let it be he who speaks most of the time.
So that bastard took away the pay, eh?
Putos corporate bastards. I guess the fact that it was Jared ... nah. The next time you see it, you can bet your ass to quemotion and drink Dave ... Dave you doing ... What you said, that I will quit. That's a lie, Jen. Lie, okay, 'cause you ... you first left me, Jen. You first. And I never ... I would not have done. He stays silent for a moment Jensen eternal and can not breathe. I hate
, Jared says sadly, and it sounds as if you really want to say just that. Damn, I hate you so much, Jen. And sometimes ...
Exhale loudly into the microphone, sometimes wish I've known . Sounds small and insecure and there is an awkward pause before the line cut.

Jensen sits motionless, and listen to the prerecorded mechanical voice telling you that no newnephew and keeps growing belly with her sister in mind, out of sight but not out of reach. Search blindly until your fingers come into contact with the still new and lower bound the book, holding it without much force against his stomach while carefully place the Scots on the carpet and wall collapses at his side, just feeling the complaints his stripes through immunizing warmth of alcohol.
The cover Jared's face is free. Her smile is as wide as ever, shining white with brown skin and moles that had not yet tried the airbrush. It's a good picture, natural, happy, and Jared Jensen had not seen for more than a year when it was taken. That looks good toera. Jared is staring at him, and Jensen looks away, feeling the heat that rises through the neck. I'll change. " Top
, it takes too long to put on some jeans and a shirt. Jared heard rummaging through the drawers under the floor, hear his footsteps on the linoleum and every sound your stomach taut nerves. Look in the bathroom mirror, water is poured over his face and passed a hand through his hair wet, hoping to wash it. Then dry hands in the back of his jeans, close your eyes and ordered not to collapse, before turning the doorknob and slowly down the stairs. Jared is sitting at the kitchen table, both hands wrapped around one of the cups and making it seem d Jenseniminuta. Looking thoughtfully at the left corner of the room, where humidity wallpaper is not entirely hidden by a tribute to Michelangelo, as did Chris sculpture made out of cans. Jensen stands in the doorway and painfully reminded of exactly why Jared did not want to see your home.
tiles creak under her bare feet, and Jared turns his head.

"Hey," he says softly. I've prepared more coffee. -Nod to the steaming cup that faces it, and Jensen realizes he has left his top. As you like.

Jensen nods and goes, tense. Take the chair back and sits, uncomfortable and unsure of what to do with your hands. After a moment, imita Jared and placed around the hot ceramic. Remain silent.

"Well, Jared speaks, at last. Today I went to see Finnburg.

His voice is calm and serene, and if you did not know Jared as well as he knows, he might have thought that nothing was wrong. Jensen purses his lips and nods, not looking into his eyes.

- How do you ...?

-Chris has called me. Jared pauses, to allow process information. Has told me everything.

Jensen stares at his own hands, absently, and then rises from the table, with a grin on his face pretending to be a smile.

- Want a little more milk with that? She asks, getting up too fastgives very screwed up and if you think you want that ... I wanted to hide ...
I swear I did not know.

Jensen holds on to the top with white-knuckled hands, even with sink scratches on the face of Jared.

"I know, says softly. I know. I never thought you could be aware.

Jared sighs heavily and left hand on the counter when it yields a bit, as if the relief was too. Your thumb is warm in the place where it rests on a wound Jensen, and it does not deviate.

After a moment, Jared returns to talk in a hoarse voice

"I've recovered your money. Everything.

"I have not asked you to.
tia ", as I expected you to say. That would have been enough ... Even together, you know? Just as friends. Could have endured it. But it just seemed that you wanted to vomit every time I looked. Jensen Jared feels as if it were falling apart, piece by piece, with the string of confessions against his neck. Look straight ahead and try desperately not to feel, his hands gripping the counter so hard that it hurts. "Well," Jared said softly, his voice sounds as if she had been dragged over gravel. This is up to you, Jensen. I want everything you're willing to give me, but I will not try to force you to make this work. Because, well, damn it has worked well with our current situation,right? He says wearily, and his hands release it.

"The filming starts again on Monday, and Andrew said you better plant your ass there. "There's a brief silence, a hesitation, and Jensen Jared wants to hand over his shoulder, a consolation, whatever. But Jared does not touch him. I know where the door.

Jensen Jared has the steps to the front door, hear the door lock open and close smoothly. Slowly, her fingers off the edge of the counter, turns, and slides to the floor dirty. Raise your legs, arms resting on his knees and try to reassemble the pieces of himself.


was a Thursday morning, sunny and bright, and Jared camehis trailer without knocking, with a happy smile on his face. Slipped two fingers into the waistband of Jensen and pushed him towards you, making your thighs and hips come into contact. He spoke of the episode they were filming, that her mother wanted to see Jensen, and what he thought of going on holiday to Europe during the hiatus ("Southern France, perhaps?).

Jensen looked up at Jared's face.

"I can not keep doing this," said Jay. Jared

stopped talking and frowned. Then he shook his head, put a warm hand on Jensen's back and smiled sideways.

"You bastard, Jen. I do not know why I love you so much.

"I mean," growled Jensen, fondegunto if

want to leave ... As if you wanted all that crap from the press and the mountains of insults and that the series pay everything. He turned then and looked at Jared, whose face was paler than he had ever seen and whose mouth was closed in a line and angled downward. This is not a fucking fairy tale, Jared said, trying to be scathing. You and I will never get married and adopt a kid and have five fucking dogs on a ranch in the middle of Texas. At some point the way, things will change, and would prefer that my career did not look ruined by this thing we ... Not when you could end up in a couple of months. did not want to be so angry, so closed, but I thought that if there isbath to calm down long enough to know better would begin to mourn for all that. And then Jared would begin to beg for forgiveness ... I met him again to accept.

"Could Jared said softly, as if that word were the fucking holy grail.
Jensen. It could also take years. Jensen

inhaled sharply. Then he turned and left the trailer without another word.

The next two weeks were the worst of his life. This morning seemed to have shrunk to Jared, somehow, and wandered blindly around the set as if there might care. Dean and Sam try to work together on the screen had been fucking impossible, and whenever he saw Jensen-alwayspre catching the eye of Jared in his direction, the tight ball of pain in his gut tightened a bit more and had to look away. I could not be lying in bed thinking about Jared, could not sleep without dreaming of it, and after telling him he was the son of a whore asshole I knew, Chris sat him on a chair and, in what must have been the most embarrassing conversation history, "he said, basically, to follow his heart.

arrived on Saturday morning, and Jensen woke up feeling more clear than it had felt in days. He hummed as he pulled on jeans, ate three toasts, and was leaving home to go see Jared when the phone rang. Kripke was

amto saying nosequé a contract you signed. I wanted to report it too, I hear. And they had to call security at the end to avoid being departed teeth.

-Ah, "says Jensen, unable to find the words. Exactly

says Andrew. ~

[To be continued in the tenth and final chapter]