Friday, May 29, 2009

D2nt Picking Up Whites Happy birthday, princess of Maine

desperate fucking like animals at all times, everywhere. Fucked by necessity, by instinct, that whore addiction that corrodes and not let them think clearly if they are entangled in each other's bodies, mixed through the skin, blood and saliva. Fucked because I do not know eye contact and not end up eating their mouths, and images that haunt and torment when they leave the mind blank. Fuck, and no longer know how to live without having sex. [info] (It might have been different if he had returned a few months or few years ago, had been a few days later. May not yet have lost the abilitys. Pull his hair, throw on the floor and exit the motel room, running so fast that nobody can reach it and quench his thirst and his desire to head off a whole tribe of vampires. But it can, and when he tangled his hands between his shock of hair is only to guide you and bring you Masy tell when you are running, with a "Sammy" is not entirely sure to be whispering, yelling or crying.) not understand how Sam can not hear you when you cry in silence, if only cries leave me, leave me alone, Sammy , if the only thing heard in his mind as much as have a mouthful of his brothers and sistersor small, much as his body control and will move her lips to say turn around, Sammy not know, do not you, will not pants down, Sammy can not do it time, narrow what are you, Sammy .
can not.

(Apparently, Sam and does not understand when you look into his eyes. Not as often seen, before all that. I never needed words to communicate, in that other life as a joke or a look through s of the mirror could mean everything. Now he feels lost and just as when Alastair was laughing away and Dean wanted it did not, because even his pre